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  1. khmage1918
    I haven't gotton much... I'm up to a chorus, and a few lines after, I'm stuck. I need some help to finish it. Well, here is the unfinished copy...

    When you love me....
    You say you're an angel from heavens above
    What about me?
    I think you're the fire from Hell's below
    Can you see me?
    I'm dripping tears that temptation left behind

    ^ That's stayng the way that it is!^
    Where are my strings?
    You left them with Hell that you burned to the sky
    Where will you go?
    You've eaten temptation and now you fall
    Fall to the Earth where everything is wrong
    "Adam, where have you gone?"
    Cries the angel known as God
    "Eve, quiet your tears...
    Adam will soon be here!"
    The Angel's smile
    The Devil's lips
    Only parting for our first kiss
    You've eaten the stars and all that you see
    Is the Darkness's property!
    So now we rest,
    Inside of our pain,
    This suffering will still remain,
    From darkness falls the sin we've birthed,
    A lie is born sent up to earth...
    "Adam, where have you gone?"
    Cries the angel known as God
    "Eve, quiet your tears...
    Adam will soon be here!"

    And that's it... It's not supposed to be religious in any way..... But it somehow got to that. And if you find this offending, then don't abuse it... It's my first song.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jun 18, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. khmage1918
    ...The Vampires and the Werewolves are considered the worst of enemies, but even though each race has a sworn rivalry between them, somebecome a crossover, meeting in secret, and some falling in love. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, and Namine have destroyed Orginiztion XIII, now settled by on their island, living a peaceful life, but the Vampres and Werewolve now make war in different worlds, bringing in new recruits... What can Sora and the gang do to stop them? But can their new friends of both races really help them stop their fued?
    Vampires still lust for blood, and try to stay away from the sun as muc as possible, but with certain equipment, they can stand the sun. Vampires have also inhuman qualities like great srength, speed, stamina, intelligence, yada yada, and are also great charmers for iluding their prey, or to get what they want, but it only works on humans. And they have very pale, almost white, skin.
    Werewolves can change oly at night, and if the wolves are just feldgings(new recuits, freshly bitten), then it will be harder for self control. They are very strong with speed and strength, and are able to become wolves at night. And Werewolves can heal fast... and their body tempature is extremly hot.
    Rules for vamps(main rules still apply):
    1. Vamps can't suck the blood out of other vamps, because they don't have any.
    2. Keep it PG-13
    3. Do not kill anyone unless you have permission from me and the user whom controls that certain character.
    4. Vampire and Werewolve Characters are allowed to make another character their race at anytime, there isn''t a problem with it.
    5. You can make anyone a vamp or werewolf if you have permission, it doesn't apply if the character was about to die.
    Playable Non-OC characters:
    Sora: (reserved! For AnimeGirl104)
    Riku: Tularim
    Kairi: Haseo426
    Roxas: sora is cute

    OC Guide:
    Age: (has to be atleast a long time if vampire or werewolf)
    Race: (Vampire or Werewolve, or Human)

    OC's Now:
    512 years old
    A girl with shoulder length brown black hair, at night, her eyes change from brown to purple, has a blue tennis dress, with small blue sneakers to match. She has a blue cat collar around her neck, symbolising something...
    Her deadly fangs and inhuman strengths, but more along the charming of people and massive intelligence.
    She doesn't remember anythingbut befoe the day she was bitten, by the Great Vampire Leader himself, but now she has run away, and escaped his death stare, so she can lead a semi normal life, but also trying to tame the war.
    Appearence:Brunette hair,her eyes can change from turqoise to yellow.She wears a Olive green t-shirt,Navy jeans,and dark orange tennis shoes.Around her neck is a black necklace with a dark orange lightning shaped charm.She seems to take it off only in critical battles.
    Weapon:besides her fangs she carries a bag of Kunai knives.She can also use lightning as a weapon.Whenever her necklace comes off,she takes another form that is a deadly weapon.
    Other:She had no memory of how she was bitten or what happened before she was bitten.All she remembers was the boy she saw one day before her memory was almost fully erased.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Mar 21, 2008, 998 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. khmage1918
    For new people, use this
    Name: Hailey
    Age: 15
    Appearance: (see Page 3)
    Pokemon: Absol, Plusle, Minum, Houndoom, Vulpix
    Other: N/A
    Name: Mikami Teru.
    Age: 19
    Pokemon: Absol, Misdreavus, Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Azumarrill
    other: See's Kizon as "God"

    And everyone who had joined before.... You're still in. Here's where we left off with the old characters, Aisu, Rayce, Jade, Riolu, and Eden are all going to help each other with the Johto League after returning the beast of the sea and calming the three titans. Hiro is unable to fight for 3 months, and Jeffery and Micheal have some feelings for Eden, but Jeffery is more of the pervy one. So, let's start this again, shall we?

    Eden sighed and looked at Aisu, wondering what to do.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Mar 20, 2008, 397 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. khmage1918
    My friend Xert asked me to tell everyone about his role play thread, and what better way to do that is through the spam zone? So, please join!
    Thread by: khmage1918, Mar 1, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. khmage1918
    Basically, it's another Kingdom Hearts with you included story. I'm not going to start this budding story unless we have at least 5 people joining.

    Power(element, ect.) :
    Anything Else:
    Thread by: khmage1918, Feb 26, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. khmage1918
    How can cast Thunder or Fire in Atlantica? Fire+Water= Nothing Water+Thunder= zapping the whole party... So how can they cast it?
    Thread by: khmage1918, Feb 3, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. khmage1918
    Little fan fic I came up with today, I'll try my best to put up a new chapter every Friday for this fan fic and my Kingdom Fruits fan fic. Please comment, and enjoy! Here's the Prologue.
    Prologue: Two People, New fate
    In New Jersey, a girl named Eden was on her laptop, typing away to her best online friend from, AnimeGirl104, or as Eden says, Valerie. Eden and Valerie are very close when it comes to their favorite characters from Kingdom Hearts, their favorite video game, and other things. But all they really wanted was to meet each other, face to face, and meet Sora too, but was that such a good idea? It’s been 11 years since their power was sealed away….

    In North Carolina, Valerie was on the computer at home typing to her best friend Eden. Her intentions were the same. But were they good for each other? For the worlds? For everyone? Who would know? But both of these two teenagers were two large pieces in something about to happen.

    Beyond the realm of darkness, beyond the realm of light, beyond the realm of nothing, beyond the universe itself, Sora was caged, chains held him to the wall, while the gods watched him with evil eyes, yet they were also scared of him. But why would gods, with control of everything, scared of a boy with a key he can’t even call? Sora was asleep, dreaming of home, of the worlds he explored, of the friends he made, of the times he fought. The gods looked at him, and then turned away to their favorite game, poker. It was the only game where they could talk and watch over the worlds, causing many hardships to people. “The door is still open, those two princesses are still dead, and the boy can’t call his key. Everything is fine, the prophecy has not even given a spark.” A god with hair as white as snow, swishing left and right gracefully. This god’s eyes were blue as the sky. “You are right, but there are still the princesses to worry about.” The god with green grass hair and dirt brown eyes said. “They are dead. No one can revive the dead, not even us, you know that.” The god with red flaming hair and orange eyes said. “But there is the matter of the boy calling for help. His heart is connected to the princesses and his friends; surely he can call to them.” The god with long blue hair and ocean blue eyes said. The other gods shook their heads no. “It is not possible.” The sky god said. But what if their greatest fear, this prophecy, gave its role of life in this story?
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jan 26, 2008, 50 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. khmage1918
    Has a party member ever ran after a heartless and jumped down a high building? I'm at Oogie's manor and Donald and Jack keep going after the Gargoyle heartless! And the heartless goes after it!
    Thread by: khmage1918, Jan 7, 2008, 81 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. khmage1918
    Merry Christmas/Falis Navidad to everyone! So come here to spread spamming Christmas cheer!
    Thread by: khmage1918, Dec 25, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. khmage1918
    The Chaser: Dark Shadow
    The Chasee: The Gambler Of Fate
    This is all because stubborn TGOF won't let Dark Shadow a hug XD Begin the chasing montage!
    Thread by: khmage1918, Dec 3, 2007, 69 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. khmage1918
    Sora goes onto his computer at home, and somehow finds our little website! Sora sees all these users doing there thing, and he sees things that really confuse him. He tells Riku, Roxas, Kairi, and Namine about this and they decide to make an account too. I don't know if this should be in the Creativity Corner. But I had this made up on the spot.
    1. Apply to all rules.
    2. Kh people can do whatever they please.
    3. You can't make it your username but you can join as your username.
    4. Only 3 people please
    Kh People:
    Sora- The Servent Of Light
    Username: Sora
    Kairi- lanihead7
    Roxas- sora is cute
    Username: The Key Of Destiny
    Namine- lanihead7

    Orginization XIII:

    OC Usernames:
    sora is cute
    Thread by: khmage1918, Dec 2, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. khmage1918
    I do... And she's annoying the crap outta me right now. She was jumping on me two seconds ago. -_- If you have a little sibling... post it here.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Dec 2, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. khmage1918
    Post here part of a song that is based off of a user of or itself. Here's mine.
    Oh the weather outside is frightful
    But kh-vids is so delightful
    And as long as we post so
    Let it snow
    Let it snow
    Let it snow
    :D Try your best :D
    Thread by: khmage1918, Dec 2, 2007, 29 replies, in forum: The Playground
  14. khmage1918

    Let it Snow

    I'm taking a part of the original song "Let It Snow" and change it a bit so it represents kh-vids. Here it is.
    Oh the weather outside is frightful
    But kh-vids is so delightful
    And as long as we post so
    Let it snow
    Let it snow
    Let it snow​

    I also did this because its snowing where I am.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Dec 2, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. khmage1918

    KH Werewolves

    The Adventures Of All *renamed, used to called KH WereWolves*

    Okay, so here's what happens. And thank AnimeGirl104 for inspiring me! ^-^
    Riku is somehow bitten by a werewolf during the night, and now he becomes a werewolf every night. He's been trying to keep it secret from Sora and Kairi, but since wolf instincts are in him, its going to be one howl of a time. Sorry for the pun. Riku is also going through a bit of temptation to make Sora and Kairi werewolves too! The curse also affects nobodies. Anyone who is a werewolf does have control, but control is sometimes switched off. Will the curse of the werewolf be broken? Let's rp to find out!
    2. If you want to reserve a character for a friend, pm me and I'll put it up.
    3. 2 characters only, please!
    4. If you want to use someone else's character for awhile, the get permission from the user who owns the character, and me.
    5. If you want to kill somone, have permission from me and the user
    KH Characters-
    Sora: AnimeGirl104
    Riku: hidden_light
    Roxas: sora is cute
    Kairi: Aerith G.
    Orgy XIII(in the order I remember by):
    Xemnas: FinalForm
    Axel: Dark Shadow
    Demyx: hitna3510
    Marluxia: KeybladeWarriorNexus1993
    Larxene: Nymph of Destiny
    OC guide:
    Other: (pet is optional!)
    OC Peoples:
    She has brown hair, brown eyes, a turquoise blue tank top, turqioise blue sweat pants, and sky blue sandals.
    She's quiet, shy, loves to draw and read, really smart, and will help any friend in need.
    She was brought back from Valerie's heart, since her heart was inside Valerie's. She loves to travel, but wants to stay on Destiny Islands forever.
    She's got a kitty named Tete =^-^= Meow! But... She has a few secrets...
    Played by: sora is cute

    Personality:Nice,Hyper,sweet,alittle shy,alittle sensitive at times,she loves to draw,write,and sing.She also can get alittle moody at times.But all and all she can be a great friend once you get to really know her.But sometimes her imagination gets the best of her.

