Are they trying to corrupt the minds of innocent young children who watch the show? Plus the anime is just weird and it has a horrible plot. I bet it's gonna continue for the next 5 years. Those episodes were banned in the US but not in other countries!!!
It was ok when it first came out because it was cool back then. They just keep continuing it and it just gets repetitive and ultimately boring. Some pokemon are cool but most of them weird looking. Out of the 493 pokemon I only like about 35 of them. Top 5 Pokemon I like 1. Lugia 2. Charzard 3. Darkrai 4. Rayquaza 5. Deoxys
That sucks, my parents don't really limit what I can do as long as it isn't illegal. It is, but it's cheaper to make your own stuff, it's just time consuming.
My username is from my nickname that I had my entire life, that my parents made up, and 7 is the number you get when you add my birth month and birth day together, it's also my lucky number, Final Fantasy VII, Saix, and something else. Kowae7= nickname+ lucky number
The meaning of life varies from people to people because everyone has a different view on what it could be.
Well... If you don't vote for Obama then you're a little bit racist. If you don't vote for Hillary then you're a little bit sexist. If you don't vote for McCain then you're against POWs. This election is not going to end well.
The other day my school has dedicated itself to peace on Earth. And this one woman said that peace was not a time of no violence but a time when all the factors that lead up to war are gone. So does anyone agree with this?
Some do and some don't. Just try to get rid of the ones that do.
The only places that I can find to buy keyblades are on Ebay. But would it be easier to make your own or buy one?
They all have their disadvantages no matter how big, but still one of them is going to be president. We just have to hope that it will be the right one.
So, who do you think is going to become the next president of the US? And why? I want Barack Obama to win but I think McCain has a better chance of winning.
That drawing looks so awesome. 6B pencils, are they the really soft ones? You should continue to be an artist. You've got a lot of potential.
If true peace can not possibly exist then why do we call a time when no violence is occuring peace? Couldn't there be another word that better describes it? Will injustice ever end? Our flaws will eventually lead to our end, but will we be able to change in time to stop it and create a form of true peace? One that's possible?
If Xehanort or Xemnas had a different name and they had to change every Organization XIII members' names. Would their names still be cool?
Does it really matter who wins the fight? It won't change anything between these series.
I think when you play the game you find out about their names and the reason they're like that. I don't really know, because I've never played any of the Kingdom Hearts games.
Wow, that was so awesome. I could not have thought of that. It's probably true.
There are so many theories on who it could be. I agree with some people that the 14th member could be Aqua's nobody. Why can't this game come out earlier! I hate waiting.
It works with all the other nobodies in Organization XII. Xemnas is Ansem. I wonder why they add an X to the name and not some other letter Their names are pretty cool.
I don't really care who would win, I just think Harry has a better chance of winning. It doesn't really matter who wins anyway. Without his magic, Harry is pretty pathetic because he has no other skills.