The emulator just starts up when i click it, no animation or anything. i read the guide, but it didn't really help me with much... Edit: forgot to tell you my speed, at the menu i can get anywhere 60+ FPS, cutscenes and intro i get 45-50 FPS, and in game i get 15-30 FPS.
ok, i wasn't planning on it but i did find a swap magic for 35 dollars, i guess i could get that...I just thought i could simply play it on my computer, but obviously that's not working out. thanks guys, i appreciate it :D
actually, i HAVE been using an ISO, and im still slow. i just started off using the Disc, but the disc never worked at all and the ISO is slow. i also tried looking for the "no log z" options, but dont have it. i DO have logarithic Z though. I tried with and without the speed hacks, the only change was the menu speed, which went down without them. Also, I'm using Linuz ISO CDVD plugin.
ok, the pcsx2 forum didnt work out, i kinda mentioned KH2FM+... heheh, yeah.. >_> anyway, i got the game, and i got it to play. it goes over 100 FPS at the menu, which isnt surprising, the intro is pretty decent, but the game runs incredibly slow. im still not sure what plugins i should use, or settings or anything. i've been messing around with them, but to no avail >_> suggestions?
and plus, Anti form could be like how terra Spoiler is turning dark or whatever ,i dont totally know about waiting for the english version of BBS to come out before i learn very much about it.
Thanks, i didnt expect the game to run PERFECTLY, but at least well enough to play. i guess thats a good idea, ill ask there too.
ok, i hope we're allowed to talk about emulators here, but i have a small problem. well, i was planning on Downloading Final mix at SOME point, but for now i just wanted to get the emulator working. so i popped in my KH2 disc and tried playing. well, it was pretty random. i kept runing it again and again, and i would either get to the main menu, then try to make a game and get a BSOD (on the emulator, not computer), or get some weird error in the CMD box, its really kinda random. the problem could POSSIBLY be the disc, my PS2 cant read it. but im posting this first to: 1. be sure my specs can actually play it 2. be sure there are no other problems if nothing anyone suggests works, ill just download FM+ and try that. Specs: CPU speed ~ 3.378 Ghz Graphics card ~ Nvidia GeForce MX 220 Ram ~ 4GB (although "my computer" properties onyl says 3.25GB, my Bios says 4GB and i have 2 2GB sticks in >_>) need anymore info, just ask.
wow, sora/roxas? are you on crack? xD seriosuly roxas and sora practically never even met, i mean they did meet but for like 5 seconds, and plus roxas is his nobody xD. sora/riku, no.he seems prety gay in that scene in TWTNW but, no. and if u ARE a fanfiction author, please, PLEASE dont even try to do something with sora/riku >.< sora/namine would have been if he had chosen to keep his screwed up memories, but he doesnt even KNOW namine anymore. sora/kairi is the only one. i mean, thats what it was meant to be in the game, and thats the only one anyone would believe seriously.
Man, I CANT wait for the US release. if only i knew japanese, then i'd play that version which comes out sooner >.< im thinking about getting a PSP go because i'd guess that it has better capabilities than a normal PSP. then i just wait ='/ until maybe december of 2010 >.< well, maybe earlier, but still, its bound to come out by december of next year. maybe days will keep me occupied =D
actually, the blade is almost exactly the same 0.o
idk but..hey she has a keyblade and.. maybe just use a movset mod then hax her another keyblade... ionno, but it would be kinda cool for xion fans. oh and once the coders run out of stuff to do they definatly have to go for a play as boss mod, like in KH2. at least until BBS comes out.
well, i was..oh, 3-5 years old, really young, and i think it was my sister that rented it from blockbuster and i watched her play, thought it was cool, made my own file, had to return, christams came, thought i didnt get it, cried, and then it ended up being on a shelf where my parent had hidden it xD again, i was like 5 years old.
uh...have you guys done dual wield xion?
huh, where did you use it?
silent angel, i'll test. i just tried it in story mode, and crashed before it started. tried it on mission mode, and black screen but music's still goin. lemme try jokering it and starting a mission in story mode. edit: nope, crashed.
oh, ok, so i just converted it to AR, and it said the jokers are unkown code type,probably because they're already AR. but it did convert the play as parts, so i'll see what happens. edit: ok, it worked, but i still couldn't revert. I'll just have to make them 2 separate codes. edit 2:Sorawithriku, i just tried converting ur DW Axel code, and got a bunch of errors: Lines 2 and 5 are unkown code type, and lines 3 and 10 are not properly aligned. afterward i got this: Spoiler 0204CA8F 00000001 90000000 00000000 90000000 00000000 0207E676 00006972 020B239F 00003272 020B2386 00003272
well, im kinda using a flash cart (DSTT), so i cant do that =[ does DSTT use action replay or codebreaker? would that be the problem?
lol, dw axel, i'll have to try that =D anyway, i tried that code, silent angel, and the game just crashes. any suggestions? =\ edit: DW axel...crash. =\
ooohh, ok, thanks!
How can I deactivate a jokered code? i wanna play as DW roxas, but when i complete missions...