Dunno what to say there honestly, I personally use UCM modding and go from there. I might be able to get a DW Lion Sora and Anti Sora using the method I am using for keyblade-properties.
Okay, uhh, what iso are you using? If it is english, what rev is it? Or where did you get it? Okay, I tweaked this slightly, though the digits for all the growth abilities are there. E025FDFF 0034D45C 2032E074 81888189 2032E078 819481A5 2032E07C 81978197 2032E080 809E8195 2032E084 808A8052 2032E088 81080181 2032E08C 810D8061 2032E090 81118089 2032E094 8230810C 2032E098 818580C6 2032E09C 81828107 2032E0A0 819C8065 2032E0A4 810E80A2 2032E0A8 818F8110 2032E0AC 8238810B 2032E0B0 81958237 2032E0B4 8197822F 2032E0B8 819D0183 2032E0BC 00A38069 2032E0C0 00A300A2 2032E0C4 81098232 2032E0C8 810F8231 2032E0CC 8106810A 2032E0D0 8184821B 2032E0D4 818E806D 2032E0D8 8191818E 2032E0DC 8193819B 2032E0E0 81868198 2032E0E4 818C8192 2032E0E8 81A08195 2032E0EC 81888199 2032E0F0 819E018A 2032E0F4 8196819A 2032E0F8 818B818D 2032E0FC 8190821E 2032E100 8187819F 2032E104 821C8189 If that does not work, try using this: Lvl 5 Growth Abilities (MUST STAY APPLIED) 21c6c93c 05050505 01c6c940 00000005 Lvl 4 Growth Abilities (MUST STAY APPLIED) 21c6c93c 04040404 01c6c940 00000004 I tested the Growth/found these myself, so I do know they should work. The Anti form in your dive menu may be iso specific. I tried the Antiform out myself, try removing the Joker entirely and the bottom three lines, worked for me that.
Try this for Antiform: Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms (With Antiform in Drive List) E006FDFF 0034D45C 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 1032EE24 00000029 1032EECC 00000029 1032EF04 00000029 I do not think the last three lines are needed by-the-way. Which'll will mean change E006FdFF to E003FdFF And for all of the abilities from the start: http://puu.sh/hzyfr/fe85b6692c.jpg Click on the Spoiler button: http://puu.sh/hzyhT/a46b396b7e.png Hope this helps.
Go to the first page of this thread, there you should find both the those codes.
Alright, basically showcasing this hack I made in KH2FM. Really awesome upgrade for Lion Sora I must say. He can dual-wield thru an AI mod, giving him Master Forms key-blade AI, then giving that Final mset, I got this. So enjoy! Information: Yup, been putting a lot of time into this hack. All I still need to do is make it so be can grab ledges, give his flinch animations the left key-blade, and get it working in Space Paranoids. You may get it working via room mod, FYI. Other than that, I got what I want, I may tweak the left key-blades position. To give it higher landed hit-boxes. So enjoy another update to him. After I get him done, I'll try and get an Dual-Wield Anti Sora and see if I get Riku working better. So, enjoy! Note: this is done on a RAW KH2FM iso. This will not work on any other iso. ________________________________________ _______________ Instructions: Note: When applying any code, do not have any titles of code in emuhaste or whatever cheat device you use. This likely will not work on PS2, but I don't know. This doesn't work in Space Paranoids, and likely not Timeless River. 