I wish i could test them but my codebvreaker is broken still D=
uhm...was the video a preview or just something to cool to make it a video? or what....lol
OMG i dont have a codevreaker but still you HAVE to post NTSC codessss
dude that is so frigin awesome!! and if you can, you should get jokered to R2 or something then make another joker to deactivate him. that would be a good start cuz then you could joker it into a boss battle or something and then after you can get out of it so it wont crash.
dont do ground attacks. never ever do ground attacks. do all jump attacks, ground attacks T-Stance you. (which is what you saw)and, obviously, dont use magic. i dont think ive ever tried items though...also ReMoVe AlL BlUe AbIlItIeS BeFoRe GoInG iNtO A fIgHt!!
if you use the stat mod it should work. i guess ypou could use the moveset mod it might work but idk. you might also HaVe to replace kingdom key but idk
OOHHHH was he the one with cards?? i thought he was that dude with the rocks and giant...thing...nevermind..
wait...you put luxord in there...wasnt he just in final mix???
lemme see if i have them all.. Code: depends on what blade you wanna preplace....uh, here: Kingdom Key 11CEF10C 0000???? Oathkeeper 11CEF110 0000???? and as for allies the one with sephiroth works for all exept some will actually hurt you. Oblivion 11CEF114 0000???? Starseeker 11CEF118 0000???? Hidden Dragon 11CEF11C 0000???? Hero's Crest 11CEF120 0000???? Monochrome 11CEF124 0000???? Follow the Wind 11CEF128 0000???? Circle of Life 11CEF12C 0000???? Photon Debugger 11CEF130 0000???? Gullwing 11CEF134 0000???? Rumbling Rose 11CEF138 0000???? Guardian Soul 11CEF13C 0000???? Wishing Lamp 11CEF140 0000???? Decisive Pumpkin 11CEF144 0000???? Sleeping Lion 11CEF148 0000???? Sweet Memories 11CEF14C 0000???? Mysterious Abyss 11CEF150 0000???? Fatal Crest 11CEF154 0000???? Bond of Flame 11CEF158 0000???? Fenrir 11CEF15C 0000???? Ultima Weapon 11CEF160 0000???? Struggle Battle Weapon 11CEF180 0000???? Struggle Bat A 11CEF184 0000???? Struggle Bat B 11CEF188 0000???? Detection Saber 11CEF1D0 0000???? Edge of Ultima 11CEF1D4 0000???? Halloween Town Starseeker 11CEF2A8 0000???? Hidden Dragon 11CEF2AC 0000???? Hero's Crest 11CEF2B0 0000???? Monochrome 11CEF2B4 0000???? Follow the Wind 11CEF2B8 0000???? Circle of Life 11CEF2BC 0000???? Photon Debugger 11CEF2C0 0000???? Gullwing 11CEF2C4 0000???? Rumbling Rose 11CEF2C8 0000???? Guardian Soul 11CEF2CC 0000???? Wishing Lamp 11CEF2D0 0000???? Decisive Pumpkin 11CEF2D4 0000???? Sleeping Lion 11CEF2D8 0000???? Sweet Memories 11CEF2DC 0000???? Mysterious Abyss 11CEF2E0 0000???? Fatal Crest 11CEF2E4 0000???? Bond of Flame 11CEF2E8 0000???? Fenrir 11CEF2EC 0000???? Ultima Weapon 11CEF2F0 0000???? Struggle Battle Weapon 11CEF310 0000???? Struggle Bat A 11CEF314 0000???? Struggle Bat B 11CEF318 0000???? Detection Saber 11CEF360 0000???? Edge of Ultima 11CEF364 0000???? Space Paranoids Kingdom Key 11CEF7C0 0000???? Oathkeeper 11CEF7C4 0000???? Oblivion 11CEF7C8 0000???? Starseeker 11CEF7CC 0000???? Hidden Dragon 11CEF7D0 0000???? Hero's Crest 11CEF7D4 0000???? Monochrome 11CEF7D8 0000???? Follow the Wind 11CEF7DC 0000???? Circle of Life 11CEF7E0 0000???? Photon Debugger 11CEF7E4 0000???? Gullwing 11CEF7E8 0000???? Rumbling Rose 11CEF7EC 0000???? Guardian Soul 11CEF7F0 0000???? Wishing Lamp 11CEF7F4 