Thanks, my bad, I RP so much, I forgot that, thanks
Hey guys, I've been planning of making an RP of LoZ (I'm am very good at playing RPs and making some) so, this is a fan made LoZ RP, you may be a real LoZ character or make up your own. But also once I've post the actual RP,please make your post at least 6 or more sentences,thanks. But here's some info about the game: Intro:It hasn't been long after Dark Lord Ganondorf was sent to the Sacred Realm, Princess Zelda of Hyrule, went to find Link, who had saved her and the whole Land of Hyrule from destruction from Ganon, she had found Link,but never returned to Hyrule Castle with him. Its up to two Heroes and two Heroines, to find them. But on their way to find them many be dangerous, or maybe even deadly. I'll be having two Heroes (boys) and two Heroines (Girls). And I'll have four helpers for the villains and two villains, and eight villagers. This will be settle in Ocarina of Time and a little of Majora's Mask(so you will go to both Hyrule and Termina) Roles: Hero 1:Xoram Heroine 1:Mizu Hero 2: Heroine 2: Villain 1: Villain 2: Helper 1: Helper 2: Helper 3: Helper 4: Guys if you sign up for helper, I will assign you to the person who signed up to be villains, EACH WILL HAVE TWO HELPERS, so I will PM you. Nayru: Din: Farore: Skull Kid: Saria: Malon: Rauru: Nabooru: Impa: Ruto: Darunia: Sign up form: (don't fill out if you want to be a real LoZ character) Name: Age: Race: Personality(effort please): Appearance(put a lot of effort so I can approve you): Power(s): weapon(s)(put effort in too) Starting Point: I will reject sign ups if they don't follow the rules of the sign up or how you RP sometimes. This will be in Third person, so do this when RPing: Mizu walks around Hyrule, and sees Link "Hello Link.". And please capitalize your sign up and RP post thanks~ enjoy~ and here's mine Name: Mizu Age:19 Race:Hylian Role:Heroine Personality:Nice,stubborn, powerful, and artistic. Appearance: a dark blue clock, with the Hylian Crest on it, and a Light blue short dress(like Miku's) with a light blue strips on the wrist. Blonde hair, with Red and Blue Strips and blue and red eyes Power(s): Fire,Ice,light,dark weapon(s)(put effort in too): a Dark Red glowing sword with a rare metal for the handle and the main part of the sword. And two staffs Blue and Red with golden lines along it. Starting point(Hyrule or Termina):Hyrule
Thanks for the FR~ But how are you doing ^_^
Avy:9/10 cute~ Siggy:100/10 I lol'd
Well, I'm guessing you will have a good time Axel....since you found me on ZD (I never should have use my title as a username....but I am a Nerdy Ninja)
kay...I'm still on but I'm eating now
*grabs her noodles* yummeh
Lightsaber action lol[IMG] bad :ff10sora:
I have to SS and KH because SS is coming out soon and KH is like a year or so
cool~[IMG] was weird when i was watching it
I dunno.....I still use to using ZD :rolleyes:
Hey I mean Axel1004.....welcome to KHvids(wow)
Oh god finally a ZD member found me, but how the hell did you find me????? and plus we can't use :right: or :rolleyes:(never mind I liek that)
maybe, I we are still trying to figure that out still
Me too, we announced about the box art and it was confirmed that Ganon might be in SS as well, and not just Ghirahim
Well, if you have the chance go on ZD, its a friendly forum and a nice site(plus it gives out a lot of info of Skyward sword and stuff ^_^)
So, which on have you been on, Zelda Dungeon, thats the one I am on