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  1. Zeroxys
    All great ideas, but i think IMO youre missing one thing... Side quests :).
    One of my favorite things about the first 2 KH games, was the side quests, whether its the dalmations, 100 acre wood, ultima weapon, atlantica (kh2), or if they add in something else that is just downright fun. such an another coliseum. But the one thing i want out of your list is epic cinematics, which KH has never failed to provide, so i think thatll def happen reguardless :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jul 22, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Zeroxys
    As far as RPGs go, im not sure if there is anything like FE. its a very unique game. The only game i can think of that would come close to it would be the disgaea series. But thats more of a comical game. I have the uncharted games, God of war and the devil may cry games are pretty awesome as well. But for RPGs with a great story id say go for the "tales of" games. Tales of Xillia comes to ps2 in august. and Tales of the abyss is on the 3ds right now (which im currently playing and love it). Tales of symphonia (for the GC) will be re-released for the ps3 in early 2014 (Its personally my 2nd fav game next to FFX). Oh and of course Final Fantasy X remaster HD combo comes out soon as well :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Zeroxys
    did u play it when it first came out? or did u play it after a few years upon release? Because for at the time the controls for KH were top notch and they worked perfectly to fit any other rpg on playstation systems.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jul 3, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Zeroxys
    one of the best? lets challenge :P
  5. Zeroxys
    i did... bought a ps3 for KH3....
    But now ill be buying a ps4 for kh3...
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Zeroxys
    WHen KH3 gets released how are you gonna play?
    Gonna play straight through just the story, no side quests, or trophy hunting?
    Or you gonna go see how fast you can beat the game?
    Or you gonna take your time, pace through the game as doing sidequests on the way through?

    I personally for my first time will probably be so ingulfed in the story that ill prolly play though at a good pace, not pay too much attn to sidequests/secret bosses, and just try to beat the game.
    But then ill restart on a higher difficulty and go through everything in the game and collect everything :).
    Thread by: Zeroxys, Jun 25, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Zeroxys
    lol Ursula is the WORST boss in the game. Definitly the most frustrating, but not the hardest. shes a beast lol
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  8. Zeroxys
    Its my favorite game of all time behind KH and final fantasy X. you wont be disappointed :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Zeroxys
    Only 20 hours? i cant even imagine it being that quick. if you watch all the cutscenes ( and lets be honest, theres gonna be ALOT of them) im sure theres gonna be a good 35+ hours of gameplay time. without excessive grinding and synthesis and such items or sidequests. im guessing 35-40 just on the main story. Its gonna be too epic to just be a 20 hour game.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Zeroxys
    Oh yeah theres lots of good moves in chests. u get a curaga also, and a few of the magic+physical attacks. its really cool how they did that :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  11. Zeroxys
    My guess is also 2015. KH 2.5 presumible will be out next year sometime in 2014, giving enough time for old timers and newcomers to the KH series to enjoy the games and grasp whats going on. so a release date for KH3 in 2015 makes sense to me anyway.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Zeroxys
    hehe theres like 7 torn pages if i remember correctly, u need them all :).
    Glad to hear your enjoying the game, makes me wanna jump in and play it again but im waiting for remix :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  13. Zeroxys
    IIRC Dark Aura is in TWTNW in Rikus story. In the room with the walls that go in and out and you have to jump from level to level on the walls and find a secret chamber in there. Dark firaga is only from a dream eater, my mistake.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  14. Zeroxys
    I personally liked the Strat guide, the maps and treasures in DDD rnt useless. in fact some treasures r VERY useful considering they contain moves only leanred by a dream eater of very high lvl and grade to access them, IE curaga, Dark Aura, Dark firaga. I thought it was an alright guide for guides, but if your looking for how to obtain all the moves and the best team however, the guide doesnt provide that ;/ but other than that its pretty good :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  15. Zeroxys
    When KHIII gets released, do you think theres anyway that after the game is released and everything is good, story endings, conflict resolutions, yada yada yada, will there be any DLC? I mean it seems to be the norm now where EVERY game has DLC. And if so what do u think will be on it?
    I personally think there will be DLC and it will involve constumes,new summons/limits, and probably a few bosses. And i personally will buy them all and use it all up to my advantage :P
    Thread by: Zeroxys, Jun 17, 2013, 19 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Zeroxys
    Ansem for sure. the original "final boss" and The guy you were first chasing down. Idk if im being cheesy but im all for the originals. And the Voice acting by Billy Zane made him the best Xeranort. It was down to a point with expression and emotion, especially at the end of the game.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Zeroxys
    dont think so or else they wouldve added deep jungle into another KH game other than just kh1. its such a popular level that i know they wouldve.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Zeroxys
    oh yeah :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  19. Zeroxys
    Monsters INC, Toy Story.
    Toy story would be perfect imo. Sid is the villain (obviously) just as Capt Hook in KH1. You help out buzz, woody & the others to defeat the heartless that are destroying Andy house, or Pizza planet would be a good placement as well. Have Xeranort pop up & command Cid to do evil and just go from there. i think Toy Story world would be awesome... just need to have Pixar lend the rights to it. Disney is okay with lending there rights obviously, but its the same reason we havnt seen deep jungle since KH is because pixar wont give up the rights, therefore only disney movies, not disney/pixar are in KH series.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Zeroxys
    Im assuming you dont have the cure yet, so heres my advice, make sure you have potions, and every1 in your party has potions in their slots as well. go level up a little bit, i always say if the regular mobs r too hard, then you wont survive the boss. train until you can easily wipe out the heartless. best place imo is the section near the tent, and the big space where u fight the tiger as well. go in full attack mode on stealth sneak, and if u get low on hp your party will heal you or use one of your own potions. once SS is stunned, you pretty much have to just get clayton into a corner, and full frontal attack, but when he jumps back, he will shoot at you, dodge roll a few times to get close to him then kill him then finish off SS. ALSO on olympus coliseum, it says that the battle lvl there is lower, but by rule of thumb i always go to jungle first because (not gonna ruin it for you) but you get something thatll help u tremendously and will make what you have to do at Olympus coliseum much easier ;). IF you ever need help, inbox me, i literally have beatin the game so many times its almost comical :P enjoy :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help