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  1. riku2211
    whats that supposed to mean? you saw that little code line or what? also, someone should try using that code in game, and see if it is anything. maybe it could give us a hint. i KNOW you said it's not exactly a code, but 00003450 is definatly(sp) part of a code. it could trigger something in-game.
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  2. riku2211
    well...if you can figure out how to save in a boss battle...i wanna know lol.

    also Darkhelmet they are/going to be ported. idk who, but they will
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  3. riku2211
    wow coded looks awesome. ima need a new phone, lol.
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. riku2211
    so, it's not like the picture in the "????????? ????????????" thread? or does the suit change or anything? if not, i've used a code just like that before, exept no joker. it would also mix the moveset a bit. but then that code didn't work very well anyway, and it made normal attacks use magic moves, like master's thunder and stuff. but it was fun having anti-final, can't wait to get a new codebreaker and these are ported, then i can have a dark drive set. with that other code it pretty much freezes with more than one, i think, and it never worked for anti.
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  5. riku2211
    wow, these are awesome!! what was that last code that got cut off? and how does that driving model mod work? i mean, how do you choose what you want the form to be...made..?
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  6. riku2211
    uh.....the code...? it's like 6:30, are u sure you're gonna release it today?
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  7. riku2211
    PPPPLLLZZZZ tell us! im begging you! just tell us WHAT exactly it is. at least. ur killing meeeeeeeeeeee
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  8. riku2211
    lol we're gonna get the code today.......sometime.
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  9. riku2211
    ok will you just tell us what you mean?????lol
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  10. riku2211
    so, if what cloud;s saying is making any sense to me, what could these possibly be other than codes? maybe files you could add on when playing it on an emulator that would allow awesome stuff like playing as terra and stuff?
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  11. riku2211
    axel!? where'd you get that?!?!
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  12. riku2211
    hey...look up in the upper-right-hand corner of the 2nd pic. there's fire?
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  13. riku2211
  14. riku2211
    oohhh...i see. so now theres probably someone working on a DMA fix for the flying code, or just saving it for last since it would be so hard.......
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. riku2211
    is it the fact that he's underground? hmmm... i dont see anything out of the usual other than sora's little color thing. maybe its like...a room mod to change the locations of boss battles. maybe he modded the room for the xemnas fight to a diffrent room, but didnt want to reveal so much (or its just so imperfect)that he was underground. but the fight is definatley(sp) somehwre in the world that never was. well, its so close to realease, you gotta give some more info!...plzzzz? lol xD
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  16. riku2211
    THANK YOU ERKZ for giving us those pics, AND beating cloud with a stick/plank. lol, jk. anyway the first one is it for COM? cuz the menu...and...yeah. as for the second pic...awesome! an actual pallette mod to combine pallettes, it looks like. maybe the code/whatever is a whole drive set. this looks awesome, i just hope i can get a new codebreaker be4 it comes out!
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  17. riku2211
    uh, well...i dont wantr to spam or anything but what if like...maybe a coder made a dump playing with the controller in port 2 and another with it in port 1 and then maybe used a code to activate the 2nd port...then used a code like...i dont know but isnt there a code to have 2 soras and control them both? well maybe you could make a code to direct the control of the 2nd sora or roxas or whatever to port 2, just like sora's control would be directed to port 1....i think...idk just a random thought i had. but it makes sense, right?
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. riku2211
    ya would be so awesome if they made a codebreaker or something that could either stop values from changing (like flying with the same value) or maybe changing the value on its own to keep up with the changing value in-game.......><
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. riku2211

    looks like part of the code to me. 8 #'s, and it looks almost like....a mod...?

    and cloud, could you at least tell what the crap that rapidshare download was supposed to be? also looke under edit it say eltit tsop-->post title...?????
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  20. riku2211
    ok, thx. there doesnt seem to be any there, but idk...
    Post by: riku2211, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone