Yeah, but to be fair, Final Form isn't THAT difficult to get. Leveling each form to level 7 is great though, as regular sora gets very useful growth skills. Without High Jump lvl 3 and Areial Dodge lvl 3 I never would have beaten Sephiroth.
I beat Sephiroth before reading them posts, but thanks all the same. I now have a new problem. How do I score 1000 or more points in Phil's Training? Thanks in advance again. :D
Thanks, I have Lvl 3 Quick Run and Arial Dodge, and Level 2 on the other abilities. Just got Sephiroth to 6 Life Bars left then he used that attack and I couldn't get to him on time. If only you could use curaga right after that attack.
I can do the skateboard one (letter delievery) and the combo on the ball one, but all the others I'm having trouble with, any tips? Also, I'm having trouble with Sephiroth, everytime he uses his 1HP & 0MP attack, I can't recover from it in time, any tips on how to counter that attack? Thanks in advance to all help!
The one I like to cal "Leon" (as I call "Leon" "Squall") i.e. the one who goes evil.
I've seen loads of these types of topics lately, just replace the "KH" with "Zelda" "Runescape" or "Final Fantasy" Anyway, these topics always seem to be popular so: When you build a raft and try and sail down you local trying to escape your town, with only 3 mushrooms and some water for food and drink.
Heh, most people who want to become nobodies forgot that 99% of nobodies are dusks. I would prefer to be human, as I would like to feel every happy feeling I have.
What is the name of the music that plays during the clip where Sora battles Roxas in KHII (NOT FM). More importantly, will it be on here: Also, what is the name of the KHII Secret ending's music, and will it be on one of the same 9 CDs with that package?
Try carcrazydogboyx's suggestions, but also try using Master form on each world you can use forms, it might help. You can't pick up any items while in AntiForm. While this tip is widely known, I thought I might as well post it, while leveling master, try going to the room outside the Emporor's in Land of the Dragons. There should be a few enemies out there that drop drive orbs, with Jackpot equipped on all your charcters and weapons, you should level up in no time.
Damn, that totally sucks :(
I feel so welcome :) Thanks to everyone so far.
Well I've been browsing KH vids for a long time now, but only a few days ago did I decide to join. I have created my own game (see signature). As I guess you guys can see, I'm a Zelda and KH fan. As well as a Final Fantasy fan (don't like Dragon Quest though-so I'm not a total Sqaure-Enix fan) :p I've got loads of exams coming up soon, so I probably won't be on much until July, and with me being a Moderator of another forum and an Administrator of another, I probably won't be on much then. I recently began learning Flash as well, but that's another story... I'm used to PHPBB forum software more than whatever this forum runs on, so if I seem to post stupid things, it's probably due to me not being expirenced.
He is one of the guys that got owned by the bald bloke in the FM secret ending right? We have no chance at all against the bald one then :(
This is GREAT news. I'll pre-order FM+ as soon as an European version is announced, IF one is that is.
I really want it, but I'm not modifing my PS2 so no chance for me. Well unless it comes out in Europe which is unlikely after KH:FM
Level 41, with Oblivion. Now level 73, trying to get all the materials for the ultima weapon.
I can't download the video :( The sound in this makes it even better I now NEED this game! Does anyone know if they are they going to release a seperate OST for KHII:FM (or even FM+) with this music on?
Very intresting news. It's annoying they aren't releasing this outside of Japan :(
In Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts from what I remember is the Door to Darkness. In Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts is a Moon shaped like a heart. Does this mean Xehanort's Heartless's and Xemnas's research pointed to different Kingdom Hearts? On a completely unrelated note in Kingdom Hearts I think it's Leon who says that heartless desperately search for a heart, yet in Kingdom Hearts II, it says that nobodies are the ones who do that...
I really want KHII:Final Mix+ to come out in Eruope, but it just won't happen, it didn't happen with Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, and I see no reason why it will change with this game. At least kh-vids will have all the new cutscenes!