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  1. 1Timestones38n
    To an extent, XD
    And do wanna see it!
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Oct 27, 2015 in forum: Video Showcase
  2. 1Timestones38n
    Well not "as big as you want." Highest you can do is 512x512, which can offer textures up to 960p? Taking a guess there, since I am working on a custom menu, it's resemblance to the KH3 menu, but with my person touches. I can go up 1440p before I see any stretching on the menu, but I am accommodating to the long RC names and such. The most annoying thing is ironically the SEQD's colour knobs. Wish they had a number system like the index and position do.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Oct 26, 2015 in forum: Video Showcase
  3. 1Timestones38n
    That is true, I'll admit, but you could use that one as a base, tweak it maybe?
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Oct 19, 2015 in forum: Video Showcase
  4. 1Timestones38n
    Full Playlist of DLS:

    --UPDATE 04/24/2016--

    So it's been a month since I last updated here. But well, wanted to say that I've had a lot of of work done on ard files with the world. Primarily editing the enemy spawn points.
    This list will show what enemies you will be seeing in the Pride Lands now:
    --New Enemies:
    Wight Knights
    Emerald Blues
    Necromancer (CoR Shaman)
    Aerial Champion (CoR Aerial Knocker)
    Crimzon Jazzes
    --Traditional Enemies:
    Living Bones
    Silver Rocks
    --Enemies that are no longer there:
    Aerial Knockers
    Bolt Towers

    Please reply with what enemies you would like to see in the world. The enemies do need to work in the world I will admit.
    Most nobodies sadly are very buggy.
    all cause pretty excessive issues, ranging from T-STancing the Player, themselves, or even crashing the game.

    I am also limited to how many enemies can be in one room. The game loads all their information before hand. If this information is too much, T-Stances and crashes will occur.

    There are times where it seems like LSora is just like spitting out effects at times, and that needs some addressing, maybe lowering effects to help it not spit out effects.
    Each room is limited to 5-7 types of enemies at once.
    14 Crimzon Jazzes in ram-cache is less than 1 Crimzon and a Shadow.
    There is only one cached model, AI, mset, etc with 14 Crimzon Jazzes. Whereas 1 crimzon and 1 shadow is 2 of each.

    And this mod no longer uses pointers from Timeless River. Unused models and such were used instead, meaning most accessible unused models are now inaccessible, but some HEX editing would allow them to be accessed again.
    Extra weapons and such are also no longer usable.

    This is about all I have to say for now.

    --UPDATE 03/24/2016--

    So I've been hard at work to get back to where I was with Drive Lion Sora. And for the most part, I am back to where I was before I lost my files. I do not have any texture or sprite mods applied. But this will be fixed in time.
    I've been putting most attention to mset and ecasters for him. And I've basically gotten that to a pretty stable point. Minus Valor, Limit, and Anti.

    But Wisdom, Master, and Final Form are the closest to being done.
    Wisdom Form needs a slight tweak with one animation, and slight combo pointer tweaks.
    Master Form needs some ECASTER work, as does Final Form. But as a whole they are 100% stable with no crashes or hangs.

    That's about all I can say for now.
    --END UPDATE--


    Recently, my computer crashed on me, and forced me to reinstall my OS. Despite having these files backed up on a separate HDD, I lost all my files regarding this alteration to KH2FM. So Drive Lion Sora is back at ground-zero, sadly. But I hope to get it going again as soon as I can, and log a lot more of my changes too.
    --END UPDATE--

    This mod is a work in progress. It will be updated as I showcase updates. There are no available downloads for this mod since it still early in development. There are various things I likely will need help. I will announce these as they come up. This is what I have so far:

    Animation Mods:
    Normal = 97%
    * There are a few things that need fixing
    Valor = 00%
    * Not even began yet
    Wisdom = 99%
    * There are a few things that need fixing
    Limit = 00%
    * Not even began really
    Master = 95%
    * ECASTERS need work
    Final = 95%
    * Essential done minus gravity loops.
    Anti = 00%
    * Not even started

    Normal = Default
    Valor = 00%
    Wisdom = 00%
    Limit = 00%
    Master = 00%
    Final = 00%
    Anti = 00%
    Halloween = Not Started
    Christmas = Not Started
    Tron = Not Started

    Normal = 99%
    Valor = 40%
    Wisdom = 95%
    Limit = 25%
    Master = 80%
    Final = 75%
    Anti = 00%

    Normal = Done
    Valor = 00%
    Wisdom = 00%
    Limit = 00% (possible redo)
    Master = 00%
    Final = 00%
    Anti = 00%
    Halloween = 00%
    Christmas = 00%
    Tron = 00%