1.) Boot game into Postern. Make sure that Fenrir is your main key-blade and Rumbling Rose is Master Form's. Otherwise animation mods will NOT work. Then Apply the following Codes "No Party Members" "Play as Lion Sora in all Worlds" "Aerial Dodge Lvl 3" "Jump Height" Walk into Construction Area. Once you are seen as Lion Sora alone, return to Postern. 2.) Now apply the following codes. "All Magic Modifiers" Clear the codes from Emuhaste. 3.) Then Apply these following codes. "Mod for Key-blade Count" "Both Key-blade Msets" "Character Animation Mods" Walk into Construction Area again. You should load with two-key-blades now standing. If so, return to the Postern once again. 4.) Then apply any remaining code. "Left Blade Animation Mods" Then take a step, if your key-blade spins when you run and hovers when you stand, it has applied correctly. You're good to go. Edit: This apparently does work in Space Paranoids, but there is a chance it could hang while going into the world. Update: Apparently after you go through 20 or so rooms, your spawn animation will stop working for some reason? I am looking for a fix for this. Code: No Party Members 2032F064 12121200 2032F068 12121200 2032F06C 12121200 2032F070 12121200 2032F074 12121200 2032F078 12121200 2032F07C 12121200 2032F080 12121200 2032F084 12121200 2032F088 12121200 2032F08C 12121200 2032F090 12121200 2032F094 12121200 2032F098 12121200 2032F09C 12121200 2032F0A0 12121200 2032F0A4 12121200 2032F0A8 12121200 2032F0AC 12121200 ------------------------- Play as Lion Sora in all Worlds 11CE0B68 0000028A 11CE0FAC 0000028A 11CE0FE0 0000028A 11CE1014 0000028A 11CE11E8 0000028A 11CE121C 0000028A 11CE1250 0000028A 11CE1284 0000028A ------------------------- Aerial Dodge Lvl 3 01C6C93e 00000003 Jump Height 21ce30b8 432a0000 ________________________________________ _______________ Magic Modifiers Blizzard 21d19980 0008003b 21d19984 0008003b 21d19988 0008003b 21d19990 00000102 Thunder 21d19ad0 0008003e 21d19ad4 0008003e 21d19ad8 0008003e 21d19ae0 00000103 Fire 21d19830 00080038 21d19834 00080038 21d19838 00080038 21d19840 00000101 Cure 21d19c20 00080041 21d19c24 00080041 21d19c28 00080041 21d19c30 00000104 Magnet 21d19d70 00080044 21d19d74 00080044 21d19d78 00080044 21d19d80 00000105 Reflect 21d19ec0 00080047 21d19ec4 00080047 21d19ec8 00080047 21d19ed0 00000106 _______________________________________________________ Mod for Keyblade Count 21c9c8cc 14000000 21c9c914 00050001 21c9c91c 04020e00 21ce270c 0023003b Keyblade MSETS Right blade=Lion Sora 21cd52a8 58455f57 21cd52ac 5f303130 21cd52b0 00004b4c 21cd52b4 00000000 Left Blade=Right Blade 21cd52c8 58455f57 21cd52cc 5f303130 21cd52d0 46544c55 21cd52d4 0000525f ------------------------- Character Amn Mods A121=L000(2) 20b591c8 00b5fb00 20b591cc 00001be6 L141=L404 20b5b6f8 00be40e0 20b5b6fc 000039ae _______________________________________________________ Key-Blade Mods E000=E173- 20c6fc58 00ca1470 20c6fc5c 00000e64 E001=E173- 20c6fc98 00ca1470 20c6fc9c 00000e64 E002=E170- 20c6fcd8 00ca0070 20c6fcdc 00000534 Jump_001=E003(1)- 20c6fd38 00c76440 20c6fd3c 000013ea Jump_002=E004(1)- 20c6fd78 00c77830 20c6fd7c 00000d64 Land_003=E005(1)- 20c6fdb8 00c785a0 20c6fdbc 00000ac0 Item_005=E110(1)- 20c6feb8 00c7e980 20c6febc 00000b9e E300=E301- 20c72218 00c93190 20c7221c 0000148c E302=E303- 20c72298 00c96c10 20c7229c 00003ece E303=E332- 20c722d8 00c9c8b0 20c722dc 000037be E330=E301- 20c72998 00c93190 20c7299c 0000148c E331=E301- 20c729d8 00c93190 20c729dc 0000148c Dash St_=E332(1)- 20c72ef8 00c9c8b0 20c72efc 000037be
