wonder wat everyone else is doing hmmmmmm man im lonely
no clue wich section 2 read in
ok truthfully i been lookin & readin but noweee i read i find info bout wats goin on
i think i lost em
well better go train to bad no sparrin partner around
uhhh look a shooting star *Runs like hell*
hmm so theres going to be a final battle huh better to not worry
i didn't really read all of it
huh wats too much
yea i think i get it now
so who's the new girl
right step it up (taking notes)
good just been waitin to make grand reappearance on KH
wat final fight and fight now ur speakin my language
hmm cocky wat u mean
sup dude how u been
well guys wats up long time no see huh
wat r guys tlking about not 2 intrude
mwahaha i mean im sorry to hear that
yo sup how are you