Irxa felt the fire's heat against her skin, blind as a bat, hey? Irxa thought, -Flashback- *some where at a vampire school* "now everyone, tell me what blood is made of and looks like?" Irxa's hand shoot up but the teacher ingored it, "Ixra is stupid, i bet she doesn't know what looks like, she is blind as a bat." one of her classmates whispered, Irxa got out of her chair and within a blink of an eye, she was on to him. "you shouldn't trust your eyes, you will be the first to be killed" she whispered into his ear, Irxa threw him to the ground and walked out the class. *few hours later that night* Irxa heard the snapping of a stick, she swiftly turned around, knives in her hand. Above her, and falling towards her was two men, wearing black masks with a japanese symbol on it. Irxa threw a knife which enbedded itself in one of the man's thigh, he shouted out in pain, the other man looked at him and for a second took his eyes of Irxa. big mistake. Irxa jumped up and stabbed him in the stomach, then she pulled out another knive and slit his throat. "pitiful human," she said, as she landed Irxa threw some knives at the other man. there was a groan of pain then silence. Irxa shook her head and put the black iris mark on their chest. *few moments later* Irxa was walking down an alleyway when came arcoss the teenage boy who called her blind as a bat, Irxa smiled at his lifeless face and said, "i told you so." -end flashback-
Cathy stepped out from a doorway, "hi guys," she said as she re-knotted her bandage.
Irxa tilted her head and heard footsteps and someone's feet being dragged against the floor, human? no, vampire Irxa walked back into her cave, she sat down and started a pitiful fire.
Sophia stopped looking at the shadows and shrugged, "looks like it will be a silent night." she said.
Sophia nodded, she got up and glanced around her, she took a second longer inspecting the shadows.
I LOVE PANCAKES!! it's not pancake day >.< enjoy your pancakes while you can! :D
OOC: oh okay
"hum, how did the divine dragon accept him so quickly and i'm thinking about the other demons which haven't been summoned yet, you see their is a great demon for every element, like the dragons, but once you have all the demons summoned you can summon the ultimate demon." sophia said simply.
Irxa stood by the entrance and listened, silence is golden She thought with a giggle.
Irxa stood up and laid her fingers on the wall and created the black iris mark. "so silent." she said out loud.
Sophia wondered how kai father made the divine dragon accept him so quickly, she felt Cliff's kiss but she didn't react to it.
Irxa opened her eyes and sat up, dark angel she thought, Irxa stood up and wondered how many vampires Esal had killed, she knew she had a reputation of playing with human's hearts, but she always wondered how she got the name dark angel.
Sophia glanced at Cliff then at kyo, ha, thought so why would he be interested in the divine dragoon? watch and learn, little one stop calling me that.
Ooc: Recap Please!!
Sophia smiled a sad smile and gazed into the darkering sky, "lets hope the godess of war rests tonight." she said. Kretsen and his leagues appeared in a valley, Pryo and Verin flew above and Kobal lead the way.
Irxa closed her eyes, she didn't need to do this but she couldn't be bothered to leave them open. Irxa fell into a light sleep.
Sophia looked at cliff and sat down on a log, "i was wondering, what if all the demons combined their attacks in one, i wouldn't be able to defend my people." that wasn't the only thing on her mind, she thought about the elements, and if they became unbalanced again.
Sophia looked at the sunset, a small forest wasn't that far and so she decided to take a walk. walking won't help your aches i know hot water will though i know
Sophia rubbed her eyes and sent the teraw people back to camp, "lets hope it will be a silent night." she said to herself.
"no i won't mind, why?" sophia asked curiously, she got up and awarkedly dusted herself down. i wonder why he is asking i have an idea what he going to ask what? better not say fine then