Hello! I'm having trouble getting any of the battle stat codes working with the final Ansem fight in KHFM via PCSX2. They work great before the final battle, but as soon as the third battle starts (when Donald and Goofy are taken away) the codes deactivate and refuses to work. I've tried just about everything I can think and a whole bunch of different codes and combos, but nothing gives me positive results. It is almost identical to this problem here and, I found this user who also cannot get the codes to work (though for him it gave Ansem infinite hp lol). I read about jokering a code as a final test but I have no idea what that means. Is there a tutorial or whatnot available so that I may try to do that or maybe a tutorial I can read so that I can create a working code for boss fights/Ansem? Thanks for reading!
NO WAY?! I've got so many PSX games to try now!
So they changed the release date, huh? Well, at least it isn't too much of a change. I can't wait. :)
Really? Was there a hardware or software update some time ago or something? I can't do that on my new PS3 model at all. The drive should make it impossible alone.
Do you mean digitally BC or physically BC?
Oh, that makes sense. I guess my brain was spazzing out right there. :D
Wow, that actually looks really good! I'm glad they decided to go with the new origin, too, because it seems like it will just click on tv.
A new trailer? I can't wait! A whole new game with Aqua post-BBS is what I have been waiting for since I beat BBS. (I thought they released the date already? December 2016?)
Thanks for the welcome @Path Light and @Marushi! As for the biting...I'll just bring some pepper spray to be on the safe side. :p
I have four PS2s, two phats and two slims, two of each I have modded with three of them being used when I got them. They still run perfectly to this day (I broke the reset button off one lol). I say get another PS2, a moddable slim if possible, but if you hadn't already decided I would have also said "get the PS3". If your intent is to play your PS2/1 discs on it though, you can't on the newer models (the phat has overheating issues and can't be bought new for cheap anymore). As for the PS2 issue, you probably just have to reseat it or check the wires on the inside. If not, a replacement piece is like $12 and easy to fix. :)
Sure thing! Here ya go. I just noticed too (at the end of the game now) that most of the additional cutscenes have not actually happened for me (if patch is applied).
Thanks for the welcome guys! @Fearless WoT.
The events of Flashpoint in the comics will be considerably different than how they will unfold in the TV show. This is more like Greg's fanfiction version of it. I agree about season two finale. I guess losing his father was just too much for him? Still I did not like the choice, as it was selfish of him to change all of that because he wanted his parents back (which he knows happens from his previous experiences). Maybe in the end Greg will handle it all better.
Thanks for the info! So it is kind of like a retelling of the browser game? Well in that case then I can't wait for more of the story to unfold, especially since it is hinted at meaning much more for KHIII.
Definitely exciting. I'd imagine that the PS5 (totally will see it by 2018-19 at least) will be pretty comparable to a computer with what it can achieve, assuming they want to make a bigger upgrade, which I do assume by considering their latest actions like the PC connectivity feature, 4K, HD, better performance etc.
It is true optimization goes a long way for performance (Unity had a terrible optimization), but a lot of the devs said it was the limitation of the hardware that kept them from doing more. And if the options to turn down graphics or resolution or anything like is truly there, it will also help with those who prefer graphics or performance or perhaps convince the devs to push further like those who developed Uncharted 4 did (which is an incredible feat). Though if they don't optimize from the start, they can always patch it in later, right? In the end though if I can get even consistent performance, that would be awesome. Uncharted 4, for example, still has a lot of slowdowns that triggers my motion sickness pretty bad.
Hello Amaury! Thank you for the welcome and do not worry, I have read the rules. :)
Hmm, well for me it is worth it for the considerable upgrade on the processing power, as well as the gpu upgrade. It means more intense graphics and better framerates. And the way I hear it, some devs will be implementing PC like options to turn down graphics in favor for performance (or vice versa). There is the 1TB hard drive upgrade to consider as well. I only have five PS4 games but my drive is nearly packed with all of the games, digital content + their 3gb+ updates and patches.
I do not see it either and am really interested in seeing what this looks like.
^At first I was like "Henry and Nora?" but then I saw that there was a link. lol I was so confused for a moment there. It is going to suck for Barry to undo the change he made last season after spending time with both his parents. It is going to hurt him more than losing them the first time. Anyways, anyone see any of the latest news for The Flash? There has been a lot of info lately, with the latest being that Kevin Smith is coming back to direct episodes and also that he said the first few episodes are "phenomenal". Mirror Master will be getting a twist to his character and a whole lot more. I can't believe how not disappointed I have been with this series, and I say that as a HUGE DC/The Flash fan. Though I admit that all of the speedsters were appearing too fast. I hope they tone that down a bit, but overall it has been a great ride with appropriate and fun twists and interpretations. Also, what do you all think about the supposed leak that Grant Gustin is voicing and mocapping The Flash in Injustice 2? Even IMDB states it is him and if you watch the trailer, it looks just like him.