go go sephiroth :). not as a darkness tho lol. secret boss fo sho
You were suprised that roxas was soras nobody? i figured that out within 5 mins of playing as roxas. not that he was a nobody, but the fact that they were somehow connected, (hairstyle,clothing, ect) was all the same as Soras. so that didnt suprise me any
Will be "awakened" in the next KH game? all the hearts that are trapped whether it be in darkness or trapped inside Sora, or Xeranort. I personally think all the Hearts that are trapped inside Sora will be awakened, and those trapped by Xeranort will be freed, and returned to their bodies just as Axel/Lea was.(Im counting nobodies hearts as well, Namine,Xion ect) how many do you think will be awakened if any?
Getting rdy to fight the end bosses on KH3D. trining my dream eaters so i can unlock all their abilities. any suggestions on a team? :)
While playing KH there is alot of moments that made me go :O (oh noez) or holy Sheet, didnt see that comming. or just an epic plot twist or something that made your jaw drop. What is your favorite :O moment in KH? I personally have 3 In KH1 where Sora used the Keyblade on himself in Hollow Bastion to free Kairi and turn himself into a shadow heartless (of all things a shadow, he shouldve been something sweet like the monkeys from Deep Jungle) In KH2 you seen that Riku was back and had his blindfold removed and him and Sora just starting paddling that a$$ together. And in KH DDD where Lea makes his appearence in TWTNW to save Sora, honestly didnt see that comming at all. What is your jaw dropping moments in KH?? :)
Hes probably still there, but out doing something, maybe trying to come up with a plan to get outta there or to send signals or another bottle note (that seems to be how many messages get around in KH :P)
If KH never existed i prolly would have a good 600+ hours of my life back in which i probably wouldve used it to go out with friends or play basketball. so either or, it was a good use of time reguardless :P
why cant keyblade weilders use the dark corridors? didnt Riku use them? but i believe that Sora will somehow get Aqua out and free Terra, from terranort. and Lea will be a major factor in getting him to be able to do that. dunno how, but imo he will
Ive beatin KH1 and II on 100% difficulty twice. i like the challaneges and back then i had the time to blow 60+ hours multiple times on the same game :P
The Real Kingdom Hearts is gonna be filled with all the hearts of the people who have weilded a keyblade, both good and bad :P. But really tho, im sure we will get to see it in KH3, in both KH and KH2 weve seen replicas as well as BBS, but on the other hand, it is KINGDOM HEARTS, so im sure in KH3 we will find out what it is and whats inside. Especially since theres so many questions left unanswered in every single game still :P
KHDDD has the best replay value of them all in my opinion. theres literally so much u can do after u beat the game/restarting a new one. u unlock a new difficulty, you can restart a new game with the dream eaters u have already gotten, you can set a 0 exp mode, wihch means u strictly depend on your dream eater abilities. you can unlock all the links in the game, create all the dream eaters, which im finding in my 2nd playthrough to be actually kinda fun :). ive replayed all the KH games a good 5 times, except CoM, and DDD is the most fun to replay cuz theres so much you can do differently
what do u mean? i was just quoting the analogy of CoM to KH2. i fully believe DDD is crucial to the story and not something u can just read. however, DDD is the only game within the series that gives you a recap of what happened in past games, a very bland recap and you dont get the full significance of what happened, but reguardless, a recap.
meh, i disagree slightly. i mean yea there would be a few things that would be confusing, but you just read Jiminys journal and everything would b worked out. i beat KH2 before i beat CoM & i was fine throughout the storyline. But then again i guess reading Jiminys journal is vital to the story as a whole IMO.
im very upset you couldnt visit merlins lair too :P. i wish you could!
All of the bosses in kh3d werent particularly hard or even remotely difficult (Hardest boss for me was the tyranto rex on the caravan where u had to block all his attacks lol) until TWTNW then the bosses like jumped to a whole different level of epicness, its like you breeze through the first 7 worlds, then TWTNW is like, wtfomg this is what i wanted all game in bosses. dont get me wrong, i love KH3d, but it definitely lacks boss epicness.
Lea can still use them. He is now a good guy, but at the same time is against the Org13 and everything, but can still use dark corridors. dunno if that means hes still got darkness in him, but i dont think he ever used any dark energy or had the ability to manipulate the darkness. but anyway i always kinda wondered that myself, Riku has all dark type exclusive moves and abilities, but unable to use dark corridors, or maybe he just refuses to because hes afraid to fall to the darkness again.
I started playing KH when i was 12.. i am now 22, ive been playing it since 3 days after KH was released. ill prolly play it, but it wont being me the excitement/anticipation that KH does. and i doubt anything game related will ever get me to do that ever again. i cant express how i feel towards the KH series enough because its so epic and its a great gameplay type/story and i dont think ill be able to ever experience that again and itll just make me upset if i try to feel that way again because i know it wont happen.
The most nastalgia Part would be the opening to KH as well as the ending where Sora reaches out for Kairi and says hell be back for her, and she says "i kno you will" (Que Simple and clean) :). It reminds me of the epicness i felt when i first beat KH and how awesome it ended up being and how i absolutely couldnt wait for KH2, but now i feel that way when i beat every KH game, i just cant wait for the next one. KH Series has the best ending IMO
cant get the full KH experience from youtube, if you have the ability i recommend playing it :)
In m opinion in the KH series the Disney characters play a WHOLE lot more in the gameplay/story than the FF characters do. SO without FF characters the game wouldnt change TOO much, but it still would, but without Disney characters, the game would be completely different, such as no "KING" mickey, in which case youd have to find a "King" from the FF series, a characters that everyone would know. i mean cmon, who knows disney, but cant recognize mickey mouse? or even better, WHO cant recongnize mickey mouse? every1 can.