Whoa I remember him, waaaay back, he was good with vids if I remember correctly, we're finding him now?O.o;; xD u have his MSN?? lol
Err generally u register in the CP first..hmm wow..err wait till Arc comes on?
I get an error message when trying to register Dx, otherwise I'd play.(playing for quite some time too /gg)
I like eggs, muhahahahah, yea that's it xDDD
Now dat's wat I'm talkin bout
There's actually a topic all about it right here : http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=427 So post there or read it or whatever, I'm sure it's a mistake, anyways ~LOCKED~
From what I see, alot of guys want it :D yea...xD That's mainly it tho, purpose was to warn u guys
He's just warning us all of the hazards that come into posting personal information, the risks and such, it's understandable, but I think, or hopefully think that the members have put this into consideration already.
Couldn't have said it better myself, all the positions that are here now needed to be here, which is why they are, we took alot of thought into this idea of "forum helpers" a while before KHVids version 1 moved here, and decided to implement it for the forum's good, I see no reason as why they aren't needed, nor do I see why others don't want to have them, more staff there is, the more time span is covered with a staff member on the site (I'm not on often anymore ): but I'll get on more progressively).Anyways, my opinion is that the helpers on this site, every position here, is vital to the progression of KHV and the interactions that all of u enjoy as KHVids
Yay 3000 people, site is growing nicely, wonder how long it'll take to 4000? Awell, enjoy it while it lasts
Wow...lots of spam here.....try and keep it to what it's supposed to be about, yea... Hi, have fun, follow the rules, all that stuff, and cya around;)
n00b here, so what can I do to be not a nub?:p
Hello hello, I think I remember you...not sure though, anyways welcome, have fun, post lots, and obey the rules, cya around
Really...th word minimum thing..anyways since this topic is already been answered and well the creator has somewhat decided that it shud be locked, it will be ~LOCKED~
Yea I understand, I mean I get why they would cut themself but it really doesn't help...at all....it would be wiser to just get it out in the open and release ur feelings instead of that, tell a person u trust or cry alone...umm..I dunno..thing is don't keep it bottled inside u enough that ur feelings make u want to cut urself to relieve that mental strain
Yea anyways u heard what they said, the vid isn't bad, nice scenes and music, axel I guess kinda sounds like Sean Paul...anyways MOVED~
Yea this sould go to spam, no real sense in it, and uhh..I'm a straight A student...yay me? Sorry for you feelin sick tho
Yea I got nothing...erm...the priest in the chapel?
Yea I know I'm extremely late but try not to double post ;D and I'm going with I don't know, mainly cause either one could potentially happen
Nice DS, I hope this increases KHV's popularity, can't wait to see what the public has to offer