No Party Members 2032F064 12121200 2032F068 12121200 2032F06C 12121200 2032F070 12121200 2032F074 12121200 2032F078 12121200 2032F07C 12121200 2032F080 12121200 2032F084 12121200 2032F088 12121200 2032F08C 12121200 2032F090 12121200 2032F094 12121200 2032F098 12121200 2032F09C 12121200 2032F0A0 12121200 2032F0A4 12121200 2032F0A8 12121200 2032F0AC 12121200 ------------------------- Play as Lion Sora in all Worlds 11CE0B68 0000028A 11CE0FAC 0000028A 11CE0FE0 0000028A 11CE1014 0000028A 11CE11E8 0000028A 11CE121C 0000028A 11CE1250 0000028A 11CE1284 0000028A ------------------------- Aerial Dodge Lvl 3 01C6C93e 00000003 Jump Height 21ce30b8 432a0000 ________________________________________ _______________ Magic Modifiers Blizzard 21d19980 0008003b 21d19984 0008003b 21d19988 0008003b 21d19990 00000102 Thunder 21d19ad0 0008003e 21d19ad4 0008003e 21d19ad8 0008003e 21d19ae0 00000103 Fire 21d19830 00080038 21d19834 00080038 21d19838 00080038 21d19840 00000101 Cure 21d19c20 00080041 21d19c24 00080041 21d19c28 00080041 21d19c30 00000104 Magnet 21d19d70 00080044 21d19d74 00080044 21d19d78 00080044 21d19d80 00000105 Reflect 21d19ec0 00080047 21d19ec4 00080047 21d19ec8 00080047 21d19ed0 00000106 _______________________________________________________ Mod for Keyblade Count 21c9c8cc 14000000 21c9c914 00050001 21c9c91c 04020e00 21ce270c 0023003b Keyblade MSETS Right blade=Lion Sora 21cd52a8 58455f57 21cd52ac 5f303130 21cd52b0 00004b4c 21cd52b4 00000000 Left Blade=Right Blade 21cd52c8 58455f57 21cd52cc 5f303130 21cd52d0 46544c55 21cd52d4 0000525f ------------------------- Character Amn Mods A121=L000(2) 20b591c8 00b5fb00 20b591cc 00001be6 L141=L404 20b5b6f8 00be40e0 20b5b6fc 000039ae _______________________________________________________ Key-Blade Mods E000=E173- 20c6fc58 00ca1470 20c6fc5c 00000e64 E001=E173- 20c6fc98 00ca1470 20c6fc9c 00000e64 E002=E170- 20c6fcd8 00ca0070 20c6fcdc 00000534 Jump_001=E003(1)- 20c6fd38 00c76440 20c6fd3c 000013ea Jump_002=E004(1)- 20c6fd78 00c77830 20c6fd7c 00000d64 Land_003=E005(1)- 20c6fdb8 00c785a0 20c6fdbc 00000ac0 Item_005=E110(1)- 20c6feb8 00c7e980 20c6febc 00000b9e E300=E301- 20c72218 00c93190 20c7221c 0000148c E302=E303- 20c72298 00c96c10 20c7229c 00003ece E303=E332- 20c722d8 00c9c8b0 20c722dc 000037be E330=E301- 20c72998 00c93190 20c7299c 0000148c E331=E301- 20c729d8 00c93190 20c729dc 0000148c Dash St_=E332(1)- 20c72ef8 00c9c8b0 20c72efc 000037be
Alright, thanks! I'll do that.
Hey, I got a question? How many posts does it take to be able to post into "New Releases" Cuz I have a hack I am trying to showcase. Dual-Wield...
Hey guys, not ever really on this site: but I got a question for ya guys: Does anyone know the code to make FMV/pre-rendered into a 16x9 ratio, thus making it take up the whole screen.