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  1. AznRicyBoy

    trust me, this is really fun!
    Post by: AznRicyBoy, May 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. AznRicyBoy
    yes, you may use drives, yes you can change the keyblades for drive forms, and yes, if you die, you can use Mickey. Like i said, you can do anything you want as long as you follow the guidelines at the top.
    Post by: AznRicyBoy, May 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. AznRicyBoy
    Grr... my Nobody names suck. Somebody help!

    Name's Richie... well my real name's Richard...

    For Richie, I've come up with :





    For Richard, I've come up with:



    MAN, see what I'm talking about? Well, either vote for the best one or come up with something else for me. :(
    Post by: AznRicyBoy, May 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. AznRicyBoy
    as i've said, you can do anything as long as you're not breaking the guidelines. That means you may use drives on boss fights, Rey Alejandro. As for the Sweet Memories thing I guess that you may open chests that you KNOW have a torn page in it. but whatever other items you obtain in the 100 Acre Woods you must sell. sell every item that can be sold and when you get a new party member, take off their items and sell those. you may not synthesize (but hey, what items can you get without fighting?)

    sorry i didn't make all that clear in the previous post. and for those of you asking why we don't just do a KH2FM+ challenge, this is for the people who don't own the game. Sadly, i don't either, so this is about as close as i can get to it :(
    Post by: AznRicyBoy, May 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. AznRicyBoy
    As people complain and complain about how easy KH2 is even on Standard Mode, I decided to spice the game up a little bit and match it up with KH2FM+ as best as I can. It's a "challenge" to see if anyone can beat the game following these rules:

    1.) Game must be on Proud Mode
    2.) NO opening any treasure chests, and yes, that includes the ones that contain Summons, maps, Keyblades, and Torn Pages.
    3.) NO using any items such as Potions (including Tents, AP boosts, and other items that raise your stats)
    4.) You MUST use the Kingdom Key or Sweet Memories for the whole entire game, and you cannot equip any accessories or armor. This applies to Donald and Goofy as well, or any other party members (of course, using their default weapon).
    5.) NO training, (that means no fighting period) unless it's one of those fights where... they make you fight...
    6.) NO leveling up forms... but I guess that also goes with no training.
    7.) NO completing any quests in Jiminy's Journal, as you may be rewarded with something.

    You may do whatever you want as long as it's not any of these... of course you can heal!!!
    ... I was afraid one of you was going to ask that...

    I managed to beat the whole game (except Sephiroth) following these guidelines... let's see how far you get! Post your progress here!
    Thread by: AznRicyBoy, May 16, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. AznRicyBoy
    ... which can be viewed here...

    please comment and rate!

    In case you didn't know, the song is "Welcome To My Life" by Simple Plan and it's a nice one, even though it's kind of old. I always listen to it when I feel sad (but does that make me emo? hahaha...)

    back on topic, please please please watch it and either comment it and post what you think here!

    Don't be too positive either, tell me what you really think, saying like "you should have put this clip here" or something!
    Thread by: AznRicyBoy, May 9, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  7. AznRicyBoy

    Hi (?)

    Yeah, I've been a member of for awhile... but for some weird reason it wouldn't send me a confirmation email no matter how many times I requested it. But now, it allows me to post for some reason. Oh well, I guess I can't whine about that. Hey guys!
    Thread by: AznRicyBoy, Apr 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures