my crapberry had broke recently and i dont know what kind of phone to get next [if you pick droid list the maker and model] one with a great processor a lot of memory a huge app collection and offers a lots of cool features like video chat
today i had to say **** you to an ass hole fml.
:cold:today the rope broke on me fml.
coffee is nice but i have mountain dew voltage its different on the mountain
list your best fml moment rules 1)no names 2)always start with today, 3)always end with fml today my mom maxed out my cerdit card i didnt know i had a cerdit card fml.
i hope you know that cant beat me with my awesome air bending skill time and place
:lolface: your a dumbass
what is megatron exactly have to do with this
how just a fight to paint-ball style just so i dont have to learn how to control fire (and burn myself in the process)
i thought this was worth sharing
i hated how the was directed anyway... you really want to fight a girl that can shoot lighting really!?
what a Agni Kai?
google the hunger games
the same kind of animal that rather read a book than fight his own battle
should children fight to the death for any reason and should parent lose their children for allowing them to do so [cough][cough]
you want our children to fight to the death...ok! just wait a couples years on the first time i will knock her up for this
there was a 6 month period during the school where it was not funded the school tried to get two different teachers to run the band program...
Man i wish we have programs like that here, we dont even have a real band at my school ( 7 students only 2 instruments supplied by the school)...
man im too lazy to pay someone to tell me what to :.-.: only time that i used garage band:mellow: its not hard to teach yourself how to play...
thats right im challenging you to a duel pick your game and i bet you that i will win