    Appearence:Brunette hair,Turqoise eyes.Wears always wears an outfit color coded on Yellow and Orange.No matter what the season she wears Blue tennis shoes.She has a silver Heart-shaped charm necklace.The heart charm is made of Sapphires and fake daimonds.She also has silver ring with a Sapphire gem.

    Bio:She Ended up on Destiny Islands a few monts ago.She kinda has a crush on Sora,and she shows it in ALOT of ways.She has always believed in stuff like Werewolves and Vampires and Demons and the other Fictional creatures.She believes that the phases of the moon have something to do with each creature.She seems to have an interest in the full moon the most.

    Name: Exel
    Age: 19
    Personality: Quiet
    Appearence: Brown hair, green eyes, long cloak and wears a hood.
    Bio: Just moved into Destiny Islands and was somehow mixed in the mess.
    Other: I think that's it.......
    Played by: TheGamblerOfFate
    Name: Bella
    Age: 15
    Personality: shy, kind, clumsy, helpful
    Bio: she's always been transfixed by the supernatural. she moved to destiny Islands a year ago but really never associated with anyone. she's also a werewolf...although how she doesn't remeber...
    Other: she carries a silver locket around
    Appearence: Blue eyes, tanish skin, light brown hair
    Bio: He's very aggressive, especially if it has to do with Temari. Doesn't know that he has a nobody.
    Other: He's got a dog named Mimi! Arf!
    Played By: Temari's boyfriend
    Name: Drewxan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 10
    Personality: Nice
    Appearence: Blue eyes, blond hair, and tanish skin.
    Bio: He's got no clue about his past or his somebody.
    Other: He has power wind and fire, his weapon is a giant fan.
    Played By: Temari's boyfriend

    Name: Xert
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown (but he isn't teenaged)
    Personality: Calm, highly intellagent and trys to be a good leader
    Appearence:black and white robe keeps his hood up
    Bio: He is a Nobody. he has his own Nobodies called Tropers there light green with mechen guns and Rocket lunchers.
    Name: Kars
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Personality: Unknown
    Appearence: looks like Sora but taller and has gray eyes he wheres a Black and white Organizaton robe
    Bio: Sora's older clone he works for Xert
    Other: he weilds two keyblades Oblivion and Oathkeeper
    Name: Spargus
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Personality: unknown
    Appearence: He looks like Riku but taller and has black hair. he Wheres a black organizaton robe
    Bio: Riku's older clone works for Xert
    Other: Wileds a balck kingdom key
    Name: Haven
    Gender: female
    Age: 18
    Personality: Unknown
    Appearence: looks like Kairi but taller and has her hair in a pony tail wheres a white Organizaon robe
    Bio: Kairi's clone works for xert
    Other: has a white kingdom key
    Name: John
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Personality: Nice and quiet
    Appearence:*see post #2773*
    Bio: Has been half-feral and half-human since he was used as a test subject 5 years ago. He then escaped and made a friend along the way.
    Other: The cat in his hood is Rhia. The cat usually is hidden in his hood whenever it is tired.
    Played By: Xephos


    Nice but can be little mean somethings and very protect to anyone who gets hurt

    He has blue eyes,light blue hair,always wear a white cloak all the time,wears his mothers white cross that glows when darkness is near,and wears his fathers ear ring that protects him from bullets,spears,etc

    He is half Water Dragon and half human his parents were killed by his step brother but was finally killed. right after that he was teleported to the islands and does'nt know how to get back