    --ARD Edits | Map Mods
    lk00.ard | Pride Rock (Present) | [NOTS] | Done by 13th Vessel (may edit)
    lk01.ard | Stone Hollow
    lk02.ard | The King's Den
    lk03.ard | Wildebeest Valley (Present) | [DONE] |
    lk04.ard | The Savannah | [DONE] | Not started
    lk05.ard | Elephant Graveyard | [DONE] | Started
    lk06.ard | Gorge | [NOTS] | Done
    lk07.ard | The Wastelands
    lk08.ard | Jungle
    lk09.ard | Oasis (Day) | [NOTS] | Done by 13th Vessel
    lk10.ard | Pride Rock (Restored)
    lk11.ard | Oasis (Night)
    lk12.ard | Overlook (Night)
    lk13.ard | The Peak
    lk14.ard | Scar's Darkness
    lk15.ard | (Unknown Name)
    lk16.ard | (Unknown Name)

    --Other things:
    This mod is focused on giving Lion Sora the capability to properly use Drive Forms as normal Sora would. I also hope to completely add Lion Sora as an additional form to use. Hopefully even having its own growth ability to be added as well. As to what this is, I have no idea. Would be cool to hike up walls though, or a wall jump. Likely be done by pressing square or something like that when right by a wall.
    This mod also hopes to overhaul the entire world of the Pridelands, since there is virtually no value to the world by default. It was there just to be there. It is by size the biggest world, by area to travel, and MB on disc. Why not give it some purpose? Things to be done by overhauling is added events, minigames, replays, maybe even another visit for a new boss fight of somekind. Likely an LC of Scar. Something I myself want to start on working with anyway.
    Some events may even change with the world. I may go about with combining parts of the first and second visit.
    These are ideas, nothing is final. Any help with this will be appreciated.
    My main concern at the time is keyblade position issues. Something that really bugs the hell out of me. And I cannot seem to fix unless I completely change the keyblade mset, which will not go well since this will alter the originals for normal Sora too.

    --Other Information:
    This mod alters files, adds files, and repoints various things. So some codes or patches may not work with this mod.
    This mods uses a lot of Timeless River's slots in 00objentry.bin due to repointing these slots to the Pridelands.
    Additional UCM pointers were added to accommodate the ability to drive in the Pridelands.

    This mod requires Crazycatz00's English Translation with all optional patches that come with it.
    1. English Translation [REQUIRED]
    Uses English text as a basis due to pointers.
    4. Extras (has Sephiroth refightable) [REQUIRED]
    Built upon this update. Must have this! Or a lot of things will not work.
    2. Dual Audio [HIGHLY RECOMMENDED]
    Uses some aspects from this, may work without it, but some text could be messed up.
    3. Dual Video [NOT REQUIRED]
    Doesn't really use anything from this patch, but have not tested without it.

    If anyone wants to help with this mod, please say so. Show what you have already done before, and tell what you are interested in doing. Certain things I don't need help with though. And I'll say what they are if someone is interested in these things. But that does not mean I will not take the help anyway.
    Please do not ask to help just to get a beta version... very alpha version then pass it as your own. I need to know you are trust worthy, and have a background on modding, part of my reason for saying supply things you have done, try to show things for this game in particular.
    Thank you!

    People with some assets at this time:
    Vanitas Hearts
    Naru-Izagni (could be spelled wrong)

    Thread by: 1Timestones38n, Oct 16, 2015, 3 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  5. 1Timestones38n
    Ya know something I kinda just realized about this mod? The menu you have when you fight Roxas is 99% the true KH1 menu.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: Video Showcase
  6. 1Timestones38n
    I don't have the resources on me at the moment to make it myself. But I'll try my memory...
    I can't guarantee this will work on Codebreaker 7. You ought to be able to get a Codebreaker 9.2-10.0 elf somewhere. Getting emuhaste is a sure way of getting it, since it uses it.
    But first off you will need a joker for the whole code.
    Either an L2 or R2 joker are typically used.
    E___FDFF 0034D45C = R2 Joker
    E___FEFF 0034D45C = L2 Joker

    Those underscores are there because they get filled in with however many lines lie below.

    A roomwarp is either a 2 or 3 line code.
    2032BAE0 0000xx04
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    The "04" at the end stands for Hollowbastion/Radiant Garden. That will change per world. Best bet for this to work to be in the world you are warping to the event of.
    The "xx" is the room you are warping too. The Great Maw is: 11
    The "??" is the event itself. You can to an extent mix and match these only with the world they are for, but this tends to crash the game. The 1000 Heartless event is: 42
    So this will be the codes for that area.
    2032BAE0 00001104
    2032BAE4 00420042
    2032BAE8 00000042

    Then you will need a party modifier. This may not work in Olympus Colosseum.
    4032F064 00130001
    NNDDWWMM 00000000
    NN = Guest Slot/Party Slot III
    DD = Party Slot II
    WW = Party Slot I
    MM = Player Slot

    Those can change depending on the event that is taking place.
    00- Sora or Roxas depending on story progression.
    01- Donald
    02- Goofy
    03- World Character
    04- Sora Valor/Roxas Two Keyblades (Roxas in his part).
    05- Wisdom
    06- Limit Form
    07- Master
    08- Final
    09- Anti
    0A- Mickey
    Those can change depending on the event that is taking place.
    So for Donald and Goofy to be present, you would have:
    4032F064 00130001
    12020100 00000000

    I would go ahead and add these to this, as a precautionary.
    11CE0B6A 0000005C
    11CE0B6C 0000005D
    11CE0B6E 000002F0

    So the code there would be this:
    4032F064 00130001
    12020100 00000000
    11CE0B6A 0000005C
    11CE0B6C 0000005D
    11CE0B6E 000002F0

    So with all those codes together, you ought to have this:
    2032BAE0 00001104
    2032BAE4 00420042
    2032BAE8 00000042
    4032F064 00130001
    12020100 00000000
    11CE0B6A 0000005C
    11CE0B6C 0000005D
    11CE0B6E 000002F0

    But now you need either of those jokers from before. Count the lines you have in the completed code. There are 8. So in the ___ area you have put 008 in the place. Then this ought to be your final code.
    E008FEFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00001104
    2032BAE4 00420042
    2032BAE8 00000042
    4032F064 00130001
    12020100 00000000
    11CE0B6A 0000005C
    11CE0B6C 0000005D
    11CE0B6E 000002F0

    I hope that works for you.
    Just realized someone gave you a code. But here you'll keep your party members. Or should?

    And to the guy asking about the music modifier, I am not sure what to tell you, I would need to be infront of my PC. You should take the list you got, look for areas it says nothing is played, and try those.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Oct 15, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  7. 1Timestones38n
    It's a room warp apparently. That is interesting to know. May take look about in room warps for events and such.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Sep 6, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  8. 1Timestones38n
    Likely not, likely due to no one every really trying to trigger the event via hacking. Although an RC command mod may do the trick? Dunno where to do this though. But may give it a look around.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Sep 5, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  9. 1Timestones38n
    No, it isn't finished. Have not been here in a month since my PC died on me. So, any progress I had on it was gone. I was roughly half way with it.

    Still need to make it so the total EXP can be reset. Any help on locating that would appreciated guys.

    I was busy with making a Driving Lion Sora mod to the game. Enabling Lion Sora to use Drive and other options in the Pridelands, and hopefully be driveable outside the Pridelands as an additional form.

    KH2FM: Drive Lion Sora Beta rev16 Showcase[DOUBLEPOST=1440828104][/DOUBLEPOST]
    What other codes do you have applied?
    The Infinite Drive Codes and Drive related codes, break the AI for that.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Aug 29, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  10. 1Timestones38n
    // 16:9 Hack Disabled (1Ts38n)
    patch=1,EE,20106E10,extended,c480004c // 3c013f4c
    patch=1,EE,20106E28,extended,00000000 // 3421cccc
    patch=1,EE,20106E2C,extended,00000000 // 4481f800
    patch=1,EE,20106E30,extended,4600a503 // 461fa503
    patch=1,EE,20106E54,extended,00000000 // 3c0f0037
    patch=1,EE,20106E58,extended,00000000 // 449bf000
    patch=1,EE,20106E70,extended,00000000 // 461effc2
    patch=1,EE,20106E74,extended,00000000 // e61f004c
    This turns the 16x9 hack off that is in the iso. This also makes it so you can use the old method again.
    // 2.35 Ratio (1Ts38n)
    patch=1,EE,203A7BBC,word,3EDC999A // 3F4CCCCC
    //World Map
    patch=1,EE,2037153C,word,3EDC999A // 3F4CCCCC
    patch=1,EE,2036A0F0,word,3DC8999A // 3F4CCCCC
    patch=1,EE,203a7cbc,word,3DC8999A // 3F4CCCCC
    patch=1,EE,203a7dbc,word,3DC8999A // 3F4CCCCC
    // 2.35 Font
    patch=1,EE,2036CE94,word,3F34999A // 3F800000
    patch=1,EE,2036CE98,word,3F34999A // 3F800000
    patch=1,EE,2036CE9C,word,3F34999A // 3F800000
    patch=1,EE,2036AD64,word,3F34999A // 3F800000
    // 2.35 Game-play Zoom
    patch=1,EE,2036A0B8,word,438C03D4 //43C90000 ?
    // 2.35 Cutscene Zoom
    patch=1,EE,2036A0BC,word,43DC03D4 //44090000 ?
    The first part after word or extended or dword is the applied code, the // ???????? is the default based on the iso.[DOUBLEPOST=1436311526][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I may try to fix it, reverse engineering things is something I do well.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jul 7, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  11. 1Timestones38n
    ya know ya could post those in video showcase?
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jun 8, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  12. 1Timestones38n
    There is this, but there are more advanced methods today

    Today you can mix and match animation msets with other hitbox sets, much more cutomization with bosses and such.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jun 7, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  13. 1Timestones38n
    No, not yet...
    I've only gotten Sora mostly done so far... I need to track down the line(s) of code that fix the EXP data.
    Right now it's messed up rather badly. And Sora alone is 41 lines of code. Though everyone else should be shorter, since they have far less abilities to adjust.
    I'll post it all up once everyone is done with their EXP fixed.[DOUBLEPOST=1433404378][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Awesomeness! Thanks on that part! Oh, what version of KH2FM is this hack made, I'm pretty sure it is iso specific. Though simply having the data is enough to refind it if I need to...
    Hopefully I could track it down. Or getting him to use it may only possible in rom hacking and not ram hacking. That and amn modding him is very DMA.

    The problem is effect casters are different. And I have no idea about those.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jun 4, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  14. 1Timestones38n
    That is interesting indeed.
    I may use some of this hack as a base, if you don't mind that is... I've been trying for ever to get Riku to cast Dark Aura, and this may be what I am needing.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jun 3, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  15. 1Timestones38n
    So this changes one spell to another basically?
    I got some magic AI mods of my own, my YouTube has a couple showcases on it.
    Driving Lion Sora vs Terra
    Driving Lion Sora Showcase
    Dual-wield Lion Sora rev_5
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jun 3, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  16. 1Timestones38n
    Alright then... Glad I was able to help out... sorta, lol
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jun 1, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  17. 1Timestones38n
    Personally no, I don't. Though do you mean specific animations, or an mset for characters?
    Each mset file has several anb files within them. Each anb is an animation.
    There are tools for this, but I am sure I am able to give them out... you'll have to talk to Sorikosan (Danny) about the tools... here is his YouTube.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jun 1, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  18. 1Timestones38n
    It could take up to a week. But if I start right away, maybe a couple days. It's a decent amount of code. Maybe a 100 lines to get it all.
    The initial hacking your stats to Lvl 1 is easy... that'd be about 20, but I'll have to pinpoint the ID's to each ability slot and assign them accordingly to Lvl 1, per character. That'll be the rest of the code.
    I'll work on it, and try to get it done soon.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, Jun 1, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  19. 1Timestones38n
    Ummm, what exactly are you asking?
    A code that make you a level 1? Or am I mistaken?

    There likely is a code for it, but there is just hacking to be level 1. Literally just modding your level. This does not modify other characters. Unless they are modded as well.
    All individually they are modded.
    I likely could make a complete level 1 code that would make you and all characters lvl 1 with the proper abilities for the level.
    But it could take some time. Or you could play the game in critical mode, and run thru it at a level 1. Which is what I did.
    Post by: 1Timestones38n, May 31, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  20. 1Timestones38n

    Exactly like the title says, a showcase of Lion Sora being able to use drive forms without any T-Stancing.
    This was done through a mix of UCM, model, mset, weaponmset (wmset), magic AI, drive AI, character AI, animation, abilities, weapon joints, and more, were all modded in order for this to work.

    The code at this moment is about 180 lines long, but most can be activated in one room, so horrah on that. But I'm not giving out code for several reasons, a chunk of the code is iso specific, and I am using a very specific iso. Sorry on that part.

    Copy/pasta from YTube:
    This is a showcase of Lion Sora using Drive forms, other versions of Lion Sora, with different properties basically. A lot of code has gone into, it it's basic set up is almost universal. However, I want to make some keyblade modifications for a couple of the forms, but when driving, it has reload the mset's with each execute of the drive, so cancelling any mods that may have been done. If code is given out for this hack, it'll likely be in an exe form, and I'll likely add Simba as a Party member in all worlds. That way, you'll get access to limits, rather than 1.

    So enjoy, sorry about no code being given out. Also for other reasons aside from The weapon mset issue. Various patches were applied to the iso I am using here, and these patches are private at the time, so sorry for that. I'll update the description with the patches that are public.
    Thread by: 1Timestones38n, May 21, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Video Showcase