The KH manga is awsome! I gives a little spice to the game, though it sort of changes the additudes of the characters a bit.
Exactly, he cares a lot about friends, but what about his mother? And his father? Without them he wouldnt be alive!
He cares for finding his friends but also can be a little overracting. Hes just a closed minded main character is what I think.
I suppose Ariel was replaced with Alice, big misteak since she is just a girl and not a real princess.
How about posting a new thread for discussion after you posted new things in the News?
That was so mean of you! :( Oh well, Happy April Fools!
I would like to know this too!
What the..... Those people are so gross! Okay, so frankly they are allowed to draw whatever they want but e-mailing it all around the world. Thats just sick!
For anyone who is not updated on this! :D
Whoa, he killed Sora with two hits!? This is gonna be hard!
"One brought chaos..." They must be talking about Sora and Roxas! Roxas brought chaos but Sora did not. Maybe they are older here and have forgotten all about Kingdom Hearts. Thats my theory, any opposers?
I got Sora and then Kairi.
That movie was very wierd. I got sort of bored on the rocket part "Did you break that vase?" "No it was him!" "Ziggy Boogie Duke!" *BOOM!!* Haha, this part was funny though.