    Controls water and light

    His weapons are
    The Door to Light blade or D.T.L. blade for short and Water Dragon King blade
    played by: Akua WaterDragonKing
    Name: Jon
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14
    Personality: Sort of a slacker but when need be, gets in gear
    Appearence: Like Riku In the Organization robe- the blindfold and with blonde hair
    Bio: Was born as an Impure, a mix between Vampires and Lycans. He is an out cast to both races....
    Other: Can summon a Galian Beast
    Played By: KeybladeWarriorNexus1993
    personality:Quiet, deadly, like Zexion
    bio: Makes a living off an occupation of a vampire slayer, werewolf, and the like
    other: Is equipped with lots of things (to destroy them) and is hunting at night all the time
    Name: Yosha
    Age: 14
    Personality: Quiet, but a little mean and times
    Appearence: balck hair to plams. black eyes (that turns a bright yellow when a werewolf)
    Bio: lived on the island for some years and becoame friends with sora riku, and kairi after they came back.
    Other: I think that's it.......
    Played by: ????
    Name: Slyth
    Personality: Cold but kind in the inside... once you befriend him he will always watch your back. He is very trustworthy
    Appearance: Black hair Blue eyes... Wheres Gray and White on the top (Hoody and T shirt) he wheres Jeans
    Weapon: Energy Blade (Looks like the Gundam Beam Sabers except Blue and the handle is oval)
    Bio: He is a time traveler and his past is a mystery since he can't remember he always carries his weapon and GeoTech device around

    GeoTech: I device that lets gives you infromation and allows you to time travel
    Name:CHAOZ ,14th Member of Organisation 13
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Personality: The only nobody except Roxas who has a Heart
    Appearence: Blonde and Brown Hair, Green Eyes Looks a bit like Gotenks ssj in DBZ but alot taller , wears Organisation Cloak
    Bio: Nobody of Riku when He was possessed by Ansem. Organisation name The Dark Side of the Moon.
    Other: Controls Twighlight Thorne Nobodys, Wields Aura and Energy. Like DBZ/GT.
    Name: Jeffrey
    Gender: Male
    Age: 12
    Personality: Smart and little bit shy.
    Appearence: Short blond hair and sky blue eyes. Wears grey t-shirt, red shorts, and red and white sneakers.
    Bio: A mysterious boy that has an interest in Eden and her friends.
    Other: I don't think so...
    Name: Zax
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Personality: Care, compassionate, kind, loving,
    Bio: Zax is the oldest and only member of his family, his little sister, Marya, was taken away from him when she was very little. He had became very skilled with a sword, and began to find his missing sister.
    Other: His sword has a image of a one winged angel

    Name: Marya
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Personality: Shy, quiet, calm, tough, gentle
    Appearance: Hearts/Kairi/kairi-21.jpg
    Bio: Marya was taken from her family as a child, and been Kairi's little sister since that. She was well at singing and everything else, expecting for the image of a boy reaching to her. Now she's searching for him.
    Other: Marya wears a locket in the shape of a wing.
    What's been happening: *closed for not being able to keep up, nyah!*
    Possible Pair ups:

    Thread by: khmage1918, Nov 25, 2007, 16,871 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. khmage1918
    I made up a poem on my way to school. Here it is. And can anyone give me a title for it?

    I am the wind
    I am the water
    I am the earth
    I am the fire
    I am the trees
    I am the sky
    I am the universe
    You are my eye​

    What do you think? I dedicate it to all the friends I made on this site, my mom, my sister, and my father.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Nov 21, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. khmage1918
    I find this very offensive. It talks about some users and staff. This video pretty much makes fun of all of us.
    Give me your opinion, and you too staff! They even dedicated a verse for Sara and it aint good!
    Thread by: khmage1918, Nov 19, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. khmage1918
    I got inspired by two things
    1. the video in my sig
    2. A picture from Deviantart
    I'll be adding two extra girls that are the core to the Zodiac feature. To the Sohma's, zodiac members can hug each other without transforming, but in this.... The rule is that Zodiac members can't hug the opposite gender without transforming. And they can't hug members of the opposite gender or get under too much stress. So, let's begin! And I would appreciate if any of you could tell me with Zodiac animal Namine is most like the Rooster, Monkey, Sheep, Horse, Snake, or Tiger.

