Roxas_Is_Hot: Nice!! Roxas: Helpfull!! Mari: We're friends other places and she's funny!! Katielinly: She's my BFF!!♥ Sara: Helpfull!!
I have a habit of like biting the egde of my fingers... it really odd, I don't even know how I started doing it...
You aren't that annying but when you get talking about Peanut Butter...
XD Nice!!!!
Well this pretty much has no subject rather than that I was new.
Well like I've said, I'm a bad speller. :D
I'm around here alot, but every-other week I'm not because my mom dosn't have internet at her house so I can't use it.
Pie...Yummmmmmmmmm. Anyway's Alot of people have helped me and thanks alot, mostly Roxas and Sara but who cares.:D
Am I a nOOb????
It kinda makes me dizzy beacuse of the way it goes round and round...
I'm bored.............................................................................................................. What's going on?
... I don't get it.:(
I think your cute!
Nice to knwo I'm not annying to someone.:)
Am I annoying? I would really like to know. Please andswer truthfully.
Misty yor really good.
Sanctuary and I'm listing to it right know. :D I also like Simple and Clean, that's what I just heard.
The way I keep myself un-bored is that I have a YouTube account so I go on here and on YouTube. My user-name is the same here as there. :D that was such a hard one XD!
LOL It's 15 min' till 12:00 A.M. for me so I gess it keeps me up too! XD :D