Just a Little Girl or Misfit. :( Don't know... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've done somthing like that before.
APPLE!!!!!! :D Most people say so too!!
I WANT A WIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! My dad hasn't boght us one YET. Makes me sooooo mad. Well just left out because I know alot of people who have them and alllllllwayssss talk about it.
Peanut Butter is NOT the subject here so no.
What are you talking about!???!?!?!!??!?!
Thanxxxxxx I am having fun and my BFF just joined. :D It makes me happy to know someone here, I mean like, live in the same area and we talk alot.:D The people that have said "Have fun", which is alot of you, thanx I already am.:) The other people who keep on saying don't spam and follow the rule, that can I get pretty annying but thanx anyways, just THANX to EVERYONE who has helped me.
Who is Breakdown by?
Your Star, Lithium, Weight of the World, Call Me When Your Sober, Sweet Sacrifice, All by Evanesence STILL:D
I'll be your friend. :)
A KH Character.
Your Star, Lithium, Weight of the World, Call Me When Your Sober, Sweet Sacrifice, All by Evanesence :D
Thanx Roxas! :)
Hissora has a very good point....
I slept for 11 hours last night.
I was new at that time, I was about a week new. :( I was new, but I'm not anymore. :) And I have alot of cool people on my buddie's list!!!
That is sooo cool!!! Nice work! :D
Here's more Of me.... I took this pic of me. My sister was trying to take a pic of me while I was playing the paino, so I was a little annoyed YUMMMMM!!!! Fudge!!!! (Notice the shirt is Tinkerbell, that's because I REALLY like Tink and I got it from my BFF for Christmas.) Thanxs to all who said I was cute like 10 or 20 pages ago!!!!! Sorry the pics were so big!!!
At KFC's I tripped over my mom's X-boyfriends shoe and hit my head in a pointy edge of a bar-rain and slit my head open, as in it was such a hard hit that it broke therw aall the layers of skin, so then I had to go to the hospitle and get stiches. :( It hurt really bad!!!!