    Chapter 1: The Two New Visitors
    Sora and Roxas were at the beach, just lazing around. Riku and Kairi were in the secret place, looking at old memories. A splash was heard by Sora. Sora ran to the source of the noise and found two girls. One had brunette hair and the other had a blackis brown hair color. Their eyes couldn't be seen since they wer closed. "Roxas! Come over here! I found two girls!" Roxas came running over and stared. How'd two girls end up here? And wasn't there a splash? How were they dry? It didn't look like a drop of water had touched them. "Don't just stand there, help me!", Sora yelled angrily. "Alright! Sorry, I zoned out.", Roxas said while picking up the girl with the blackish brown hair. Sora picked up the other girl. They headed towards the treehouse, and put the girls in separate beds. One of the girls stirred, then opened her eyes. "What happened?", she noticed the other girl, the one with brunette hair, "Valerie! I've gotta help!" She jumped up to help her friend, but tripped over Sora. Then there was two boom sounds and smoke and there was a small boar sitting on top of a brown cat.

    If you want me to type more, then say the word and I'll try my best!
    Thread by: khmage1918, Nov 6, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. khmage1918
    Rip off of Mexony's " When KH Come To Earth" So um... yeah...

    Chapter 1: The two E's
    Down at USA, NJ, a girl with brown eyes and brown-ish black hair was just bored at home. She was on the computer, listening to a version of Carol Of the Bells. It was about 8:00 p.m. where she was. She looked outside her window. The sky was pretty much black outside her window. She sighed. There was nothing to do. She looked out her window and said, "I wish that one of my favorite animes would be real...", she sighed again, "Like that would happen." She put on her favorite pajamas, they were a sky blue with clouds and stars. After putting the on, she fell asleep on her bed at 9:30.
    On the next morning, she went down stairs, rubbing her eyes. It was Saturday. She's not used to waking up at 8:00. She'd usually stay up late. The doorbell rang. 'I bet its my friend from next door...', she thought. She walked to the front door and found that it was a short kid with his blond hair in a ponytail. He had a long red coat with red and had gloves. Eden, the girl, groaned. "What do you want, shorty? I'm tired." The boy started to yell. "I'M 14, DAMMIT!!! I'M NOT SHORT, I'M STILL GROWING!!!" Eden was still lazily rubbing her eyes, " And I'm 11 and I'm still growing too... Come in." The boy walked in and sat on a red velvet couch. Eden sat on another couch.
    " What's your name, shorty?", Eden asked. The boy looked up, angry, but tried his best not to yell. "I-I'm Edward Elric." Eden looked at him with her arm on her eye, she froze when Edward said his name while she was rubbing her right eye. "Edward...Elric?"

    And that's it. Comment and say of you have a character that you want to be in. Like I said, it's a rip off of Mexony's When KH comes to Earth. Just give your character's name, age, personality, and bio. And don't forget where your character is on Earth.
    Thread by: khmage1918, Nov 3, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. khmage1918
    Yeah... it's basically a rip-off of Mexony's KH comes to Earth... But since I love FMA and KH... I thought it would be fun if both came to good-ol-Earth. Oh yeah, keep it PG-13, no goddmodding, and 2 people to a person.
    KH People:
    Namine: Nymph of Destiny

    Orgy13 People:
    Larxene: Nymph of Destiny
    Roxas:sora is cute

    FMA People:
    Edward Elric:
    Alphonse Elric:
    Roy Mustang:

    Hommomculi P--thingys...:

    OOC Peoples:
    Name: Eden
    Age: 11
    Personality: She's shy and likes to read. She has a little trouble trusting people. But... she'll open her heart to someone she can trust. She protects her friends no matter what. She's very nice. She loves KH and FMA and alot of other stuff, but loves KH and FMA the best.
    Name: Sharix
    Age: 15
    Personality: she is quite shy, though she can sometimes have an attitude
    Bio: Her parents died a few months after her birth, so her brother raised her but he too died when she wa 5, now she lives with her Aunt
    Personality-Shy, not caring when she's bored and a little "hyper" sort of when around someone she can talk to. She loves, KH but doesn't really know much about FMA other than the main character is a guy with a blond braid and does alchemy and his little brother is a suit of armor...or something like that.....
    Thread by: khmage1918, Nov 3, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Retirement Home