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  1. khmage1918
    What would Ed do if he met Sora? How would Sora defend himself if he called Edward short? These questions haunt me....
    1. PG-13 please
    3. 3 peoples are the limit

    KH Poeples:
    Sora: GateKeeper
    Roxas: sora is cute
    Kairi: Nymph of Destiny
    Namine: sora is cute
    Riku: GateKeeper

    Orgy XIII Peoples:
    Demyx: hitna3510
    Larxene: Nymph of Destiny

    FMA Peoples:
    Edward Elric: Paladin12345678
    Alphonse Elric:
    Roy Mustang:
    Whinery: hitna3510

    OOC Peoples Example:
    Race: (nobody, alchemist, combo, half-demon, ect.) if Nobody, say elements
    OOC Peoples:
    Nobody with control of water and snow
    Blond girl with brown eyes, and a light blue version of Namine's outfit.
    She doesn't know much about her past but... she'll stand up for her friends anytime. Though she doesn't know her somebody, she'll find her someday.
    Name: Vincent
    Age: 16
    Race: normal human
    Apperence: 6"2, dark hair across his face, uses a flambredge sword with a black stone in the hilt
    Bio: he cant remember his past and now all he can think about is the downfall of others, he has recently been remembering more and more about himself
    Name: sharix
    Age: 15
    Race: human
    Apperence: [in red]
    Bio: her parents died a few months after her birth, then her brother raised her. Bt he too died when she was 5 now she lives alone. Surviving the world using her 2 swords and powers of darkness.
    Name: Reuka
    Age: 16
    Race: combo of half-demon, alchemist
    Apperence: *look ata post #11*
    Bio: learn later btw she is blind but sees differenly(not at first though explian later)
    Thread by: khmage1918, Nov 2, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. khmage1918
    Fantasia? Or Fantasia 2000? I personally like Fantasia. It reminds me of my grandmother.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Oct 24, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  3. khmage1918
    Since winter's coming soon, I've decided to ask a question for winter.
    When the snow melts, what does it become?
    Thread by: khmage1918, Oct 23, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. khmage1918
    I thought, ' Nobody had this idea so why not?' and I was really bored. Its pretty much KH and homeade characters. If you have a character you want to reserve for a friend or yourself, pm me. Here is the form for homeade characters. Up to 2 chracters per person! A days and B days are ago.
    Race: (nobody, person, ect.)
    SS, Math
    P.E. or World Language
    Activity period
    specials(computors, music, communication)
    SS, L.A., Honor Math
    --Usage for OrgyXIII--
    Teacher's class-(Music, Gym, ect.)
    KH Characters-
    Sora- --RESERVED FOR AnimeGirl104--
    Riku- Luna561
    sora is cute
    Orgy XIII Teachers-
    --Homeade Characters--
    Has an OrgyXIII coat on. Has brown eyes and black-brown hair.
    She has a crush on Roxas.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Oct 18, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. khmage1918
    Just bored... So ummm.... yeah. I thought of this becuase I remeber that there was something I started that me and AnimeGirl104 started and I felt like I had to do this. So um... If anyone watches the Kids Choice Awards, they would know what I'm talking about.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Sep 26, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. khmage1918
    Tell me your fave Orgy. XIII member and why. My fave is Roxas cause
    1. smexy ;]
    2. Keybaldes :woohoo:
    3. Nobody of Sora :ff10sora:
    Thread by: khmage1918, Sep 26, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. khmage1918
    This game is simple, you take your favorite part from KH1, KH:CoM, or KH2 and rearrange it in the way you desire. But, of course, there are rules.
    1. Keep it PG - PG-13, k?
    2. It doesn't matter if you have a same fave part as someone else, it's a small world after all.
    HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thread by: khmage1918, Sep 22, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. khmage1918
    I know that there's already a thread like this, but since it's dead, I thought that I'll do a redo...
    1. No goddmodding
    2. Keep it PG
    3. Only 1 or 2 characters
    4. Have FUN!!!

