............Okay then..............................
Name: Roxasloverdarius Suite you want: Normal I'm going to eat at the 5 star restrant!!!
Here are some pics of me. :D :D :D
Red Hooded Sweatshirt by Adam Sandler> :D
Here's some Tink. I really like Tink. ^In this pic I am wearing a Tinkerbell shirt
I'm not sure, I hate and feel grossed out by both... probely 'the talk'. At least you have your friends to wisper ew to when your at school.
I don't get it, how is this a pole?
Man it won't let me.
Dude that ruens the whole 'UMMMMM CHOCOLATE' point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't leave for good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D XD That is sooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's true though... XD XD XD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
That's confuseing so I just put the cat one. ^_^
I'm Christan, although I hardly EVER go to church because my parents go church so I have to go with my grandparents but I'm hardly ever at there house so I don't get to go very offen.
I'm making Axle. :D
Yes I thinkyou should, but what's it's name going to be?
Sweet Escape By Gwen.
Spreekt, dosn't that mean speek?
XD You didn't have to do that but thanx. ^_-
No comprendo people, I think I'll leave, but it's fun to try to figure out what your saying.
I don't comprendo espanol, only a little bit.