yeah he did, riku lost his heart, at least, i would think. i mean, remeber mostly at the end at destiny islands, ansem had complete control over him. did he even have control over him or was he done using him or something like that?
for slyder's request, you should make that a Pumped up sephiroth.
here's what i did....i have a melee deck and a magic deck. i took out ALL the blizzards from my magic deck, added mushu, and a couple other summons put as many fires as i had in it, put a mega ether in there,and used firaga a few times. tried summmons, mostly got counter'd so i stuck with firaga, the ether recovered ALL my fire cards so i had another round with firaga, reload, firaga, untill you run out of fire for the most poart. he'll be dead by then. oh and, dont use graviga or genie....useless....or stop, for that matter.
ok, this is probably reaally random because i dont feel like reading this whole topic, but i was just play COM in the hundred acre wood, and i got to the balloon minigame and thought...would it be possible for the expert coders to make a code to fly? not like the failed neverland flight thing from KH1, but maybe a code to give him the balloons. ok, ok, it wouldnt be much use because the rooms are somewheat small, and in battle you'd just die unless you ran, but i think it would be fun.idk how you might do it, but i think it sound like a good idea. maybe look into it?
ok, not a post asking for help with anything really about me, but remember than porn spam bot thing? yeah, has on, it seems. in the forum Maple Story private Servers in the topic "Private servers that let you hack?" (not exact name) is the only one i've seen. im not on my own computer so i dun wanna go see if there are anymore, but what did you guys do to get rid of that thing???
I made a pirate on Friday, and on Saturday morning i found my account hacked...>_> so what do i do? I've been trying to make up my stuff again but with no potions and just a sword and sucky clothes I can't get much anywhere. but, i DID order 25 mil mesos from prizerebel, but then my account got disabled for some reason and so i have no hope =| so i was wondering, should i just make a new char? My hacked char is lvl 14....and if i make a new char I can't decide whether to stay on my current server where some of my guildees from mabinogi are on, go to Bary or whatever that one is called, where a couple of my rl friends are supposedly (not sure), or the new world demethos. any help????
i believe in ghosts...but it's really night i was almost asleep when i heard my mom say my name. so i sat up and looked in my door way and, sure enoguh, there was my mom, but it was just a sillhoutte(sp) like a shadow, peeking from around a corner where there's a wall. then seconds after i see its my mom, it changes to her boyfriend, the next second it some weird figure i couldnt make out, and it dissppeared. my friend saw the same thing, too. he lives near me, but not that close. how does this make any sense??? and im sure i wasn't just seeing things =[ also, sometimes, im playing KH2, and I'll pause it to do someething and the cursor(sp...) will move down O.0 and my lights turn themsleves off when im not in the room...not much anymore, but still....
let's hope this'll stop spam '_'
Sonic Adventure 2....
dragonfable isnt an MMORPG, you play it alone. and I personally think that dragongfable, adventurequest, and sometimes runescape are just a complete waste of time, and you have to pay 20 bucks on anyo of them to have any fun >,> so i would suggest not bothering with those. Mabinogi is really good, if you get bored of just playing, you can get a free trial for Nao support where you can start G1 (which will make it fun again if it gets boring) use bombs, and revive from death with fulll HP and...stuff...Flyff is also really good, you canm fly, the magic is awesome, it's great =D. Gunz is also fun. you can use swords, gun, grenade, rocket launchers, lotsa stuff. not gonna say its horrible, but it gets boring really easily.soldier front is kinda fun, but the controls are weird....i've played alot of games online...
i just gotta say, ppl are STILL saying "when the code comes out" "wait for the code to come out" "your never going to release the code" he said a million times that it's not a code....still confusing that its a "fun idea for the coders corner", rather than code, we should call it the "idea"........did he say anything about it having to DO anything with a code/codes??? as crazy an idea it is, what if it's like a a flash game..where you can choose bosses and make them fight eachother xD probably not, he said we'd be disappointed.....what do you guys think it's be?????????????????????
well,i dont know, i think it'll be pretty cool. i dont see why alot of ppl say that just because it totally trails off from the original game, or the book, and tons of things are changed, that it'll be horrible. i mean SWBF2 wasnt continued off of SWBF1. this game will probably be great, not like a sequel, but still as a seperate game.
wwoooo! so coseeeeeee...i still wish i had a codebreaker....
LOL hey, now we can say "man, this game sux worse than E.T." when we think a game sux really bad. ya know, like an exageration(sp)
well think about it...this looks like a touch screen =D what if it DOES have a touch screen? that'd be so cool!
oh...ROFL wouldn't it be funny to be able to weild those water closen of demyx's? or even....well, i just had a really good idea. the coders (once they're done witrh all they're projects andare ready) should make a code to replace MAGIC. then maybe, have demyx's water clones replaces fire, and they would appear around sora. wouldn't that be cool xD
at one points, don't Axel's.....(forgot ehat they're called)...spin around and close in on you? so could you do axel's wep?
GAHH! ur killing me!! i just read ur post for like 10 minutes and i cant get it! it;s not a code, yet it is, but it's just an idea for the coder's corner, and yet there's a code, but then something says TK.........AAHHGG!!
K T? where the heck is that?
any free coders should seriously hack this game. i mean like, i bet they could make a force pull, somehow. maybe when you use force push the code would make it reverse...and...yeah. that would make it even awesome...err! pull 'em toward you and slash 'em mid-air xD and oh! they could MIX force moves! like force grab+force lightning! or...force lightning+force choke! xD that would be awesome, it worth a shot.=]