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  1. riku2211 did that work out for ya? lol. and i think i had the copy code wrong for that. and for copy code do you just put in the normal code or are there certain digits for them???
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 19, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. riku2211
    awesome! do you also know the digitas for the object mod?
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 19, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. riku2211
    inspired me enough, i can tell ya
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  4. riku2211
    dont get excited...ive never made a code and cant even compare dumps...
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. riku2211
    no i didnt mean its the code to PLAY as super shadow its the one that was labeled super shadow...but....i wonder if this would do something...i used the copy code guide on KH coding forums and have no clue if this could work try it:

    507eeb38 00000002
    007eeb28 44414853

    thats for sonic. i cant get a dump from the game cuz my codebreakers broken but hey who knows.

    heres for super shadow
    507eeb38 00000002
    007eeb00 45505553

    not sure the second line is right but im pretty sure. and beside, theres hardly a chance for super shadow to work on a level that wasnt made for him. but maybe it'll be like the riku code...
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. riku2211


    if you use the european version of a game then use the PAL codes and about raw or AR i dont know. try pressing right on the D-pad while on a code and if they are like this:

    then its AR max if they are like this:
    12345678 12345678

    its RAW
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. riku2211
    lol no one realized the code to have bosses in the room....its like a char mod! but what are the digits??
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. riku2211
    i had a better code for anti final form but i lost it and have no clue where it is. when i tried the one on the first page that one crashes but the other one worked just fine
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. riku2211
    tarlachhhhhh( SP???? meh just go to the first oneee)
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. riku2211
    here, i just copied it from the first page. make sure the code you use is totally right :

    Normal Worlds
    Kingdom Key
    11CEF10C 0000????

    11CEF110 0000????

    11CEF114 0000????

    11CEF118 0000????

    Hidden Dragon
    11CEF11C 0000????

    Hero's Crest
    11CEF120 0000????

    11CEF124 0000????

    Follow the Wind
    11CEF128 0000????

    Circle of Life
    11CEF12C 0000????

    Photon Debugger
    11CEF130 0000????

    11CEF134 0000????

    Rumbling Rose
    11CEF138 0000????

    Guardian Soul
    11CEF13C 0000????

    Wishing Lamp
    11CEF140 0000????

    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CEF144 0000????

    Sleeping Lion
    11CEF148 0000????

    Sweet Memories
    11CEF14C 0000????

    Mysterious Abyss
    11CEF150 0000????

    Fatal Crest
    11CEF154 0000????

    Bond of Flame
    11CEF158 0000????

    11CEF15C 0000????

    Ultima Weapon
    11CEF160 0000????

    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CEF180 0000????

    Struggle Bat A
    11CEF184 0000????

    Struggle Bat B
    11CEF188 0000????

    Detection Saber
    11CEF1D0 0000????

    Edge of Ultima
    11CEF1D4 0000????

    Halloween Town

    11CEF2A8 0000????

    Hidden Dragon
    11CEF2AC 0000????

    Hero's Crest
    11CEF2B0 0000????

    11CEF2B4 0000????

    Follow the Wind
    11CEF2B8 0000????

    Circle of Life
    11CEF2BC 0000????

    Photon Debugger
    11CEF2C0 0000????

    11CEF2C4 0000????

    Rumbling Rose
    11CEF2C8 0000????

    Guardian Soul
    11CEF2CC 0000????

    Wishing Lamp
    11CEF2D0 0000????

    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CEF2D4 0000????

    Sleeping Lion
    11CEF2D8 0000????

    Sweet Memories
    11CEF2DC 0000????

    Mysterious Abyss
    11CEF2E0 0000????

    Fatal Crest
    11CEF2E4 0000????

    Bond of Flame
    11CEF2E8 0000????

    11CEF2EC 0000????

    Ultima Weapon
    11CEF2F0 0000????

    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CEF310 0000????

    Struggle Bat A
    11CEF314 0000????

    Struggle Bat B
    11CEF318 0000????

    Detection Saber
    11CEF360 0000????

    Edge of Ultima
    11CEF364 0000????

    Space Paranoids

    Kingdom Key
    11CEF7C0 0000????

    11CEF7C4 0000????

    11CEF7C8 0000????