0000???? Decisive Pumpkin 11CEF7F8 0000???? Sleeping Lion 11CEF7FC 0000???? Sweet Memories 11CEF800 0000???? Mysterious Abyss 11CEF804 0000???? Fatal Crest 11CEF808 0000???? Bond of Flame 11CEF80C 0000???? Fenrir 11CEF810 0000???? Ultima Weapon 11CEF814 0000???? Struggle Battle Weapon 11CEF834 0000???? Struggle Bat A 11CEF838 0000???? Struggle Bat B 11CEF83C 0000???? Detection Saber 11CEF884 0000???? Edge of Ultima 11CEF888 0000???? Timeless River Oathkeeper 11CEF954 0000???? Oblivion 11CEF958 0000???? Starseeker 11CEF95C 0000???? Hidden Dragon 11CEF960 0000???? Hero's Crest 11CEF964 0000???? Monochrome 11CEF968 0000???? Follow the Wind 11CEF96C 0000???? Circle of Life 11CEF970 0000???? Photon Debugger 11CEF974 0000???? Gullwing 11CEF978 0000???? Rumbling Rose 11CEF97C 0000???? Guardian Soul 11CEF980 0000???? Wishing Lamp 11CEF984 0000???? Decisive Pumpkin 11CEF988 0000???? Sleeping Lion 11CEF98C 0000???? Sweet Memories 11CEF990 0000???? Mysterious Abyss 11CEF994 0000???? Fatal Crest 11CEF998 0000???? Bond of Flame 11CEF99C 0000???? Fenrir 11CEF9A0 0000???? Ultima Weapon 11CEF9A4 0000???? Struggle Battle Weapon 11CEF9C4 0000???? Struggle Bat A 11CEF9C8 0000???? Struggle Bat B 11CEF9CC 0000???? Detection Saber 11CEFA14 0000???? Edge of Ultima 11CEFA18 0000???? from the first page. then put 0317 for the ????. then use the status mod enable(riku) 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F000D and stat mode (riku) 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F000D 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 its long but it work and gives you WTTD that you can attack with. oh, also you might wanna use this: 2 attack combo (so theres no finisher) 21C9534C 00002222 use that because it makes him attack again and again with using a finisher, because the finisher has no effect and leaves you annoyingly open for attack. if you have NTSC, you can use these: donald is 1st xemnas: 11CFA3FE 000004DC goofy is xemnas: 11CFA400 000004DC
depends on what blade you wanna preplace....uh, here: Kingdom Key 11CEF10C 0000???? Oathkeeper 11CEF110 0000???? and as for allies the one with sephiroth works for all exept some will actually hurt you. Oblivion 11CEF114 0000???? Starseeker 11CEF118 0000???? Hidden Dragon 11CEF11C 0000???? Hero's Crest 11CEF120 0000???? Monochrome 11CEF124 0000???? Follow the Wind 11CEF128 0000???? Circle of Life 11CEF12C 0000???? Photon Debugger 11CEF130 0000???? Gullwing 11CEF134 0000???? Rumbling Rose 11CEF138 0000???? Guardian Soul 11CEF13C 0000???? Wishing Lamp 11CEF140 0000???? Decisive Pumpkin 11CEF144 0000???? Sleeping Lion 11CEF148 0000???? Sweet Memories 11CEF14C 0000???? Mysterious Abyss 11CEF150 0000???? Fatal Crest 11CEF154 0000???? Bond of Flame 11CEF158 0000???? Fenrir 11CEF15C 0000???? Ultima Weapon 11CEF160 0000???? Struggle Battle Weapon 11CEF180 0000???? Struggle Bat A 11CEF184 0000???? Struggle Bat B 11CEF188 0000???? Detection Saber 11CEF1D0 0000???? Edge of Ultima 11CEF1D4 0000???? Halloween Town Starseeker 11CEF2A8 0000???? Hidden Dragon 11CEF2AC 0000???? Hero's Crest 11CEF2B0 0000???? Monochrome 11CEF2B4 0000???? Follow the Wind 11CEF2B8 0000???? Circle of Life 11CEF2BC 0000???? Photon Debugger 11CEF2C0 0000???? Gullwing 11CEF2C4 0000???? Rumbling Rose 11CEF2C8 0000???? Guardian Soul 11CEF2CC 0000???? Wishing Lamp 11CEF2D0 0000???? Decisive Pumpkin 