Hey guys, im working on making Terra for mugen but all i can do is code and make them work. If some great spriter out there wouldnt mind helping make a bunch of sprites for him, ill send them the first pic and they can work their magic from there. Sprites i need: 6 Different Slashes or Combo Attacks 1 Hyper Attack 1 Ultimate Attack Walking Sprites Running Sprites Jumping Sprites Crouch 2 Midair Attacks A "Sonic Like" Attack (Cloud's Sonic Type) Some Signature Moves of Terra's Himself. Thanks. Heres the sheet: http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u95/xata13/1.jpg?t=1222143105
Yes finaly its coming out, tookem long enough haha, sweet even though we dont have fm we can still put the 3 games together to make it all make sense. FM isnt a huge much of a deal but it would be a plus! Lucky for us its coming out so early too hehe.
okay this has been bugging me, are we getting FM+ or not? Random i know but i gotta know
funny how he only remembers sora.
this is random but was ther an update that were )America( is gettin FM?
Kingdom of Fantasy It's a game i thought of and id like to share it with Kh-Vids. Its Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Works like this: You make your own character with extreme detail options. When you play, nobody leaves your party. its kind of like Radita Stories. Everyone you meet stays on your team! For ex. You meet Sora, sora's on your team, you meet Riku, Riku's on your team. Kairi, donald, goofy,mickey,jack,hercules etc. Then you start of in the Kh-World. It's just you at first then u meet Sora. You and Sora go on an adventure, and expand your team. After you beat some worlds then the fight comes. You and your team against Xemnas. So you look at him. Backing you up, sora,riku,kairi,mickey,hercules, Ariel (eww), Jack, Will, Jack Skel, Aladin, and other people. You now must be like WTF Wheres Cloud and them? Here they come. So you beat Xemnas and alls good in the KH WORLD. Then note from Sora, Random stuff, hey, wonder what happened to cloud? Then half 2 of the game opens. FF 7-X-2. (BTW, you fight KH1/2 style) so then you team up with cloud,later on Leon, Tifa, Barret, Cid. Idk if u guys have but, if u have ever played a Gamecube game called Mystic Heroes it will be like that. You and your team (CPU Controlled unless 4 player co op :P) take on a **** load of heartless. put it this way. If sora alone can take 1000 heartless. around 60 ppl. JeseGosh thats 60 000 heartless. Fun eh? Ok so then Sephiroth and his long *** sword (Jese Tetsuya) comes along. You laugh. Sephy vs You + 60ppl But that would just be too easy. To keep your CPU's occupied, you would fight a bunch of heartless coming with the Sephy package. That would be like alot of boss fights. opk so then after like w/e days of laying time, the fun stuff comes. A huge world turney at the end. just you and out of the villains and the heroes 2 people to fight with you. You fight EVERYONE HEROES + VILLAINS. But then after that game you wont be like oh, its over. awwww. then VS mode. its the ****! You fight KH Style. You can do team battle, solo, w/e You feel like fightin Xemnas again. Go ahead. do 61 on 1 its a fun game, if tetsuya saw this and liked it, it would take a few years but cmon wouldnt it be worth it? Add your ideas to it below. Please comment!
Ive got a plan, How about we extend our Organization?....Say, Organization XIV II...Ill make the thread!
quick questin, i have a story about the life of Xata, when can i post it?
ur leaving....right after i came back..
im back.....about the sora kid.....question him
Sora...your going to pay for what u did to my brother....get him Darxess!
hmm......i guess........find this gummi ship and grab it....my powers are weak from saving Jordxy and Orb.
teleports to Jordxy and Darxess..... Helo Sora....Wow quite in a pickle arent we? Who the hell are you guys, said Sora. Why were the organization XIV. I believe you know my father...Xemnas? Xehanort? Ansem? he....you look pathetic...to think you killed my father and look at you...all tied up. This should be easy. Darxess take him to the castle. Warps back to the castle
we have a kid to kill...cmon jordxy.....grabs her and teleports back to LOTD OOC: lets make the sora fight epic. Also anybody here play WoW?
I got the news....jordxy you are weak...darxess may i see your orb? *Darxess passes the orb to Xata* Ok now pass me Jordxy's bell *Darxess hands Xata the bell* ok.... i think i can heal jordxy. *Goes back in time and throws the orb at the knight. Grabs the orb grabs Jordxy's body and goes back to the present. He jordxy and Darxess watch the Knight in pain as how he is dying from the orb. Xata summons the Orb back and stabs the Knight in the stomach. Everyone is safe, but the knight is gone, thus no more questions* We must get back to The Land of The Dragons. We need to stop Sora.
hello sora...remember me?
well...if it isnt the keyblade bearer......you take care of him manveerxgideo
im back......whats a dog doing here....and where is everyone....Their probably at Land of the Dragons!
hes awakening what should we do?
well how can we get rid of the knights memories?