I am now currently stuck on Vexen. hes so tough and its such bs how he can sit there & block everything you throw at him & he always has lvl 7-9 cards. idk how to beat him ;/
MP gift + MP rage on goofy is essential to kurt zisa & phantom fight. When i faced these bosses thats all goofy had equipped, MP rage + MP gift = infinte mp for Sora :P
Luke or Lloyd would be pro lol. Idc about any1 else from ToS as long as Lloyd or kratos even would be in it. id be soo happy (fanboy scream)
Thanks for all the help guys. im currently in hallow bastion & the only fights i had issues with so far is just the Riku fights. he almost made me rage because id be at half health & hed stun me & kill me in 1 combo. Ive also been lucky with premium rooms & getting lots of high number cards. as well as blizzaga & firaga helps alot.
Im so glad Marth is returning. i Main Marth, Pikachu & im also really good with Lucus. so i hope he shows back up :D. I would love to see Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia tho. I dont think asking for a Tales of character is way outta the question, they have Tales games for the gamecube & 3ds, so why not? o.0
I agree with you on this all except for Symphonia being choppy in the gameplay, we gotta remember it was made for the GC :P. But beyond that ive seen gameplay of abyss on the ps2 & the compared to the 3ds it doesnt even match at all. 3ds runs so much smoother and load times r much better, and i love how the graphics on 3ds r better as well. SO glad i got abyss on the 3ds :D. and i also CANNOT wait for Xillia 2. its gonna be awesome. i also felt that the ending in XIllia was pretty bland and left me with more of a emptiness than anything else. but knowing theyre making Xillia 2 makes me feel better about it.
THIS THIS AND THIS! If there was multiple endings for KH it would raise more questions rather than answer them. But if there was just ONE ending to an excellent series which never fails to entertain, it would be just right & glorious. I too am a fan of alternate endings for games, just plz not kh3
If you like RPGs, you will LOVE the tales of series. in my opinion wait till Tales of Symphonia chronicles comes out for the ps3 in feb and start with that one. its the best one in the series in my opinion. Tales of Xillia & Tales of the Abyss are also out right now, also both VERY VERY good games. 5 of my top 10 fav games ever are tales of games. Trust me, play them, you will NOT be disappointed :)
Thanks for the help everyone. Im currently just beatin Halloween Town, so now i believe im going to fight Larxene in the next room of castle oblivion. The lowest attk card i have in my deck is a 6 kingdom key and 4 cloud. Im not even worrying about dmg or types of keyblades anymore, im looking for just high number cards that wont get broken. also i cant figure out how to use the shortcut where it auto jumps to a card. Can someone explain that plz? Ive only had trouble with 1 boss & that was the boss in monstro, & i only had an issue with him because of the poison :P
TY for the guide :). Maybe i always just got unlucky or impatient when fighting bosses. but something im doing is clearly wrong :P
thanks for the help guys :). i will def try this out when i get home tonight :)
Okay guys, i LOVE the KH games, all of them. but one i was never able to complete was CoM. I got to Marluxia in the GBA version. got to Only olympus coliseum in RE CoM. But now i started CoM on the 1.5 remix on beginner mode (idc about trophies and stuff like that, i just wanna go through the story). I currently have 19 cards in my deck, i just got passed wonderland and am headed to olympus coliseum now. im lvl 12, and 14 of my 19 cards are attack cards, all kingdom keys except 1 lady luck. but i still find myself struggling in certain battles, i feel like im doing somehting wrong or missing something. (i know all about card breaks, sleights, ext) but idk why i suck so bad at it. do i need better cards? a better deck? more summons? any help is greatly apprecited cuz idk what to do, if i struggle bus this hard through the whole game on beginner ill b very upset :(
Your memory must be bad lol. If your could be invincible during limits/ars arkanam and ragnarok, then wouldnt every1 just spam it? But yes youve always been able to get hit during your combos.
Hymn of the Fayth FTW! Best music in any game ever imo :)
lol if u struggled with end of the world, sephiroth is gonna b brutal. A few tips; for the first 30 secs of the battle even if u punish him, you wont hurt his hp bar, he has so much that the game cant calculate it correctly. 2nd, dont use guard, The only skills that are vital in my opinion are leaf bracer, super glide, slapshot (for crit), sliding dash (cover lots of ground quickly) and ars arcanum (for when he teleports behind you, you can use it & dodge the hit and hurt him at the same time) 3rd, once he jumps back & see a white bubble over his head, use sliding ash & hit him QUICKLY! if you do not, its a spell that takes u down to 1 hp & within .25 of a sec he dashes at you for a final hit. 4th, Whenever hew casts meteor, jump away & use super glide to dodge them. 5th, once you get a good combo going on him he will throw a ring of flames around him and they will hit you 2-3 times before they disappear. (they dont hit hard, but i always use curaga after each cast of that spell anyway just in case). 6th, THE MOST important thing you MUST do, Fill you items slots with ONLY elixiers, anything else is useless and wont matter. 7th, ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS have Aeroga running. If you do not then u can guarantee you will not beat him. and i guess thats it as far as i can recall. its a fairly simple battle once you get his pattern down, but its very intense. Goodluck!
Aeraga, curaga, and use the strongest keyblade u have. set donald and goofy to be very aggressive. they dont do much dmg, but it always helps. make donald use restoritive magic always and have goofys skills all turned off except for mp gift & mp rage, so when ur low on MP he will restore it. thats what i did when i fought the phantom. Lvl 50 should be plenty enough to get u passed that part in the game. What accessories do you have on? Let me know if you need any more help :)
Tales of Xillia is so freaking awesome :D. Cant wait for Lightning returns and FFX HD tho :)
I loved all the new color schemes and models honestly. i thought it was kinda cool and gave that "new game" feeling to it.
Their main goal right now is KH3. i cant see it any differently except for the fact 2.5 is comming, but they also stated that 2.5 wont take as long as 1.5 because someone lost all the original everything from KH1 so is essence kh2.5 will be alot less time consuming and be better off being worked on the side. KH3 is def their main goal, after seeing everyones reaction to the trailers.
they do look better than they did in the original. but everything looks better than the original :P