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  1. Zeroxys
    Hallow Bastion from KH1!!
    But anyways Halloween town was my SHeeeeet. i loved it. 100 acre wood was fun as hell too. I just wish Pixar would let SE have the rights to tarzan/toy story/ and movies that were so awesome so that SE can use them in this game. Thats why they cant use deep jungle anymore :( Pixar wont give up the rights, but disney will
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Zeroxys
    LOL i got screwed hard. i bought a ps3 specifically for KH3 and FFvs13 last year ;/... brb saving for a ps4 :/
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Zeroxys
    dun dun dun
    its a good possibility. Maybe Aqua lets herself get consumed by darkness in order to help out Sora in some way or another.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Zeroxys
    Kairi is Soras age, thats what it says in my KH strat guide under profiles. :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Zeroxys
    Juggling isnt that hard once you know the timing of it. IRRC you have to have a certain skill turned off or itll mess up the juggle
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. Zeroxys
    All very interesting ideas/concepts. I guess i had forgotten about the thorn in the trailer for DDD and didnt think much of it. but yeah your probably right that its not the realm of darkness, but at the same time i cant help but think that i COULD be. Idk i guess we will see. and if it does end up being like that, you can guarantee ill be flaunting around this forum for awhile XD :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Zeroxys
    in DDD it was a direct story line ending right from KH2. and i thought i read somwhere that Sora and Riku were both meant to be older, which is clear based on the first 15 mins of the game & the last 20 mins of the game. but Im sure that Sora has indeed aged for KH3.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Zeroxys
    IS it possible that Destiny Islands are the Realm of Darkness? I mean ive been wondering it ever since i kinda looked into it at the end of KH2. It makes sence to me now that the trailer for kh3 is out, Where Sora finds master eraqus' keyblade and Aqua is the last one who had it. and he finds it on Destiny Islands. Its got the same setup, Water, what looks like sand, and the outcast feeling of being the only one there. Ands its also the only place where we see Ansem the Wise twice, once in the realm of darkness & he was on destiny islands with riku at the end of DDD. Idk i just think that maybe somehow Destiny Islands is the Realm of Darkness. What do you guys think? Is it a good observation? or is it just me thinking to much into it?
    Thread by: Zeroxys, Jun 12, 2013, 20 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Zeroxys
    You pretty much NEED DDD in order to understand alot of what happened. considering DDD is a DIRECT (dont wanna say sequal) but starts diractly after the events of kh2. and leads to a whole different story/plot twists/events that will carry over. however, DDD had recaps of what happened in kh BBS, 1,2,days,CoM and coded. SO if you get DDD youll understand the jist of what happened in the games before and what will happen in KH3.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Zeroxys
    OMG! just watched the trailer and im so HYPED! but what i wanna know is how come Sora has eraques Keyblade, when it was with aqua last time we saw it? is Destiny Island the Realm of Darkness? i think it could be ;)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Zeroxys
    "A drunk mind tells a sober heart" i go based on this theory. every1 has done **** when theyre drunk that they normally wouldnt do while sober, but based on that theory, whatever someone does while drunk theyve wanted to do while sober but just never has. they use being drunk as an excuse. My theory is that yes you do know what your doing, and can control it, you are just more careless and not care as much.[DOUBLEPOST=1370873034][/DOUBLEPOST]"A drunk mind tells a sober heart" i go based on this theory. every1 has done **** when theyre drunk that they normally wouldnt do while sober, but based on that theory, whatever someone does while drunk theyve wanted to do while sober but just never has. they use being drunk as an excuse. My theory is that yes you do know what your doing, and can control it, you are just more careless and not care as much.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  12. Zeroxys
    Did the creators of KH plan the whole story before the first KH was released? or have they just been going with the flow and building more and more as they went with it. Like did they from day one know that there would be heartless,nobodies,dream eaters, 13 different xeanorts, Ansem not actually being the ultimate villian, but just moreso a pawn. just everything that has evolved the story that we hold dear to us, love, and are still trying to figure out, did they plan it all out? Or is the director and the creators and everyone involved still trying to figure it out?
    Ive searched the interwebz for the answer, but havnt come across a clear cut answer. Its just a thought that i have been thinking about lately and would like to know if anyone has any idea.
    Thread by: Zeroxys, Jun 10, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Zeroxys
    HB in KHII wasnt near as cool as KH1. HB in KH1 was perfect imo. they shouldve either kept it a heartless world, the same as in kh1, or just not had it at all. I know alot of important scenes/events happened in HB in KH2, but they easily couldve moved those into a different world. or better yet, just have traverse town be the same as it was in KH1 and have HB be the same as before. idk i think they ruined HB in kh2.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Zeroxys
    Its the FM version. so some colors are different. IE Guard Armor from traverse Town looks awesome imo lol,
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Zeroxys
    The darkest moment for me is in KH1 after you beat Ansem while hes attached to the boat thing the first time and Sora is fading into darkness & he hears Rikus voice, then goes and rescues donald and goofy :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 5, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Zeroxys
    This is a very good theory. and in all honesty i completely forgot about that scene until u just posted it. I guess i never read that far into it, but everyone here is making good points. It would make sense if it was Terra's heartless. very good observation +1 to you all :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 5, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Zeroxys
  18. Zeroxys
    Im seriously soooooo excited for this :D
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  19. Zeroxys
    70$?!?! its only 40 in Michigan lol
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 29, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Zeroxys
    Honestly, none of those. if anything if it HAD to be one id rather have flomotion over anything else. but i believe every KH game has brought something new to the gameplay, and i odubt KH3 will b any different. i just hope to GOD its NOT a card system.
    Post by: Zeroxys, May 24, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts