My sister drew it sometime ago and gave it to me. So I decided to share it with you guys/girls.
Van here at your service. New to the forum, (sort of)
Nobody mentioned. Mobile Suit Gundam! My personal favourite Gundam series is 8th MS team.
*calls from the Hole* a little help here please?
*dodges random objects toilets and all* bad day bad day bad day!! *trips and falls into a hole* why's there a hole in the floor?
*get's up and get's hit wth a random object* owww...
"I'm Van." *falls and hits the ground hard*
*sits in twilight's hands* uhh hello?
*cringes* yeah take it from me Do not make Sara mad.
I made mine becuase I like the Deathseeker Class in TableTop RPGs. and my name is Vaughan. short form Van.
guess I can only really say one word about this person "projector"
I have my title becuase I have my title. nothing else to say.
Yes we are here. Sara asked us to come. But I don't think going into Details is a good idea for the most part.