Tell him how rude it was to do that and ask him why he was using you.
WELCOME!!!!!! Hi my name is Darius, I'm a bad speller :o , I gess I'm annyoing,I like singing (something we have in comon), I like cats, I like going on the computer (XD), and alot of other stuff!! :D Do you want to be friends?
A Man First thing
I like him as Roxas, HATE him as himself!!!!!!!!!
Texas Tornado
Well their a little to younge but when they trun 20 or 18 maybe..
I think we're spaming arn't we...
Thanx. :D But I don't listin to to many songs so it dosn't really matter.:) If I do have any Qu's I will ask.
Name: Roxasloverdarius Age: 11 Element: Earth Side: Good Weapon: Dagger Gender: Girl Hometown: Vancouver Is that okay?:( What I mean is can I join?
Right know in school we're learning how to play the violin. :D It's fun.
...Did you say party!? :D
Oh, I'm an idot, XD
MORE! ^ Me with my new Hot Pink I-Pod Nano, Hot Pink is my fav color!!! ^I was spacing out at my sister's B-day party, I do that when I'm thinking. Some of my friends think it's annying but alot of them do it too so... If you go on and go on soraxroxas4eva's page she has a few vids called The Sad Attempted sleep over. I'm in 2 and we're working on 3. :D Here's a link to her profile, P.S. She lives next-door to me. Oops, I double posted.
Is your dog a Lopso, or ****zo, or none of the above? (Sorry if I spelt anything wrong, I'm a bad speller. :( )
What's a PC? :(
Everyone would see how young I am, but it would be cool to meet...MightyMisty, Roxas_Is_Hot, Roxas, Mish, Rufus, Rouge Angle92, Sara, Sorax and some other people. :D
Any one like the pic I put up on page 3?
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!