What can you do about it? Won't you'll be infringing their right to a pursuit of happiness by not allowing themt to wear their costume?
Then why does he keep them closed all the time?
Why do they hate Roxas? He's the coolest character in Kingdom Hearts. He could of beated Sora but he let his guard down.
Dialga's a dog pokemon? I thought Dialga is one of the legendary dragons in Diamond/Pearl.
They should create a soundtrack so you can put the songs on your iPod or Zune or MP3.
They might combine the two games like what they did to Pokemon Silver and Gold, and Pokemon Sapphire and Ruby. If they do I think it'll be called Pokemon Jet/Obsidian/Onyx or another name.
I'd be deaf because living life without seeing anything would be hard. I mean never being able the see the people you care about, because you can only imagine what they look like. You would always need someone to help you get somewhere and I don't want to depend to much on other people. I could live without music because I don't listen to it as much as I want to, because my overprotective parents don't want me to ruin my hearing. What would suck about being deaf is that I can't hear anything from video games.
Umm... I don't think it's possible for Brock to ever open his eyes. Maybe it's a genetic trait because I think in season one when you see all of Brock's siblings their eyes were like his.
That seems possible, but how could Ven's heart merged with Sora's. Kairi's heart was able to go to Sora's heart because their hearts were connected. Ven must have had some relationship with Sora in order for your theory to be true.
Yeah, this movie does make you think about your choices, like Harry Potter sort of. It's kind of funny to think that if you went back in time and changed one decision, it would change you dramatically.
Are you gonna get oblivion and oathkeeper? I'm going to make them but it'll take awhile because I'm a procrastinator.
One of these years in one of these future pokemon seasons Ash will finally be number one at one of the many pokemon leagues and it'll finally be over. The first season was awesome! I wish that the future pokemon games would let you travel to the other pokemon leagues like Kanto and Johto. That would be cool. Like in Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal you could go back to the Kanto League and face the gym leaders and ASH! In my opinion Pokemon Crystal is the best Pokemon Game EVER! Will this fad ever end?
Theoretically it's not possible to reach the speed of light using any man made vehicle. And even if you were able to travel at the speed of light your body tear itself apart, I think.
I'm like one of your friends. I wished I looked like Roxas but I don't, but I act like him. Atleast you've got friends who like Kingdom Hearts enough to cosplay. Where I live not many people like it.
There's 493 pokemon. I just like the pokemon but not the anime.
The pokemon games are great until you've done everything that you could do in them. I think that the show has been on for too long, they should end it already. They still haven't figured out what is inside the GS ball. The people who made this are milkin this for all it's worth. They keep creating new pokemon that are different and cool, but the anime is just horrible. It was cool when it first came out because no one had an idea like it before and also because of the card game. The pokemon are cool but I don't like the characters in the anime. Every season is like the one before it. Ash gets all the badges and goes to the Pokemon League and doesn't get close to being number one, but every season he's getting closer. So, does anyone agree with me? Or disagree?
I liked the older versions of the Transformers' anime. They were really cool. Optimus Prime rules!!
I've to say that Pokemon Stadium 2 was pretty cool. I used to play it all the time at my cousin's house. My favorite pokemon would be either Lugia or Darkrai, they're awesome. Hacking the pokemon games is fun but adding the codes to the AR thing is slow and unbearable.
Time Travel is a famous and well known part of science-fiction, but can it actually exist? I don't know if it is possible to travel back in time, like in the Back to the Future movies. Based on the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein it's possible to travel forward in time because of time distortion. Like one second for the person next to you is actually one minute to you or vice versa. This will cause you to move forward in time faster than those around you, but for humans the ratio between how fast you're moving in time to the actual time that's passing isn't that big and it doesn't last long too. So, does anyone think it's possible?
Abel's a real name? It didn't sound like one, when I thought of it.