28471 damn this is long
srry this was today: I couldnt understand the language in Japan so i went back home and wrote this. Anyone think i should create one?
if youre in case wondering who i am, im the user THEULTIMATEDESTROYER. the reason i deleted it is because something happened to it. onward to the update!!!! I was in the TGS (Tokyo Game Show) and managed to have an interview with Tetsuya Nomuraheres a brief summary: (note, i had a interpreter with me so i would understand more easily) I asked him about how the 3 game's (BBS, 358/2, Coded) story lines have to do with the talked about 3rd installment or final Kingdom Hearts 3. He said that each story line is based on the what happened like for example BBS talks about what happened before Kingdom Hearts 1, 358/2 is what happened during Sora's sleep, and Coded is about what happened after Kingdom Hearts 2. Sort of like side stories related to chain of memories, but in a different way. He also talked about on how the 3rd major installment is of course not Kingdom Hearts 3, but he said it's sure going to be on the PS3. i asked about 358/23 and asked why the images i saw looked kinda 8-bit sort of. IS the Game Gonna be like that? well, he said that it was hard work because this is just the second time they've used Kingdom Hearts on another platform, but he said that the graphics and game play is going to be phenomenal but for the grapihcs, hes going to work on soon as possible. ok that's it for now and don't forget to check back in our everyday announcements. check back tommarow for news and updates. oh yeah, who thinks i should create a story? its a yes or no. i dont really care. k cioa for now!!!! (srry for the signature spam) :D first read my post on the ULTIMATEDESTROYER introduced post
A Reminder dudes im THEULTIMATEDESTROYER. i had change accounts because for some reason i was hacked. damn you hackers!!!!!!! check to see made for my massive popular club of Kingdom Hearts!!!!