Rybanx you need to put your siganture and location to be # XIV of the organization XIV and location as Organization Castle Oblivion
look...whos that man over there.....oh well i guess we can kill some heartle.....The reaper. Its here! theres somthing that it wants...but wht? Rybanx...your turn to fight...lets see what u can do.
yea...come on...dissapears (what does your guy look like ?)
Rybanx Rybanx....oh yea your the explosionist...welcome....im gonna go kill some heartless in port royal
turned around.....finnally....this should be good backflips behind the grim reaper and stabs its back with a keyblade...jumps high in the air....punches ground throwing the reaper up then boomerangs his second keyblade into it then stands and retrieves his keyblade
okay im back.....hey where did Mixaru and Manveerxgideo go?
im going to find some more answers about my brother ... ill be in the world that never was
jokes are made to make people laugh.....im not laughing im on your side jordzy so dont worry
i brought her in because she was willing to do the job...i will not have you critisize her!
darxess....what work are we doing....im done studying theres no need to work
yea....jordxy if you need to think....go down to floor 4
Jordxy allways confused me....lets just say she was....different than the others...more unique
its concerning the other organization members.....i need atleast everyone to pm the others from organization XIV to join this rpg......and the meeting..dont bother me and roxllen but shes doing a small task for me... yes darxess....make me proud
Scratch that everyone get to room 8...meeting time:@
Darxess my trusted Organization member......lets cool your orb?
Yes Roxllen I hope you can make it !
okay iv checked rooms 1-5 darxess u look at rooms 9-11 anyone else can search the other rooms
Got the info.....the E.S. was a nobody created from Riku......i went to see him...im gonna go find out some more answers...you guys keep getting hearts to creat kingdom hearts.
who were they?
Riku...Sora......i fought a sora once......he kept pn questioning me.....something about an E.S