I think it might be a movie that's not bad or good. The special effects will be amazing. I only like Iron Man because he was a cool character to play in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for the Xbox 360.
You know there are only like 4 votes so we just have to wait and see what'll happen to the results.
Well, maybe we care enough about the stories to even post who's gonna win. If Harry had the Elder Wand it would be pretty cheap, because Eragon would of had no chance of winning. If you put Chuck Norris into the equation he would own both of them at the same time.
Well it would be close if they fought each other, so you know either one could win. It doesn't really matter. Eragon got his enhanced abilities from elves, which is not fair because Harry did not recieved any help of that kind from anyone.
I would have to say that Harry would win but it would be pretty close. Eragon has a limit for the amount of magic he can use, so Harry has an advantage. Harry doesn't really know how to fight with a sword, so Eragon has an advantage. Harry wins because magic will always beat people with swords.
I found a website that tells you how to make a Roxas wig it's http://www.coswiki.net/Wig_-_Roxas_(Kingdom_Hearts_2) What would you expect if you are going to an Anime Convention for the first time?
Then there will always be a war between two groups or more. Eventually we'll wipe out our own race because of these differences. Peace and harmony are only words, nothing more and nothing less.
Games like World of Warcraft are slowly ruining people's relationships with others, eventually someone will kill someone because of the game.
Thanks for the tip! Now I just need to find it. Does anyone know where to buy keyblades?
If peace is a time when there is no violence and preparations for war, then will it ever exist for a long time. Why can't people just settle their differences with others?
I want to cosplay as Roxas, because my friend has a Sora costume, and I need a wig because my hair is naturally black.
Does peace really mean a time when no fighting is occuring? Or is a time when the preparations for the next war has already begun? I think that peace is only a time to prepare for another war. If it isn't than why do we need to make any advancements in weaponry? Violence isn't the answer, but it still happens everyday.
The book was okay but I would not reccomend it. If you want to read another book that's kind of the same as To Kill a Mockingbird it would be A Time to Kill by John Grisham.
I found out about Kingdom Hearts after seeing a Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories advertisement, I only liked it at first because of the song in the background. Soon I forgot about it. Then my sister found out about it on accident on youtube and showed me. From then on I've become obsessed with Kingdom Hearts.
So, does anyone in MN cosplay as Kingdom Hearts Characters? Where did you get the costume? Wig? Weapon? And are of you going to a Anime Convention this year?
The movie was very creepy. What scared me was at the end when Carrie's hand pops out of the ground and grabs the girls's leg. Towards the end of the movie I didn't understand why the house fell apart. Could anyone explain that?
So, did anyone like this book? And why? Because personally I didn't like the characters of this book, so I stopped reading it the first time I tried. Then I had to read it for my English class, my freshman year, and I still don't like this book. I think it has a good lesson to learn, but I don't like the characters especially Dill.
I don't think it is likely, because the DS is not really capable of doing a lot. But it would be cool if it was real.
well since we don't know what's going to happen yet, we should be concerned.
So, how come it didn't change to become Organization XIV? and Who could the 14th female member be?