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  1. soras_gurl2012
    riku was hot in the 2nd one....
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. soras_gurl2012
    you know you have played too much kingdom hearts when....
    *::ones that me or my friends have......

    1.Cosplayed as a character.*
    2.You've threaten friends/family with your house keys. *
    3.You've threaten strangers with your house keys.
    4.Died your hair colors to make a Kingdom Hearts character.
    5.Changed your hairstyle to make a Kingdom Hearts character.
    6.You've listen to passions and sanctuary over 20 times. *
    7.You've only heard passions.
    8.You've only heard sanctuary.
    9.You visit a kingdom Heart website everyday or almost everyday. *
    10.You go to a Kingdom Hearts forum everyday or almost everyday. *
    11.You dont care if people stare at you for your obsession.*
    12.If someone asks you where your from you say Destiny Islands.
    13.You make a keyblade outta cardboard or paper. *
    14.Your obsessed with one character in the Kingdom Hearts series.
    15.You act like one of the Kingdom Hearts characters. *
    16.You make potions and bring them around just in case someone wants to battle you.
    17.You try to beat up your shadow thinking "It's my dark side"
    18.You've spent only 4 hours straight playing Kingdom Hearts.
    19.You make Kingdom Hearts Parodies.
    20.You sometimes pretend that your car is a gummi ship.
    21.You sing The Little Mermaid songs and dont care how's watching. *
    22.You have a Kingdom Hearts keychain.
    23.You blame Ansem or Xemnas if you do something wrong.
    24.You've jumped off a building saying "I can fly!"
    25.When you go on a trip to another state you go to the capitol of the state hold up a key and say: THE POWER OF THE KEYBLADE!!!
    26.You've tried building a gummi ship of your own.
    27.You've played up to 8 hr. of Kingdom Hearts. *
    28.You've yelled "Sin Harvest" at people.
    29.You continue to play Kingdom Hearts because you dont want it to end. *
    30.Your obsessed with many Kingdom Hearts characters. *
    31.You have a Kingdom Hearts plushie.
    32.You've tried Sea-salt Ice cream only because it's in the game.
    33.You've memorized passions or sanctuary lyrics.*
    34.If someone calls you a Kingdom Hearts freak you say: DID YOU JUST CALL ME A KINGDOM HEARTS OTAKU??????!!!!!!!!!! Thank you. *
    35.You dream about Kingdom Hearts. *
    36.You waited for Nomura to finally release the date for Kingdom Hearts 2 everyday. *
    37.You waited everyday for Nomura to announce Roxas's name. *
    38.You make your own Kingdom Hearts Forum.
    39.Your dating your girl/boyfriend and you call them your favorite Kingdom Hearts character by mistake.
    40.You've gotten other people in the series.*
    41.You've played 11 hrs. of Kingdom Hearts.
    42.You've stayed up at night playing Kingdom Hearts. *
    43.You look for Kingdom Hearts videos on Youtube. *
    44.You name your pet a Kingdom Hearts character.
    45.When someone says a character you like you jump up and say "Where??!!" *
    46.You call your friends names from Kingdom Hearts.
    47.when someone call it "kindom of hearts"or "the kingdom hearts" you either....
    a. yell and scream at them
    b. claw them so that they have scars when ur done
    c. or a combo of both

    list the ones that you have done...
    and others that you can think of
    Thread by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007, 47 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. soras_gurl2012
    hey who do u guys think r the hottest ppl in kh & kh2?? post pics w/ names!!!


    isnt he soo cute..and u cant say tht he aint


    look at those beautiful blue eyes!!!!!!!

    Thread by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. soras_gurl2012
    If You Eat It I Will Come Through This Coumputer And Kick Ur @$$ With My Key Blade.......
    Dont Think Ill Do It Do U... Eat The Pretzel..i Dare You
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. soras_gurl2012
    you r very cute....if u got a gf shes lucky...

    arent i pretty?? lol i dont put real pics on websites....

    you are very pretty ...i wish i looked like you

    omg u r beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i love ur hair by the way

    yea ur like rlly hott.....
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. soras_gurl2012
    like alice said i dont believe i one true love but i do believe in true love. i dont kno how to tell u if what ur experiencing is fake or real but i want u to kno lov rlly is out there
    but remember:: love is the most overly used, misunder stood,meaningful word in the dictonary
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. soras_gurl2012
    the latest i have ever slept in was......3pm and i went to bed at 10pm

    i loveeeeeeeeeeeee ur 1st sig. pic!!!!
    he is so cute
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. soras_gurl2012

    you cant say that he is ugly at all...just look at that face


    and you cant say that hes ugly either...
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. soras_gurl2012
    i have a tie..............

    "Fame < Infamy"

    I’m a preacher sweating in the pews
    For the salvation I’m bringing you
    I’m a salesman, I’m selling you hooks and plans
    And myself making demands

    When I’m home alone I just dance by myself
    And you pull my head so close volume goes with the truth
    Signing off "I’m alright in bed but I’m better with a pen"
    The kid was alright but it went to his head

    I am God’s gift but why would he bless me with
    Such wit without a conscience equipped
    I’m addicted to the way I feel when I think of you, woah
    "There's too much green to feel blue"

    When I’m home alone I just can’t stop myself
    And you pull my head so close volume goes with the truth
    Signing off "I’m alright in bed but I’m better with a pen"
    The kid was alright but it went to his head

    When I’m home alone I just can’t stop myself
    And you pull my head so close volume goes with the truth
    Signing off "I’m alright in bed but I’m better with a pen"
    I’m alright in bed but I’m better with a pen
    I’m alright in bed but I’m better with a pen
    The kid was alright but it went to his head



    "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs"

    I'm gonna make you bend and break
    (It sent you to me without wings)
    Say a prayer but let the good times roll
    In case God doesn't show
    (Let the good times roll, let the good times roll)
    And I want these words to make things right
    But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life
    "Who does he think he is?"
    If that's the worst you got
    Better put your fingers back to the keys

    One night and one more time
    Thanks for the memories
    even though they weren't so great
    "He tastes like you only sweeter"
    One night, yeah, and one more time
    Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
    "He, he tastes like you only sweeter"

    Been looking forward to the future
    But my eyesight is going bad
    And this crystal ball
    It's always cloudy except for (except for)
    When you look into the past (look into the past)
    One night stand (one night stand off)

    One night and one more time
    Thanks for the memories
    even though they weren't so great
    "He tastes like you only sweeter"
    One night, yeah, and one more time
    Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
    "He, he tastes like you only sweeter"

    They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers
    In hotel rooms collecting page six lovers
    Get me out of my mind and get you out of those clothes
    I'm a liner away from getting you into the mood, whoa

    One night and one more time
    Thanks for the memories
    even though they weren't so great
    "He tastes like you only sweeter"
    One night, yeah, and one more time
    Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
    "He, he tastes like you only sweeter"

    One night and one more time (One more night, one more time)
    Thanks for the memories
    even though they weren't so great
    "He tastes like you only sweeter"
    One night, yeah, and one more time (One more night, one more time)
    Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
    "He, he tastes like you only sweeter
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. soras_gurl2012
    his was really bad by i think elizabeth swan`s was worse....

    johnny depps was amazingly close
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. soras_gurl2012
    i think ur right...but i heard in 2008

    but the new series thing sounds right cause some1 said that they r gonna kinda leave the whole ::disney:: theme, and the game will be rated T ((for teen))
    my friends cousins fathers brother works for the company....

    if i hear nething else ....i will let you kno
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. soras_gurl2012
    thnks fr th mmrs in ur pants....
    does tht mean with pete wentz since the song is by falloutboy!!
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. soras_gurl2012
    i think it is roxas cause he had blonde hair...
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. soras_gurl2012
    i love grand theft autum.....

    perfect::simple plan
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. soras_gurl2012
    i like duck noises....
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. soras_gurl2012
    i agree with you. i looks flat out freaky....
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. soras_gurl2012
    yea thats what i think too
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. soras_gurl2012
    i have agree with twtnw((the world that never was))
    because the place reminds me of isolation..and thats how i am....well sometimes
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. soras_gurl2012
    i think about namine......and how much wish i was like her..except the whole nobody thing
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. soras_gurl2012
    mine would be ..... whitxney
    Post by: soras_gurl2012, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts