I totally think it is possible. Mainly would just have to animation mod him and point the magic animations to slots that are registered to magic slots on normal sora. But how well this would work, I couldn't say. Sometimes it'll work near indefinitely, whereas other times, it'll be DMA beyond reason. I've had mods go both ways on me. My YouTube shows nearly everything I've done. Showing I know what I'm talking about here. It would actually be easier to rom hack it, but I'm pretty occupied with well, what my YT shows. I think you may be able to try xaddgx to see if he could give it a go, since last I heard, he took requests. He releases code when he uploads a video.
I'm atm playing on a Fujistu laptop. It has in iCore5 @ 2.4Ghz x4 8GB DDR3 RAM Intel GMA 4500MHD iGPU I can play at 1280x544 with minimal slowdowns. My previous rig, had a number of issues, a major CPU loop, so I hardly ever had it at fullspeed. My settings are PCSX2 1.2.1 Graphics are DX9 rendering, since it plays better for me DX9 has some minor graphical glitches, but nothing major, DX10 on my side, has less graphic issues, but the ones that to linger about are far more of an annoyance than DX9. Graphics Settings: http://puu.sh/ny0Hr/f50ace34e8.jpg Audio Settings: http://puu.sh/ny0IS/7e2c6415e2.jpg General Plugins: http://puu.sh/ny0JP/6fc9615e14.jpg Emulation Settings: http://puu.sh/ny0L8/2ef4f17f3d.jpg I do experience a couple slowdowns, but primarily if I die, or a lot of effects are on screen, but otherwise, plays flawlessly. // Internal 30 Refresh Rate (1Ts38n) patch=1,EE,20349E1C,extended,00000001 //00000001 patch=1,EE,20349E2c,extended,00000001 //00000001 patch=1,EE,20349E20,extended,00000001 //00000001 You can try this code, it locks everything a 30 refresh-rate. Definitely helps out with menus and such, and some effects are more stable. Axel slowdowns are less ironically, though I don't really see how this does much of anything, unless his fire-ring ran in a 60 refresh. What are you specs? And can you elaborate a little more on "locking it to 16x9" Like rendering ratio? Emulation settings?[DOUBLEPOST=1457360443][/DOUBLEPOST] Okay maybe nevermind on elaborating. You can either just lower your rendering resolution, try that code I posted (which I made) I know it works. and with resolution, use custom resolution. And if you are on a 1080p screen, but want the anti-alis effect. Render it in a 16x9 ratio with 1440 as your height. I don't think this will help you much since 4x native is giving problems. 2548x1440 Try these 16x9 ratio res's 1920x1080 1080p 1600x900 1440x808 3D monitor standard 1360x768 native monitor 1280x720 720p 956x540 540p 854x480 480p 792x448 PS2 native 16x9 The same res's in 21x9 3384x1440 2538x1080 2116x900 1898x808 1804x768 1696x720 1440x612 1280x544 1048x480 976x448
Simple fix, lower the resolution to lower than 4x native. 1x 512x448 2x 1024x896 3x 1536x1344 4x 2048x1792 I'd use custom resolution. I personally play it at 1696x720 since I play in 21x9, I render in 21x9. You're likely on a 16x9/16x10 screen, setting the game to 16x9 lock. Render in 1920x1080. See if that fixes the issue.
Drive Lion Sora rev66: Wisdom Form Finalizing, Valor Begins
Well, if I get a file-dump from the guy, then yeah, I would do it, but do not have one yet. One of the iso they're using that is.
I wouldn't say that. It just needs rehacking for the iso. I could rehack it. Just would need a ramdump from emuhaste. Since I am on a custom iso and a vanilla iso.
Those codes are iso specific for the most part, given exception of Xeeyanmo's ENG Tranlsation. Crazy's alters the obj entry. So standard use UCM codes do not work as they should. Same with model swaps, mset swaps, etc. Those given are those usch codes. They'll only work on a clean iso, or Xeeyanmo's ENG version (might not work though)
Animation, ECASTER, anb hacking is essentially the same from enemy to player. Just don't change the idle anb. Use ps2dis, and emuhaste. I highly suggest search xaddgx on YouTube. He's got good tutorials that are step-by step on how to do things.
Like are you trying to to apply those that you have there. That won't really work. Reproduce Codes are there to point what is to what, they are not actual code. They're labels. You'll need to RAMhack the codes, look up xaddgx tutorials for more info.
Wasn't saying I saw, was flat out saying it was against rules to post links to isos and such. That was all.
You do know that it is directly against site rules to post links to iso in this site, right? F266B00B.pnach (Original Unmodded Iso/Xeeyamo's English Translation) FAF99301.pnach (Crazycatz00 English Iso)
// Play as DW Roxas in Most Cases patch=1,EE,11CE0BF8,word,00000323 try that
The tutorial uses a different UCM slot. Roxas himself is 005A, DW Roxas is still 0323. But the addresss is different, I'll have to track that down. Dunno why, just never dawned to do that. It should work at least after you are KH2 Sora. What you may need is a model/mset swap to get it working for Roxas's story. I am not at a PC at the time, so I can't do much. I've not done a lot of testing on 1.4.0 PCSX2. Though it is nive OpenGL is working nicely. I got a speed boost from it. Though now a mod I am working on crashes some, need to fine tune that. What program are you using to apply your codes? pnach, emuhaste, cheatengine, etc?
That bottom code: 11CE0BF8 00000323, that works right on my end for Crazycatz00 iso. I know this works, since I use pnach, emuhaste, and cheat engine with that code. Works in all of them. I am currently in process of making a UCM line list for crazycatz00's iso, plus a modified version for my Drive Lion Sora hack, that is built off of Crazy's iso. Though do you have the dual-audio/dual-video as well, those could play a part in it. And very very highly advise you remove the link to the iso, that is directly against the rules.
What patches/iso are you using. Either 11CE0B68 00000323 or 11CE0BF8 00000323
No, to KH1FM, already been answered, but whatever. And yeah, some scenes the 60fps will still turn off due to there being too much rendered to render in 60fps.
Check the KH2FM Code Thread. I sent a reply there.