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  1. Zeroxys
    Halloween Town
    Hallow Bastion
    End of the World
    Traverse Town
    Deep Jungle
    Never Land
    Olypus Coliseum
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 23, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Zeroxys
    I believe Riku took more drastic measures to save her, but i think Sora tried more. Sora didnt really bow down to anyone or anything, he wanted to save her with his own strength and heart. whereas Rike decided he was gonna use the power of darkness to try and help her which ended up backfiring on him
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Zeroxys
    I LOVED the opening in KH1, mostly because the song was epic and it honestly really set the mood for me. the CGI for the Ps2 was epic and i think it could even pass for a ps3 CGI opening even today. the whole falling into the darkness thing was awesome, then when he lands on the platform and everything spreads out to start the tutorial. it was just so EPIC, it still to this day gets me excited to play the game and i get chills when i watch it. even tho ive beatin it like 13 times :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 21, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Zeroxys
    i still have the first game too, and i have ToS2 but i couldnt even play ToS2 because of how the controls were :/. but since itll b for the ps3 im sure theyll make it alot better :). and itll be updated graphics, not that itll take away from the game but itll run more smoothly instead of the little hiccups that occured due to the GC limited graphic capabilities.
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Zeroxys
    After lots of thinking, does any1 think that Kairi could turn to the darkness? I mean it could happen right? She has a nobody, Her heart has been trapped, and now shes free, in my opinion shes just like Riku, only she didnt use the darkness or let it conquer her. but shes been through the dark corridors, exposed to the darkness, maybe she could end up being evil? o.0
    Even tho she was a princess of heart in KH1, its just a theory tho
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Zeroxys
    ToS is one of my favorite games. i believe anyone who loves a good story, a great battle system and good voice acting, with some humor implied during fights, and cutscenes should buy this game. it has everything a good RPG should have and it makes it so u never wanna put it down.
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Zeroxys
    i doubt there will b a plot twist as to who will be the final boss. i mean its all leading up to it, itll be Xehanort or a form of xehanort. thats all. but then again it is KH and im sure something will b thrown in there that no one sees coming. so i guess we will have to wait another 10 years and for the ps5 or 6 to come out before we can find out.
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Zeroxys
    I would love for them to add as much content as possible :D
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Zeroxys
    Thats right! Rumor is going around stating that there could be a Tales of Symphonia HD remaster comming for the ps3 which will include the international release as well as ToS 2 DotNW. Im so pumped! its my top 3 video games ever!! (Kingdom Hearts, FFX, ToS. any1 else excited about this if its true? :D


    so puuuuumped :D
    Thread by: Zeroxys, May 14, 2013, 17 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Zeroxys
    Has anyone heard any news if SE will release a new strategy guide for KH1.5? im what i call myself a perfectionist at KH and FF games and i love to collect every item, weapon, summon/link, skills in all these games. cuz i know it being 1.5 the strategy guide for the original KH wont be pointless but it might be outta date to due extra items/bosses. was just wondering if anyone had heard anything about one.

    who else loves to have strategy guides? :)
    Thread by: Zeroxys, May 10, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Zeroxys
    lol i dont like COD that much. all the games r the same to me. i only play them if someone buys them for me and i only play mutiplayer :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. Zeroxys
    lol how did u do that? did u just use awesome dream eaters????
    and only 9 drops??!?!?!? wtf lol
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 8, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Zeroxys
    Has anyone ever hated on you for liking a game that they particularly didnt enjoy?
    Like the other day i was on a final fantasy forum and discussing FF 13-2. (now i kno the popular reaction to the 13 series isnt good) but i love the 13 series. and i made a comment that i love the games and that i cant wait for the 3rd installment of it. and this guys just started rippin me about how idk what im talking about and that i probably have never even played a real FF game like 6-10. (which ive beatin 7 9 and 10, ive beatin 10 so many times i could prolly reherse the whole script). and he just started telling me everything that was wrong with it and just saying i didnt know what i was talking about what makes a good game and everything. & im like... wow he makes it sound like i committed murder for liking a game he didnt enjoy. i Lol'd about it, and went on with my everyday life not letting it bother me. (after i told him that if he has nothing else better to do than bash other peoples personal lives for not liking a certain game then i feel sorry for him).
    Has anyone else experienced this before? and if so what happened?
    Thread by: Zeroxys, May 8, 2013, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Zeroxys
    beating KH3d at lvl 31 on my first playthough having meowjesty and me me bunny as my dream eaters lol. took me a few tries on xemnas but i eventually got it. ansem 2nd form with riku was not fun either and it took me 20 mins to kill the clock against armored ventus or whatever after that i was like zomg... my heart was racing cuz i had finally beatin it and i was sweatin and out of breath, my gf kinda looked at me, and just shook her head. if only she knew the epicness of it :P.
    i think that is mine.

    or maybe in FF7 i finally beat the game like.. 5 weeks ago and sephiroth first form took me like 35 mins just because of the damn healing thing he had. mind you my characters were messed up, i had ****** materia on and i wasnt gonna go back and lvl everything up. i was at the last boss and i was bound and determanined to kill him. thank god for summons :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 8, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Zeroxys
    People like that make me wish they would b left in a locked room, with the father of the victim, and the father has a metal bat and the offender has his hands tied behind his bat. the father gets 20 mins with the offender and anything goes. thats how id want it if my daughter got put through that.
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 8, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  16. Zeroxys
    Back at the "fated place", where everything started (for sora and riku anyway). Itll eaither b Destiny Islands, Kingdom Hearts, or the Keyblade graveyard.
    personally id like to see it at destiny islands, the atmosphere just like it was when Sora first got the keyblade. Dark, gloomy, hecktic, being taken over by darkness. all while battling the final boss.
    Or better yet, battling 2-3 bosses at the same time. thatd b kinda cool too :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Zeroxys
    T-shirts, roxas necklace, a few collectibles play arts, and the games, thats about it. theres a play-asia look alike store in the mall by where i live, they sell a RL keyblade made of metal and everything and i want it soooooo bad. its the kingdom key of course, and they have oblivion, but i think they sold that one. so i can get alot of stuff if i really wanted to for a cheap price, but id rather just love the games :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Zeroxys
    ive had it preordered for 2 months now. had to call gamestop to confirm/make sure i still get the artwork preorder :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 7, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Zeroxys
    yessssssss omg im sooo happy :). and a free artbook, thats so awesome :D
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 7, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Zeroxys
    lol sephi in kh2 was a joke compared to kh1 :/. kh1 he was seriously the toughest guy ever lol. but in kh2 its like.. is there a phase 2 or something cuz that was too easy.
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 6, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts