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  1. DizzyPidgeon
    Enter Shikari, my favourite band at the moment. I adore the two songs you've put up, although I love all of them. My friend saw them live and ssaid they were simply amazing. They're unique style is .. great. I love them.
    Post by: DizzyPidgeon, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: Music
  2. DizzyPidgeon
    Comments! Comments!

    Well, I joined because I know peoples on other KH forums that were here.

    And you think I can handle the pen tool? Pfft. Rendering - I can do that, but drawing with it. Jess sayzz no - she infact used Calligraphic brushes and erased. No gradient mask, dear Gee

    And yes, I went for rebellious flow; multi-flow etc etc.

    AAAAND I'm usually good at text. I got lazy after 2 hours and 60+ layers - understandable, right?

    Post by: DizzyPidgeon, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. DizzyPidgeon
    Thanks, deary.

    And I tried to do some soft brushing (white) over the sprite, but it look baaad. I tried everything D:
    Post by: DizzyPidgeon, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: Competitions
  4. DizzyPidgeon
    Done done done.


    Sprite <3
    Post by: DizzyPidgeon, Mar 21, 2007 in forum: Competitions
  5. DizzyPidgeon
    C&C please.


    60+ layers. More than my usual 30 O.o
    Thread by: DizzyPidgeon, Mar 21, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. DizzyPidgeon
    *waves and whistles*


    And, Jess being my name, I sign my sigs with that. :/

    C&C? I'm gunna enter it anyway :P
    Post by: DizzyPidgeon, Mar 21, 2007 in forum: Competitions
  7. DizzyPidgeon

    The Hello.


    There, that's the first sentence out of the way, kekeke. I never know what to say first. "Hey all!" sounds so... mundane, overused, BORING, etc etc.


    HEY THAR, names Jess - as you may of guessed.


    I'm a KH fan - Kingdom Hearts for those who aren't up to date with game abbrieviations.


    Anywho; about JESS..

    :her name is indeed Jess, yet Jessica is what is written on her birth certificate - but she enjoys shortening it to 'Jess'. Weirdo.
    :she loves Photoshop - a lot a lot a lot.
    :she owns PS2, her favourite game being Kingdom Hearts 1, CoM and 2. She can't wait for KH2FM+ which is coming out in 10 days, HUZZUH!
    :she's thirteen, despite her apparent maturity.
    :she's sick of listing things like this now.


    :also, Photoshop rules - even though she only uses CS, ftw.

    Okay, okay, this "short introduction post" is getting REALLY long. Sorry. This ALWAYS happens. I just..

    *ends post*
    Thread by: DizzyPidgeon, Mar 19, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures