Sucks doesn't it? Racism is something that will never end until everyone that believes in it stops. I can't believe that everyone would believe in someone because of their skin color then if it is the truth. A person is a person no matter how small. What was worst was when Tom got shot like 17 times when he was trying to get away in prison, when one was enough. I know the full extent what racism is because I'm asian and a lot of people stereotype me all the time. Just don't let it get you down.
Wikipedia rules! But schools don't think it is a reliable source of information. I don't think that peace is when everyone is living without hatred.
There's AmeCon in Leicester, England it's fairly large. It's during August 8th-10th this year. Auchinawa in Glasgow, Scotland. This year it's during the 14th to 16th of November. Ayacon somewhere in England. I can't really find when it's supposed to happen this year. Minami Con in Southampton, England. It already happened on February 29th to March 2nd. Tomo-Dachi in Derry, Northern Ireland. I can't find when it's supposed to happen this year. Fuyucon in the Midlands of England. I can't find when it's supposed to happen this year.
Lucky! I've been trying to get a Kingdom Hearts dream but it never works. It's probably because I don't concentrate on it enough.
I wish utopias were a reality then true peace would exist, but like all utopias there's always a flaw to them.
Has anyone seen the movie? It's different from the book in a lot of ways. Some stuff that is suppose to happen towards the end or middle of the book happens in the beginning and some events in the book don't happen. Plus I think the actor that played Dill looked funny. The guy who played Atticus looks a lot like Christopher Reeves.
oblivion_riku, your second guess was correct, but the first one isn't.
I don't know. They might be better at that then in their own gender. example.
Lurking? I wouldn't say that. I'd say waiting for an oppurtunity. I hate riddles I can never solve them. Here's one. A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say? Another one. What is broken every time it's spoken? Finally another one. Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?
Why do some girls cosplay as male characters and some guys cosplay as female characters? It might be a girl in those photos. Who knows?
How is it possible to hit on a guy in a straight way? I need to make a keyblade!!!
This movie was on like last week. What's weird is that Elijah Woods looks the same in the movie as he does in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, that's creepy because his face didn't change at all. The movie was good, but I can't believe that everyone didn't believe Mark. The mother should of let go of Henry when she caught him. He tried to kill you, why are you even considering saving him? It was that point when I was shouting at the TV like a crazy person. Mark should of left after the incident when he tried to climb into the treehouse, or when Henry shot the dog, or when Henry tried to drown his sister, or after finding out that Henry killed his younger brother, or the other times when he found out how messed up Henry was. Henry is a messed up kid who serioiusly needs to set up an apointment with a therapist. Imagine if there was someone like him in your neighborhood.
They should have a convention just for Kingdom Hearts Cosplayers!
They were banned in the US because they thought children would get the wrong message. Like one episode featuring the Pokémon Jinyx, I think I spelled it right, was banned in the US because they thought it was racist to African-Americans because of the pokemon's black skin, blonde hair, huge lips, and other stuff.
I liked the morals that the story teached you. A person is a person no matter how small.
That's just wrong and sick on so many levels. No offence to the cosplayer. *pukes*
The High School Musical movies all sucked! I hate them so much. What's worst was that in one of my classes my teacher brought in High School Musical 2 for us to watch. I thought I was gonna die! Shrek 3 was stupid, bad plot. The Pink Panther, it starred that one guy from Cheaper by the Dozen. Spider Man 3 had too many plots in it. Eragon was horrible, bad acting, different from the book, and the guy who played Eragon didn't look 15. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, it was different from the book. And a ton of other movies too.
If you saw this movie then what'd you think about it? Was it funny? I saw the movie today and I thought that it ok, it wasn't great. Some parts were funny, others were silly, and the weird creature named Katie was creepy.
I did not think that anyone would cosplay as Pikachu. I wonder if people cosplay as other pokémon.
1985- Bowling for Soup