Ohh....wow, not funny, kinda creepy....really creepy...yea....anyways anyone.....comeon....anyone at all?
nm, have fun, post lots and obey the rules, have fun around here
Freaky, sorry for ya and others that knew him close wow, sudden.
Yea, this really isn't necessary...give out a better warning in the title, alot of people could be offended by this kinda pictures, change the title or something so it warns people.And these pics are "ok" I use that pretty loosely in this case, nothing beyond kissing though, I'm being kinda tolerant on your part, but no XXX material or u'll be warned or even banned
Nice, make more, those were funny
Have fun, post lots and obey the rules, seeya around
Umm, nope, not really, I don't see the need, but hey, you all got ur reasons, never slept with a stuffed animal of any kind...yea...wow, I sound so boring...
Meh, I find funnier ones all the time, matter of fact, I think I'll cahnge my avie right now LOL
lol, it would be so funny if sora knew cin was a guy, or would it be??Now I'm unsure, ....but anyways I'm still waiting for Rouge :3 <3
Sup, have fun, contribute somehow, post lots and respect everyone, hope to see ya around
Wow, I'm not sure, I'm going with they have to have some kinda of underwear or something...I dunno and I don't really care to know, but meh, maybe umm, normal clothes?lol
LOL hahahahahahahaha, oh man, it'll be even funnier if Cin says yes...lol Err, yea, if Rouge says yes ^^, I'll be waiting
Ur fast dude, really fast....wow, well grats on the big 1000, keep posting within reason tho ^^
I'll marry you ^^ want to?
That about sums it up for ya, u need a finishing combo to beat a boss and mickey has no such maneuver so...there, that seems simple enough
Well getting spanked really teaches you to do right, not like those other punishments, it may seem barbaric or something to other adults or kids or somethin but I'm going with it's effective
How did u find that???wow, wow, well I hope that clears that up for those who are skeptical but hey, he chose to do it, his free will, so don't complain anymore guys, thanks, once again...wow
Wow, there's not much of a point to this..then again it is spam so whatever, but since people including the topic creator wants it closed, then closed it will be, I'm going with the crowd and saying u can't amount to what he accomplished ~CLOSED~
Cya dude, have fun with whatever you're tryin to accomplish, cya around..or not w/e
Sup, have fun, obey the rules, post often and have fun,seeya 'round