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  1. Zeroxys
    x blade? the xblade should be able to do it. hes gonna for mthe x blade, but sora,/riku/kiari is gonna use it on him. thats the logical answer i can think of atm :p
    Post by: Zeroxys, Oct 7, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Zeroxys
    I vaguely remember him. it comes early in the game, cant remember what he drops, but i remember from where hes at in the game, hes fairly early on & in a little cove between mountain ranges. sorry its been years since ive played dq8.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Sep 27, 2013 in forum: Game Help
  3. Zeroxys
    some of the puppies have been moved. Theyre still in the same world, but in different place. such as the dalmatians from wonderland, instead of them all being in chests, now one of them you have to use a white trinity instead of just high jumping to the bushes in the courtyard. i believe they changed the location of at least 2 sets of puppies per world. so after you get the white trinity is now when you can get them all. the brady games guide is only good for general locations of chests in remix 1.5, but as far as what they contain, about 65% of them have changed. Hope this answers your question
    Post by: Zeroxys, Sep 23, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. Zeroxys
    IIRC Nomura said that he wants to release a KH game every year to keep fans happy. and so it would make sense going on that philosophy that he may release it next sept or just an announcement next sept. idk where i read that, but i know for sure he did.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Sep 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Zeroxys
    okay thank you both :).
    I noticed something when i was playing in Deep Jungle, When Sora is showing the slides to Tarzan, is that castle oblivion? When Sora says "i feel like i know this place from somewhere". i JUST now caught that XD
    Post by: Zeroxys, Sep 13, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Zeroxys
    Hello friends, Ive searched for a thread like this but havnt found one. i figured id start one for KH 1.5 Remix as im seeing lost of differences in the game which leads to me having questions and im sure im not the only one :).

    Anyways, my question is; Has anyone else tried using the old strat guide for FM 1.5? i am currently using it but quickly realizing that alot of items are either not there in the game where it was in the original, or its a different item in the chest. Now normally this wouldnt bother me at all (considering alot of them are upgrades from the original) BUT it does become a problem considering i by now should have saved 21 of the 99 dalmatians already, but only have 12 because the dalmatian have been replaced by other items from the trinity marks and chests.
    Now does anyone know or have a list of where the dalmatians are located? i just want the trophy for completing jiminys journal but cant without mah puppies :(
    Thread by: Zeroxys, Sep 13, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Zeroxys
    the fact that you can figure all this out in what i assume was just minutes.... astounds me lol
    Post by: Zeroxys, Sep 12, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Zeroxys
    IF were talking about pure strength its definitley Riku.
    But if were talking powerful/someone who could beat every1 in a duel of strategic battle it would be xemnas or young xeranort, that time stop and reversal would be crucial.
    Maybe King Mickey would be a top 3 as well.
    but what would that make Master Yen Sid? I think he could potentially be the strongest considering he is the master :P.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Sep 12, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Zeroxys
    Just a little thread to discuss moments in the game that which your thought for yourself was embarrassing :).
    I already have 3 moments lol.
    -Taking 3 times to beat Riku in the race on Destiny Islands (I know its not mandatory to beat him, but i hate losing). This never happens, i always whip his butt without any trouble on the ps2 version, but somehow took 3 tries this time.
    -Losing to Riku 1v1 on Destiny Islands. Again, not mandatory but i use to beat him all the time with no effort at all.
    -Losing to Leon in Traverse Town. Again not mandatory but jeezus, i could not kill him and idk why. he was such a cupcake in the original, but now it seems like hes harder :P.
    Thread by: Zeroxys, Sep 11, 2013, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Zeroxys
    Im jealous :(
    that poster is epic :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Sep 10, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Zeroxys
    Auron could XD
    Auron deals 9999 dmg at his peak :P
    Post by: Zeroxys, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Zeroxys
    What is one game that every1 wishes they could play but either cant, or dont have the ability to? IE such as financial issues, cant find it, ect.
    Mine is Definitley not being able to play WoW anymore due to it being so repetitive. I realize its a great game and is still the king of MMOs, but its just too much of the same thing over and over again. I played it from BC all the way to Lich King, and it had lots of fun with it, but it got too easy, and was catered to little kids. (much like alot of games are nowadays.)

    How about you?
    Thread by: Zeroxys, Sep 3, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Zeroxys
    Post by: Zeroxys, Aug 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Zeroxys
    In KH2 you cant just run away forever, theres certain battles you HAVE to defeat all the heartless in order to advance. and once ur low enough lvl in a higher lvl world, even killing just 1 heartless will level you. so idk how thats possible
    Post by: Zeroxys, Aug 29, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Zeroxys
    Well guys i was right, they are gonna release a strategy guide... but 13 days after release date? sorry but i will not be buying as i will have beatin the games twice by then :(
    Post by: Zeroxys, Aug 19, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Zeroxys
    The only fights i ever really died at in KHII was Xigbar, and thats only cuz he was rough. In KH i couldnt tell you how many times i died on cerberus, Ursula, Meleficent, Riku (hallow bastion). and Of course Sephiroth. KH2 was easier imo, but still an overall great game :)
    Post by: Zeroxys, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Zeroxys
    Water Barrels and ONLY Water barrels :P.
    it took me ages to figure that out, and idk why. i can easily almost max out a Dream eater just from the minigames, with the exception of course of the link requirements for some of the attacks.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  18. Zeroxys
    I do believe Lightning will be in it. i read somewhere that SE wants to make Lightning their "goddess" or something like that, so itll be fun to see how big of a role she would play if she is.
    But anyways, Id like to see Randle from Monsters INC or Sully & Mike Wizouwski. ANd of course the one ive been begging for since KH1 and since Disney now owns pixar... Buzz Lightyear or Woody!!!
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Zeroxys
    He also said itd be "silly" to not make a hd remake of kh2 with what im assuming will consist of BBS as well.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jul 25, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Zeroxys
    Anything with batman in it, im going to see. and im sure im not the only one, so WB is def going for that approach.
    Post by: Zeroxys, Jul 22, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media