You can clearly tell that the render is on top of everything.. even the border. The render should be like.. the second or third layer -- that way you build up around it, creating depth innit. Anyway, the colouring is just.. wow. Doesnt go. There's no real lighitng, apart from behind him and it's just a little speck. Oh yeah, the render looks squished & the text is ugly on the flatness of the background. D: Border is too big anyway XD;; And the "You" of the text looks real far away from the rest of the text. Which is bad ^_^;; Keep working on it.
The End of Heartache in my pants. Why're people writing multiple songs down?
When A Jealous Man finds a gun in my pants XD! Enter Shikari <333333333333
I got 8 >) OH YAH, 8. I haven't eaten them yet D:
You know you're a boy when you're an egomaniac ^_^
Spam Man <3
I live in a house that lives on a road that lives in a city, called London. ^_^
Holding my vote.
Actually, to me apples looks like "NODLES" xD
OMFG. I'm a typographic genius. I simply adore more simple fonts than anything, but here we have my favourite default fonts (on a Mac OSX.10.2.8)... Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Edwardian Script ICT, Futura Lt., Gill Sans, Georgia, Helvetica, Helvetica Neue, Optima, Times, Times New Roman, Tahoma.. Off the top of my head.. in alphabetical (that's how my mind works with fonts O__o)
As I said before, I generally love all music. I appriciate everyones taste... there are, however, songs that generally make me angry.. Bad Screamo (e.g. Aiden) - Don't get me wrong, I like the catagory "Screamo" (I listen to Enter Shikari, I listen to Alexisonfire, hell yes) but some is just bad, they literally scream at the highest pitch they can and it's just like "Pardon?".. ^_^ High School Musical - *(&$@*&$^&*@^$&@£(@&£*(@£&*@&%@(& :'] Thank you for reading, there's more but I'm tired =D
Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows) in my pants.. O_______________________________o Fall Out Boy.
Well, as Darky said, try to fix the lighting. I think the one from the text is the one to keep :] The vector stuff is really nice D: Is it brushing? Or some shapes you've downloaded?!?!! (please inform!) The clipping mask of the multiple face is very nice indeed, a definate depth increaser :] Border doesn't go, I mean the "off" border works, but the colour doesn't. I suggest a more cream colour, something more discrete(sp?!). Now for the text. Sorry, but I don't really like this, the fonts you've used kinda clash. "Apples" is unreadable. AND... if you change the border colour, you may want to change the little fading stripes so they don't look out of place xD! Hope I helped O__o.
A guy who wants a sorry.
I felt sad one day when this pidgeon died... I tried to save it but it died D: And it walked around like it was dizzy. yurrr.
Supermassive Black Hole in my pants It's by Muse XD!
Dearly Beloved O__o
DarkAndroid is quite original, although it makes me think of Star Wars ... XD! I think mine's pretty original... who has Pidgeon in their username, nevermind the Dizzy part.