    KH characters:
    Roxas- sora is cute
    Kairi- lanihead7
    Riku- ShadowofRiku
    Namine- #1 DynastyX

    Orgy XIII:
    Xemnas- Chaser 007
    Larxene- Nymph of Destiny
    Marluxia- SigSig
    Demyx- hidden_light
    Axel- GateKeeper
    Zexion- Chaser 007

    Mickey- The_King

    Avatar characters:
    Aang- hitna3510
    Toph- Twilight_Wish
    Zuko- ShadowofRiku
    Uncle Iroh-

    Make your own Character:
    Bender type:
    Girl with dark brown eyes, black-brown hair, light colored skin, wears a ponytail, and wears a white tank top and an white skirt.
    And If I'm missing any, pm me. And pm me if you wanna join, or type it here. Whatever you think is better.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Sep 21, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. khmage1918


    I got the first volume of the Kingdom Hearts 2 manga!!! I just feel like gloating. :D
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 27, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. khmage1918
    If any of you don't know what .hack is, it's pretty much about a boy and his sister win limited edition lendary characters for this rp called " The World". The boy, Shugo, playing as TwinBlade Kite. And his sister Rena, playing as HeavyBlade Black Rose. Shugo dies from a level 40 apearring in a newbie area. And this girl, Aura, gives him the Twilight Braclet, which uses Data Drain, and can also lead to... disaster. We'll start with the first appearence of Shugo and Rena. MAKE YOUR OWN CHARACTER ALLOWED!!! The different classes are
    1. TwinBlade
    2. HeavyBlade
    3. WaveMasters(magic)
    4. AxeBlades
    5. Werewolves
    6. Fighters
    7. BladeMaster
    8. LongArm
    .hack// Characters:
    Shugo- swordser2
    Rena- hitna3510
    Merielle- sora is cute
    Komiyama(Komiyan the third)-

    Make your own Characters:
    Kai- sora is cute
    Brown eyes, barely white skin, brown hair, dressed in a gown of turqoiuse blue and carries a staff, a rare item.

    sam- swordser2
    looks like rena bu in silver and red haire black tips and these blades darkblade and lightblade and but no pants on ehr leds but ancle blockers ancles to thies silver with wind marks

    Name Sojiro
    Class TwinBlade
    apperence Short black hair, Blue and red armor, cape
    gender Male

    Name: kira
    Class: heavy sword
    apperence: long blue hair assian blue + black short dress w/cut on side
    gender : female

    Name-rikka- SORA!
    apperence-short brown hair styed like kairi`s and brown eyes.wears a pink dress with a black kairi`s
    age- 15

    Name-roxco- SORA!
    apperence-brown hairi like soras.brown eyes.wear black/blue outfit like sorà rikka`s twin brother

    EDIT: Aura is an ill omen, which leads to Twilight, a hazordous affect of the game, which has been fixed... or not, if you die, then you, in the real world, go unconcious. Shugo and Rena seem to be the only ones to uncover the Final mystery of "The World", with the help of the Twilight Braclet. And you're only allowed up to two characters.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 22, 2007, 228 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. khmage1918
    I got this idea off of something I saw off of Deviantart. Who would win? Ed, Demyx, Luxord, General Roy Mustang, Marluxia, or Harry Potter?
    i can't deciede between Sora and Edward......*thinks about each other*
    Cuteness- Sora
    Fighting- Edward Elric... hands down.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 20, 2007, 59 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. khmage1918
    If Sora came into Harry Potter's world, which house would he be in?
    P.S. For the people that DO care, I'm having a great time in CA...
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 16, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. khmage1918
    In KH: CoM, Sora forgets everything! What was the point? In my opinion, the game was pointless. Who agrees? Tell me why and why not.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 13, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. khmage1918
    I'm leaving for CA July 14th. It'll only be for two weeks. I'll be checking in everytime I get the chance. But most of you, I bet, will be seeing this the day I've already left. I hope you guys'll be good! :D
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 13, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  15. khmage1918
    How do you cure home-sickness when you're away from home?
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 8, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. khmage1918


    I'm just bored so I thought, since I'm a pokemon fan, So make a trainer card like the one in my sig. Just make your own character stuff.
    1. NO LEGENDARIES!!! .... Unless you have proof of catching it.(my cousin caght a Raquaza, Kygore, and Groudon!^-^)
    1. No cursing, swearing or any sexual actions.
    Age(has to atleast be 10):
    Brown eyes, Brown-black hair, slightly tan skin, wears a light blue t-shirt that has a picture of a Vaporeon, blue shorts, sneakers, a blue backpack, and wears glasses.
    She's a fan of Eevee evolutions.
    Name: Andrew
    Age: 10
    Pokemon: Vulpix, Vileplume, Eevee, Piplup, and egg.
    Apearence: Blue eyes, light brown hair, peach skin, blue jeans, black sneakers, gray sweatshirt, and Las Vegas shirt.
    appearance:black spiky hair with long bangs and deep blue eyes, black unzipped jacket with a gray tee shirt under it, black pants and black and silver sneakers and a dark blue and silver backpack
    other: he wears black and silver gloves
    Name: Zack
    Age: 16
    other: On his first day as a trainer, he saw Arceus. He made it in the top 4 of the Johto league last year.
    Appearance-brunette hair,turqoise eyes.a blue cap with a picture of a Raichu on it,a bright Orange Tank top,Olive shorts,and Orange tennis shoes.
    Other:Carries a leather a trainer and coordinator.she started her Pokemon Journey in Pallet town and is now touring Hoen after beating the Elite 4.
    Pokemon:Umbreon,Starapter,Raichu,Evee,Gaurdevior,M arill
    Other:Crimson hair,Hazel eyes.Wears a Red T-shirt,black shorts,and silver tennis shoes.She carries a Black backpack.
    Name: Nehi
    Age: 15
    other: His family were pokemon breeders. They loved and cared for pokemon all alike. Nehi was to young to have a pokemon of his own. So instead, he just helped out his parents at the daycare. He would play with them outside, eat with them, and take naps with them. It was like having your own pokemon; in a way.
    Their family pokemon, Dragonite, was there to lend a hand. Dragonite would protect Nehi when it felt he was in danger. Then, Nehi turned 10. The greatest day of his life. His parents gave him an egg as a gift. He was thrilled. 2 weeks later, it hatched into a baby Dratini. From there, they started their adventures.
    5 years later, he finds himself building stronger bonds with his pokemon.
    Name: Brian
    Age: 19
    apperance: Blaze: Lvl. 78, Trapper: Lvl. 55, Shango: Lvl. 67, Garah: Lvl. 50, Bayleef: Lvl. 66 (No evolution for him, he just won't evolve.), and Zango: Lvl. 40.
    other: On his way to get his final and last badge in Sinnoh was much more than he found, it was the only thing he had with his friend, Bayleef, as he did originally come from Johto. But now the part about him and the travel to get the 8th badge was when he found an injured Zangooze, Zango' for short, and now after tending it for quite a while he finally won his eighth badge. Also, he came in second of the top four.
    apperance:Like ash but with blonde hair!
    other: He has 3 pokemon-chimchar,aipom, and eevee.
    Gender: Male
    a regular kid with an Umbreon, Espeon, Misdreveaus(sorry if I spelled that wrong), Blaziken, NidoKing, and a Pikachu.
    other:He's a Legendary Pokemon capturer who, trains his Pokemons from little.
    His first pokemon was Charmeleon
    Name- Rayce
    Bio-very friendly
    appearance-looks like the pokemon diamond male
    Name: Anna
    Age(has to atleast be 10): 13
    apperance: my Avatar
    other: loves her pokemon and they r her best friend
    Name: Fioh (Fee-oh)
    Age(has to atleast be 10): 14
    other: She started her pokemon journey about half a year ago, and she started with an Absol that her family gave her. Her team now includes a level 38 Absol, a level 31 Totodile, and a level 27 Luxio.
    Age(has to atleast be 10):11
    Name: Kyo
    pokemon: Absol, Salamance,Leafeon, Mightyyena, Aggron, Gallade
    Familie: Zephyrs brother
    Appearence: siggy of Final Form
    Age:14,same as Rayce
    Pokemon: Umbreon and other dark and ghost types,you'll see em later XD
    Personality: As Dark as her Dark type pokemon,she rarely speak's to anyone but Rayce,since they have a past...but if she becomes your friend she is as reliable as any pokemon
    Name: Cayde
    Bio:Rayce's younger brother
    Pokemon:Raichu and Pidgeotto,the rest you'll see later XD
    Personality: a kind pokemon trainer who will befriend anyone,very brave and loyal
    Name: rexejon
    Age: 16
    apperance: black clothes black spikey hair and red eyes
    pokemon: lucario, typlosion, pidgeot, aerodactyl, gengar, armaldo
    other: he got a necklace and on that necklace hangs a pokemon and nobody knows wich pokemon sit in that pokeball
    Name: Rerix
    Age: 15
    Appearence: Brown spikey hair, medium tall, light skinned, wears black gloves, gray t-shirt with red zip-up hoody which is usually unzipped, blue jeans with Black shoes, brown eyes.
    Pokemon: Poliwrath, Blaziken, Electrivere, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Cacturne
    Other: Always likes to balance out his teams moves. Has all but the last 2 badges and has competed in every pokemon league challenge but has never gotten past the final 4. Started by catching a Poliwhirl.
    Name: Oll
    Age: 13
    apperance: Long brownyblonde hair to shoulders, Worn jeans, Black top with white sleeves
    Pokemon: Salamence, Aggron and Charzaird
    Other: Has completed all gyms in kanto johto hoene (sp?) and sinnoh is now going to compete in sinnoh elite 4
    Name: Eli
    Age: 13
    Appearance: Short dark brown hair, knee-length khaki-colored pants with pockets, leather boots, red vest, and pink shirt.
    In team - Milotic (Female), Chimecho (Male), Mareep (Male), Flygon (Male), Cherrim (Female), Growlithe (Male)
    In box - Eevee (Male), Misdreavus (Female), Happiny (Female), Lopunny (Female)
    other: Very accomplished coordinator. Won the Johto Grand Festival.
    Name: Rosetta Mattina Stella
    Age: 14
    Other: Her parents died when she was young, she lived in the Sinnoh region till she traveled to Hoenn. She is a skilled Coordinator and trainer, She has some ribbons and gym badges.
    Lucario<Male> Moves: Iron Tail, Dark Pulse, Metal claw, Aura Sphere
    Jolteon<Female> Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Iron Tail, Thunder Fang
    Blaziken<Female> Moves: Mirror Move<Learned in Hoenn>, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Sky Uppercut
    Vaporeon<Female> Moves: Aurora Beam, Water Pulse, Iron Tail, Bite
    Flareon:<Female> Moves: Iron Tail, Flame Thrower, Fire Fang, Shadow Ball
    Name: Arlene
    Pokemon: Leafeon,Lucario,Meganium,Togekiss,Buezel
    Age: 16
    Just started becoming aa pokemon trainer, and first pokemon is Happiny.
    Appearance: Tall and slightly skinny, brown hair and brown eyes and wears a blue jacket over his red T'Shirt
    and brown jeans.

    Name: Kizon
    Age(has to atleast be 10): 18
    apperance: Blue jeans dark shirt brown hair green eyes
    other: wants to kill all rokets
    Played by: Xert
    Name- Angel
    Pokemon-celibi lugia
    Bio-very friendly
    Played By: Kairi Namine
    Name: Azure
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Blue eyes, long blonde hair, she is short, wears a thin black jacket over her maroon t-shirt. Wears jeans.





    Age(has to atleast be 10):12
    apperance:she wears a black shirt with a swirly symbol on it,Blue jeans,wears emo glasses like on gaia her eyes color red,her hair is short black covers her right eye and has a red outline colored in red.
    other:She has a apom-Troy,craogunk-carry,Buizel-Mary,Pikachu-Terry...Some others I'll mention later

    Name: Jeffrey
    Age(has to atleast be 10): 11
    apperance: Has blond hair, blue eyes, and light skin. Wears white t-shirt with a Togepi on it, dark blue shorts, silver shoes, a red backpack, and a blue laptop case.
    other: Both a trainer and a coordinater.
    Pokemon: Empoleon, Rotom, Kabutops, Pachirisu, Mime Jr., and Bellossom.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 8, 2007, 4,274 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. khmage1918
    I'm bored... My family's(Alter-ego Family) not online. Just do some random stuff and I'll join along. Sooo....
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 8, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. khmage1918
    If any of you have a way to transfer The World That Never Was Part 2 to Silvermorning, pleae do. Or... If any mods or administraters(sorry id I spelled that wrong) please update that cutscene for Silvermorning. There are fans who love to watch Silvermorning's parody of Kingdom Hearts. Anyone who is also a fan, help Silvermorning as much as you can.
    this is a way to watch her videos... but some jerks flagged her episodes as inopropriate. Pfft.... they're just funny!:yelling: Just please help Silvermorning please.:rockdoversad:
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jul 2, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. khmage1918
    In all world the worlds that reside, our tale starts out on a small island world. Yes, I know what your thinking
    " This is about Sora, right?"
    Well, no. We're about to expereince the world of Endwinga in The White Rider's eyes...
    Eden, a girl with master achery skills, lived in a town called Benanza. She was 11 years old, had brown-black hair, and slightly tan skin. Every day was a normal day, until this one, what so ever.
    She went to the beach to find shells, and brought her bow and a quiver full of arrows, for multiple reasons. She found many shells. When she found a shell that couldn't even fit her hand, it happened. A man in a black cloak appeared out of a portal.
    " Wh-who are you?" Eden stood up, reaching for her bow and an arrow.
    The man said nothing.
    I readyed my arrow, I was ready to strike.
    " C'mon, shoot. I can't die.", he said slyly.
    He took off his hood. He had flaming red hair, and emerald green eyes.
    " The name's Axel." Axel said.
    I'm gonna start the other chapter tommorrow. There really was more to this chapter... but it was taking up time:D...... Should I continue this? Does anyone like this story so far?
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jun 12, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. khmage1918
    I, sora is cute, with the help of AnimeGirl104 and iChristian, am making a family with us three in charge!
    Family Members:
    " The White Rider"- sora is cute- Leader
    Partner(s): Sonic The Hedgehog and Amy Rose and Dexen
    " The Mishcevious Rose"- AnimeGirl104(Val)- Leader
    Partner(s): Sora and Roxas
    " The Keeper of Gates"- GateKeeper
    " The Unkown Lightning"- naminestwinsister
    Partner(s): Larxene
    " The Mysteriuos Warrior"- demonslayer_kyle
    Partner(s): Yoda
    " Darkside"- oblivion9794
    Partner(s): Darkside
    " The Final Gardiuan"- iChristian-Leader
    Partner(s): Shadow the Hedgehog
    " The Water Clone"- Demyx_IX
    Partner(s): Demyx
    " The Silent Warrior"- VI schemer
    Partner(s): Marluxia
    "The Dragon Frost Master"- 8sidedelements
    " Bringer of Chaos"- ghettoxemnas
    Partner(s): Terra
    "Reincarnated Eric Cartman"- Luxord the Gambler
    Partners: Frosty and George W. Bush.
    " Anime Freak"- khcrazy101
    Partner(s): Inuyasha
    " Temari's Gaurdian"- Temari's boyfriend
    Partners: Temari
    "The Cuddly Poo"- Poopoocuddly
    "The Shadow Assaliant"- Xephos
    Partner: Exel
    " The Drifter"- Xert (Rank:Mage)
    Partner: Clank
    "Sebax, The Rotational Composer."- BamaSebastion
    "Terror of Death"- Haseo(2460???)
    Partners: Atoli and Kuhn
    Partner: Lucario
    "Ginta's girlfriend"- gintasthebest
    Partners: Ginta, Hikaru, Alvis
    "the lonely samurai"- Wolfsrain
    partners: kiba(from wolf's rain),kenshin himura,and for the randomness gir (from invader zim)
    "king of the pirates
    partners: captianjack sparrow and two never ending bottles of rum for me and jack
    "king of the pirates"- axel ftw
    partners: captianjack sparrow and two never ending bottles of rum for me and jack
    " Halloween's Sword"- Soraroxmysox!454
    ''Fighter Guardian''- Aerith G.
    Partners: Rikku and Vincent Valentine
    "The Raging Water" - Akua WaterDragonKing
    Partners: WaterDragon Army
    The Leaders Of The Alter-ego Family
    sora is cute

    Anyone can join!
    Note: Guests will be called nobodies and will be feared. Therefore, we will do something idiodic to get rid of them.
    July 4- Fireworks! YAY!
    July 16th- The Heart Moon
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jun 10, 2007, 15,972 replies, in forum: Forum Families