I wants to get married!!...I think...I dunno...but anyways, umm, how to put this lightly......anyone out there??lol..
Let's see, have fun, post lots, Obey the rules and respect others aswell as urself, comeon people, have fun ^^
Sup Xehsin dude, u ok man, u don't sounds like urself.... Just realized..I am staff,...umm, yea, welcome back dude, U don't have to respond ;)
Oh I wanna get married...I have absoltely no clue to who but meh, we'll see soon enough, yea....So any person out there??
I'm going with cloud...yea... Anyways hello, read the rules, have fun, posts lots and respect, remember that word...respect..yea...seeya round ^^
It really struck me..I mean later on I was like,....Sora...u don't remember their faces from the wall??and that couldn't have been a coincidence....I mean really...Sora is....yea...
hey hey, how's it going?Remember to read the rules and yea, that stuff, whatever, anyways post and have fun
It is totally worth it though my firned who is like a fanatic about the PS3 says to get the $500 one and upgrade it, sounds simple but I dunno, I'm going with Wii first, wii all the way, I'll probably get PS3 when it's cheaper, wonder when that'll be...
Saix simply ignored the others seeing as he was rather shy, he shifted as if he was going to makle a move or studdered but instead walked to his room, stating as he left,"call me if u want me..."
Cya bro, have fun whatever your goals are in life dude, guess this is goodbye, cya dude keepin it real
*Staring blankly at movements*I'm lost...came late ^^, umm fill me in...
....damn dude, that was...sad...and so....wow, he barely could touch the ground lol, he kept getting shot back up...lol, valiant effort though
Niiiiiiiice, meh about the game though, sounds weird, play with cards...comeon....can u at least move or are u stationary...??
Hmm, I picked Vincent but Cloud is cool too....not sure now, just that Cloud has a huge sword!!and a nice bike, man I wish I had that..
Have fun Riku, umm, enjoy ur stay, u know the rest, and post lots
Screenname: 1winged_angel Org Member: Saix Age: 28 Hobbies: Eat, sleep, hang around, often solitary Why you want to join: Sounds fun, I wonder how it'll be when it starts
Sup bro, have fun dude, post lots, and yea, whatever seeya 'round
I got fledgling phoenix from a person I know, it symbolizes quick and steadfast victory and a rushed approach, I was also stuck between sleeping dragon cause it sounds cool, that one means a steady win and well thought out.I amy switch between the two from time to time
Great,....nough said....great storyline, and chars were well made, I was stuck on where to get the ultima wep...but I eventually got it, was kinda hard though...the fighting is the same, u attack, I attack, but meh, really good storyline, I believe that's what motivated people to get it
Makes me want it more, but I can wait...I think....I may or may not import it...hmm....wonder what else they'll add in this time