    11CEF7CC 0000????

    Hidden Dragon
    11CEF7D0 0000????

    Hero's Crest
    11CEF7D4 0000????

    11CEF7D8 0000????

    Follow the Wind
    11CEF7DC 0000????

    Circle of Life
    11CEF7E0 0000????

    Photon Debugger
    11CEF7E4 0000????

    11CEF7E8 0000????

    Rumbling Rose
    11CEF7EC 0000????

    Guardian Soul
    11CEF7F0 0000????

    Wishing Lamp
    11CEF7F4 0000????

    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CEF7F8 0000????

    Sleeping Lion
    11CEF7FC 0000????

    Sweet Memories
    11CEF800 0000????

    Mysterious Abyss
    11CEF804 0000????

    Fatal Crest
    11CEF808 0000????

    Bond of Flame
    11CEF80C 0000????

    11CEF810 0000????

    Ultima Weapon
    11CEF814 0000????

    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CEF834 0000????

    Struggle Bat A
    11CEF838 0000????

    Struggle Bat B
    11CEF83C 0000????

    Detection Saber
    11CEF884 0000????

    Edge of Ultima
    11CEF888 0000????

    Timeless River

    11CEF954 0000????

    11CEF958 0000????

    11CEF95C 0000????

    Hidden Dragon
    11CEF960 0000????

    Hero's Crest
    11CEF964 0000????

    11CEF968 0000????

    Follow the Wind
    11CEF96C 0000????

    Circle of Life
    11CEF970 0000????

    Photon Debugger
    11CEF974 0000????

    11CEF978 0000????

    Rumbling Rose
    11CEF97C 0000????

    Guardian Soul
    11CEF980 0000????

    Wishing Lamp
    11CEF984 0000????

    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CEF988 0000????

    Sleeping Lion
    11CEF98C 0000????

    Sweet Memories
    11CEF990 0000????

    Mysterious Abyss
    11CEF994 0000????

    Fatal Crest
    11CEF998 0000????

    Bond of Flame
    11CEF99C 0000????

    11CEF9A0 0000????

    Ultima Weapon
    11CEF9A4 0000????

    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CEF9C4 0000????

    Struggle Bat A
    11CEF9C8 0000????

    Struggle Bat B
    11CEF9CC 0000????

    Detection Saber
    11CEFA14 0000????

    Edge of Ultima
    11CEFA18 0000????

    023D - Kingdom Key
    023E - Oathkeeper
    0317 - Way to Dawn (Object)
    06F3 - Kingdom Key (Space Paranoids)
    0769 - Starseeker
    076A - Hidden Dragon
    076B - Hero's Crest
    076C - Monochrome
    076E - Follow The Wind
    076F - Photon Debugger
    0770 - Gullwing
    0771 - Rumbling Rose
    0772 - Guardian Soul
    0773 - Wishes Lamp
    0774 - Decisive Pumpkin
    0775 - Sleeping Lion
    0776 - Sweet Memories
    0777 - Mysterious Abyss
    0778 - Fatal Crest
    0779 - Bond Of Flame
    077A - Fenrir
    077B - Ultima Weapon
    077C - Struggle Bat A
    077D - Struggle Bat B
    077E - Starseeker (Halloween Town)
    077F - Hidden Dragon (Halloween Town)
    0780 - Hero's Crest (Halloween Town)
    0781 - Monochrome (Halloween Town)
    0783 - Follow The Wind (Halloween Town)
    0784 - Photon Debugger (Halloween Town)
    0785 - Gullwing (Halloween Town)
    0786 - Rambling Rose (Halloween Town)
    0787 - Guardian Soul (Halloween Town)
    0788 - Wishes Lamp (Halloween Town)
    0789 - Decisive Pumpkin (Halloween Town)
    078A - Sleeping Lion (Halloween Town)
    078B - Sweet Memories (Halloween Town)
    078C - Mysterious Abyss (Halloween Town)
    078D - Fatal Crest (Halloween Town)
    078E - Bond Of Flame (Halloween Town)
    078F - Fenrir (Halloween Town)
    0790 - Ultima Weapon (Halloween Town)
    0791 - Oathkeeper (Space Paranoids)
    0792 - Oblivion (Space Paranoids)
    0793 - Starseeker (Space Paranoids)
    0794 - Hidden Dragon (Space Paranoids)
    0795 - Hero's Crest (Space Paranoids)
    0796 - Monochrome (Space Paranoids)
    0798 - Follow The Wind (Space Paranoids)
    0799 - Photon Debugger (Space Paranoids)
    079A - Gullwing (Space Paranoids)
    079B - Rumbling Rose (Space Paranoids)
    079C - Guardian Soul (Space Paranoids)
    079D - Wishes Lamp (Space Paranoids)
    079E - DecisivePumpkin (Space Paranoids)
    079F - Sleeping Lion (Space Paranoids)
    07A0 - Sweet Memories (Space Paranoids)
    07A1 - Mysterious Abyss (Space Paranoids)
    07A2 - Fatal Crest (Space Paranoids)
    07A3 - Bond Of Flame (Space Paranoids)
    07A4 - Fenrir (Space Paranoids)
    07A5 - Ultima Weapon (Space Paranoids)
    07A6 - Oathkeeper (Timeless River)
    07A7 - Oblivion (Timeless River)
    07A8 - Starseeker (Timeless River)
    07A9 - Hidden Dragon (Timeless River)
    07AA - Hero's Crest (Timeless River)
    07AB - Monochrome (Timeless River)
    07AD - Follow The Wind (Timeless River)
    07AE - Photon Debugger (Timeless River)
    07AF - Gullwing (Timeless River)
    07B0 - Rumbling Rose (Timeless River)
    07B1 - Guardian Soul (Timeless River)
    07B2 - Wishes Lamp (Timeless River)
    07B3 - Decisive Pumpkin (Timeless River)
    07B4 - Sleeping Lion (Timeless River)
    07B5 - Sweet Memories (Timeless River)
    07B6 - Mysterious Abyss (Timeless River)
    07B7 - Fatal Crest (Timeless River)
    07B8 - Bond Of Flame (Timeless River)
    07B9 - Fenrir (Timeless River)
    07BA - Ultima Weapon (Timeless River)
    0845 - Xaldin's Lances
    08BD - Kairi's Keyblade

    also if it doesnt work with a save file with kingdom key already equiped try using a file without it and then equip. might work.
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. riku2211
    are you playing the ntsc VERSION fm+ or PAL
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. riku2211
    hey...if there is a code to make allies turn into eachother...what if we found a code to make sora turn into iothers. then use a limit in TWTNW and turn into riku! but would it go with the other worlds...
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. riku2211
    ah im on...tarlach???meh anyone else on tarlach(sp?) im lvl 10
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  14. riku2211
    im on the first server, forgot what its called. my name is riku2211 (im horrible at making names) and im in the first town i still havent really played yet but i went thru the intro.
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  15. riku2211
    ROFL nice

    Post by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  16. riku2211
    its for codebreaker and gameshark i think. i dont know if there is a diffrence
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. riku2211
    im just about to downbload mabinogi and was wonderinbg if there was anyone that could helkp me train or just be friends. :)
    Thread by: riku2211, Aug 17, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. riku2211
    sheesh...ythats alot of codes...hey does anyone have the code for neoshadow for these??

    Armored knights
    5XXXXXXX 00000020
    01ccde70 00000000
    5YYYYYYY 00000020
    01ccde90 00000000

    Surveillance robots
    5XXXXXXX 00000020
    01ccdeD0 00000000
    5YYYYYYY 00000020
    01ccdef0 00000000

    XX Digits
    ??????? -Neoshadow
    YY Digits
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. riku2211
    im still no good at hacking really and i cant do a dump because my codebreaker is broken so what does this do???

    207eeb28 494e4f53

    or this one. it looks just like a KH2 code...

    11cfa3fc 00000038

    and this:
    207eeb28 00000053

    i need S in hex so i know the end of the data line and how many lines im hacking so that i know what to put at the beginning of the address.

    is anyone even on this thread anymore..???

    well, anyway i found suoper shadows code but have no clue how to use it. and can someone test those codes i posted earlier??

    here:007eeb00 45505553
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. riku2211

    you are a very strange person... :blink: :mellow:

    cool vids though. i doubt they're on PS2
    Post by: riku2211, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: New Releases