11CEF2D4 0000???? Sleeping Lion 11CEF2D8 0000???? Sweet Memories 11CEF2DC 0000???? Mysterious Abyss 11CEF2E0 0000???? Fatal Crest 11CEF2E4 0000???? Bond of Flame 11CEF2E8 0000???? Fenrir 11CEF2EC 0000???? Ultima Weapon 11CEF2F0 0000???? Struggle Battle Weapon 11CEF310 0000???? Struggle Bat A 11CEF314 0000???? Struggle Bat B 11CEF318 0000???? Detection Saber 11CEF360 0000???? Edge of Ultima 11CEF364 0000???? Space Paranoids Kingdom Key 11CEF7C0 0000???? Oathkeeper 11CEF7C4 0000???? Oblivion 11CEF7C8 0000???? Starseeker 11CEF7CC 0000???? Hidden Dragon 11CEF7D0 0000???? Hero's Crest 11CEF7D4 0000???? Monochrome 11CEF7D8 0000???? Follow the Wind 11CEF7DC 0000???? Circle of Life 11CEF7E0 0000???? Photon Debugger 11CEF7E4 0000???? Gullwing 11CEF7E8 0000???? Rumbling Rose 11CEF7EC 0000???? Guardian Soul 11CEF7F0 0000???? Wishing Lamp 11CEF7F4 0000???? Decisive Pumpkin 11CEF7F8 0000???? Sleeping Lion 11CEF7FC 0000???? Sweet Memories 11CEF800 0000???? Mysterious Abyss 11CEF804 0000???? Fatal Crest 11CEF808 0000???? Bond of Flame 11CEF80C 0000???? Fenrir 11CEF810 0000???? Ultima Weapon 11CEF814 0000???? Struggle Battle Weapon 11CEF834 0000???? Struggle Bat A 11CEF838 0000???? Struggle Bat B 11CEF83C 0000???? Detection Saber 11CEF884 0000???? Edge of Ultima 11CEF888 0000???? Timeless River Oathkeeper 11CEF954 0000???? Oblivion 11CEF958 0000???? Starseeker 11CEF95C 0000???? Hidden Dragon 11CEF960 0000???? Hero's Crest 11CEF964 0000???? Monochrome 11CEF968 0000???? Follow the Wind 11CEF96C 0000???? Circle of Life 11CEF970 0000???? Photon Debugger 11CEF974 0000???? Gullwing 11CEF978 0000???? Rumbling Rose 11CEF97C 0000???? Guardian Soul 11CEF980 0000???? Wishing Lamp 11CEF984 0000???? Decisive Pumpkin 11CEF988 0000???? Sleeping Lion 11CEF98C 0000???? Sweet Memories 11CEF990 0000???? Mysterious Abyss 11CEF994 0000???? Fatal Crest 11CEF998 0000???? Bond of Flame 11CEF99C 0000???? Fenrir 11CEF9A0 0000???? Ultima Weapon 11CEF9A4 0000???? Struggle Battle Weapon 11CEF9C4 0000???? Struggle Bat A 11CEF9C8 0000???? Struggle Bat B 11CEF9CC 0000???? Detection Saber 11CEFA14 0000???? Edge of Ultima 11CEFA18 0000????
hey..thats a good idea
do you mean mickey's keyblade? cuz thats golden and kinda shiny.
i dont think there is one. check the first page in music mod there is no disappeared. but i do know the song ytour talking about and have no clue why its not there...wait..is'nt it the song when you fight xemnas in KH1 final mix?? idk...
did you guys try putting actual digits at the end of that or was the the char mod that crashed the game?
no, sadly. they tried it but i dont even know what happened
theres a wepon mod. just use the search thingy
Its Over 9000!!!!
well...they got green suit sora to work, and his model was in a cutscene. i think that if they used the same type of hack with the evil donald code (wait...is that on KH2 or KH1? lol) then replace dual weild roxas's model with the cloaked model from the custscene.wait....YOU GUYS NEED TO MAKE A DW ROXAS ALLY CODE XD then you could replace that model with the cloaked model and make him an enemy and boom! one heck of...a.......long...........long...................loooooong............................code...uhm...yeah even if it is lonbg i would do it =]
well...there IS the neo moveset mod....
thats why i said the copy code was wrong. i didnt mean to say i think lol