"Everyone left....there i stood staring at the ES while his lips with shaped as if they were saying "Why"? his body disinigrated and i slowly walked back through the portal Arixsam had opened, though we beat him....i wish we could have known more about him.
but it was all an illusion...i opened my eyes and grabbed my keyblade, tripped the ES then while he was on the ground, "Farewell" And stabed him through the stomach
warps back....so guys what did i miss...holing a pheonix down in his hands he gives it to darxess....lets finish this knight....jumps in the air and throws keyblades in the ground....explosion pops out of him and thus final form Xata...let me handle this one he glided over to the ES and went berserk...he was to fast warping behind the ES at all times. but then the ES grabbed his keblade and threw it backwards.....Xata didnt know wht to do with one keyblade so he sacrafices him self when all of a sudden... (you guys figure the next part out)
*lies there waiting for somebody to help*
pants....holding his arm while heavily breathing.....you came...finnally....falls to the ground unconsiously
cmon you guys....i can hold him off!
Darxess i order you to help me!
darxess give me a hand...*gaurding against ES's keyblade*
im back....lets do this!
theres a 2% chance well get it so..
no...their more...wait if we took one out, and rybanx did wheres # thr.. The knight jumped at Xata, Xata blocked the attack and then slashed him twice. Xata did a ragnorak with 2 keyblades and then a sonic right after. This knight wouldn't go down. Xata did his ultimate attack. He through his keyblades past the knight then jumped up, kicked his stomach, elbowed his back then grabbed his keyblades in mid air and 2x hit him then 2x sliced his stomach, punched his stomach than energy blasted him right in his face.
'what does this OOC mean
yea u can post your Xio right?
Im Crying Right Now....why Does Japan Get All The Good Stuff...all We Want Is One Single Game But Noooooo Nomaru Only Cares For Himself
Your back....how about we take this one together. Nods to Darxess. Knight pulls out 2 keyblades
Xata walked up to the ES......after a duel bout, he ran towards the ES and pulled off an explosive finishing combo.
*the knights attacked....Xata,Rybanx, Manveerxgideo attacked them back....Xata took the one on the right, Rybanx took the girl, and manveerxgideo took the one in the middle
too disney castle...i have a king to fight *so they set sail to disney castle but for some odd reaso the stopped and saw 3 knights in the distance. Xata walked over to question them*
What does the ES say in the video?
Arisxam tell him how to do the following