I think Mr.Boom can get annyoing.
999,994 People stop spaming and pay attention to the main idea, please.
Like so many including me say, HE'S STRAIGHT FOR GODS SAKE!!!!!! People need to understand that Sora and Riku are just best buds, now Kairi and Sora are boyfriend and girlfriend in my opinion, but, like I've said WHY WOULD DISNEY PUT GAY PEOPLE IN THERE GAMES!!!!! I personaly think that Sora is being mis-judged by alot of people. I mean people, Sora and Riku have been best friends since they we're how young? Think about hom much your best friend would mean to you. Kairi on the other hand has a secial bond between her and Sora. Sora was just worried about Riku but he had nothing to worry about with Kairi beacause he knew where she was and how she was. Now my opinion is SORA IS STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!! Mind the spelling please. Sorry that I'm so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
5.5/10 It's pretty cool!
2932 kkkkkkkk
2929 wow same #'s
How odd of cawinsadince. (Sorry for the spelling.)
It kindof looks like Xemnes. I like it alot!!!!!!
Watching a movie while going online.
That's how many you've posted!!!!!!!!??? WOW thas alot!!!! I have 108.
Either way it looks good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
2900 Ya I know.
I feel bad that that happened to you!!!!
2898 Here it's only 6:30 P.M.
You have alot of good pics!!!!
Man, I pressed the wrong one. I wasn't Deep Dive Riku but I pressed KH2 Riku. MAN I'm mad at myself, JK:D .
My birthday is September 8th. I love cats.
Namine, desameals (SP Sorry)
I wonder if Axle was forced to......
HURT: Riku HEAL: Namine Larxene-17 Riku-24 Kairi-14 Roxas-20 Naminé-19 Demyx-38 DiZ-9 King Mickey-9 Marluxia-45 DEAD Sora Donald Goofy Xemnas