Laguna- huh? Okay....
Lol. okay.
Laguna- you call this busy? Who are you anyway?
Ohhhhh gawd. You are unfortunately correct.
Leon- what did you say? Sora- what DID he say? Is that a bad word? Leon- yes. Very bad.
Laguna- oh. Okay. Maybe it is a guy thing.
Because we are just the most fantastic ever. Freaking win, that's all we do!
Laguna- Zack, do you get it?
I bloody love you.
Laguna- (scratches head) man, I feel like I'm missing out on something obvious.
VVV I read that in Gus's voice. Epic win.
I know right?! Heehee, you go on and tell her that
Laguna- why is Lightning giggling like a teenage girl?
Ummm, YEAH! Were like the hiphopipotomus and the rhymenocerous equivalent of awesome.
I asked if I could borrow it once she finished, but she is apparently very greedy and wants me to buy my own.
Laguna- gosh, Lightning, you're stubborn. You kinda remind me of Squall.
Laguna- what does Tidus have to do with it? Is it him?
I don't know why, but I cracked up at that.
Dirge of Cerberus was actually mine, but I gave it to her was a shooting game and I suck at those. I died 6 times at the very first...
Laguna- do I get a hint? (To Zack) I don't think you should stop.