Laguna- I don't know anyone like that...
I also may be a future teacher, so watch it, Missy.
Laguna- hi! I'm Laguna! Squalls father. You know him? Is he still with Rinoa?
Laguna- I dunno. I mean, last I knew, there was Rinoa, but I haven't talked to Squall in a while, and I suppose anything can happen.... but I dunno.
True. But you have to compare that stuff to TV so you feel better.
Laguna- OH. *nice going, you probably offended her* uhmmm.... that's unfortunate...
Not ALL teachers suck. Ms. Scott is the most awesome. And school can be okay sometimes.
My sister can do it later anyway
Laguna- Squ- Squ- do I know any? Oh hey! (Jokingly) you don't have a crush on Squall do ya?
I wonder if its something you can look up.
You know what the worst thing is? Having your favorite teacher say you're better than he actually thinks you are. :'( Well. Ok. I'm not being...
Well THATS annoying. I forget where stuff is in video games all the time. Its quite irritating.
Leon- gee, Cloud. What ever happened to your buddy Zack?
Laguna- I get lost everywhere.
I don't even know why Grove put me in Concert Choir. He keeps telling me I'm a phenomenal singer, but then I didn't make 4th Ave OR chamber choir....
Maybe. And of course, photo just HAD to be 3rd tri... I'll probably have 3rd lunch cuz of choir
Laguna- oh. Cool.
We should make some new mutual friends this year or something.
Laguna- I think its just a guy thing. Like Squall, only I'm actually still alive- *yeah, I should've raised him, probably...* (to Zack) why are you friends with someone who stole your wallet?
You get invited to do stuff more often though. I usually have to MAKE plans, and then they cancel or something and I hate that so I don't try so...