Dimetrix looked around the Night Club, there weren't many people, but he knew that the place would start filling up soon. Taking a sip of his drink, he decided he should chat with those who were already there, namely Namine, Dark Roxas and Hikki_Kairi.
"Are you a horse?"Dimetrix said jokingly, "if you really need to sleep, go to your room and sleep as much as you want then, can't depend on you in the battlefield if you're too tired can I?And its not all about battle, you need to rest to stay healthy, I wouldn't want to see you sick."
Count me in! Name: Dimetrix Status:Favorite customer
"Kangen, stop dreaming, its bad enough that Andrinor's asleep, but now you wanna sleep standing?This is serious."Dimetrix shook her,"I'm counting on you when we fight, I can't have you doze off like that." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes I know who "he" is....and Dimetrix has a "he" and "her" to look for....lol
Dimetrix looked around at the empty living room...not bad...not bad at all. Dimetrix went further into the house, exploring each of the rooms. There were many facilities, and all to his liking. "Okay, time to check out the furniture.."Dimetrix walked out into the garden to see furniture of all sorts arranged in a random fashion on the grass.
"Well, to be frank, all those names sound weird Gerrard..."Dimetrix said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I say we either go with the Black Corsairs, or Kokoro no Kaizoku, Black Dragons I think would be good for a third choice." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes Mr.Croup.....I find your names weird.....the main reason is because they all sound like Band Names. Oh right, and Kuro, I changed it to Kokoro no Kaizoku cos if it was Kaizoku Kokoro, the grammar would be wrong XD
Yep Rena, you are totaly right. But theres a good thing about this too....no matter which wins, One Piece, Bleach or FMA, we're still happy :D But if Naruto wins, I'll be very pissed.
I definitely want one! Username: Dimetrix Pic:http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q80/Lenarix/70.jpg Background:White would be nice. I'd prefer it if she was at the left side, thanks. Write the quote "Time to give them a taste of Pain ala Yuffie"
Argh, Kuro.....it is evil to ask which is the best out of One Piece, Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist. I just love them all sooooo much. But in the end, I chose One Piece, cos it is the best action, best comedy, and best total adventure anime. It is a fun ride full of laughs and action. Which is what an anime is about....FUN. Not too much seriousness or anything, sometimes, you just gotta let it all loose and have fun. One Piece is balanced, not too many laughs that it gets old, and not too serious. But I wanna state one thing: I love One Piece,Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist EQUALLY! So personally, there is no better one among these three, its a three-way tie in my heart!
Yes, DA you've missed something important at this part...it should be "Well into the hundreds sir, a good majority of the Marines on the Island were hurt, one appears to control electricity, one who is a great marksman, one who has good fighting skills, one who appears to control sound, one with 6 swords and another who uses Soru...Oh yes...and captain....the vassal was there..." "Vassal?You mean HIM?He's joining a pirate crew?This is big news, we better watch out for this pirate crew..." Yep, and thanks Twilightsown, yes, it is a nice entrance to a One Piece related thing dontcha think?Hehe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dimetrix was deep in thought,"A name with finesse.....yet scares the living daylights out of people..." "Hirac, I've got a few."Dimetrix said after some time. "Lets hear them."Hirac answered. "We could call ourselves The Black Corsairs, or The Dark Vanguards...and we could call the ship the Ocean Dagger or the Sea Bullet."Dimetrix listed out what he had thought of, "I can think of more, if I'm given some more time."
I've listened to Art of Life, and my God, is it good....I'm mesmerized by this song...
One Piece:A Pirates Life (The Grand Beginning) Haha, thanks for keeping to the Lighthouse DA, I appreciate it, cos it gives me the chance for this.... Oh Right, and a rival crew? Sweet!Haha, can't wait for the clash between these two crews. But, Vincent's crew seems to be darker, dontcha think? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The battle was fierce, the crew didnt expect to be hunted by this many marines this fast. The marines converging on the lighthouse cornered the crew and leaving them with no escape route. Behind them was a sheer drop into the waters below, sure, they could escape this way, but half of them couldn't swim because of the devil fruits. This...was a battle that they couldn't win with strength alone, because they lacked numbers...even so, they all prepared for battle, if they were to be remembered as the pirates that died or that were captured at the lighthouse that day, then they were to be remembered as the ones who got captured or killed..after killing hundreds of marines. The door of the lighthouse was being rammed down, the beat was like a war drum on the battlefield. Hirac and the others watched as the door slowly started to give in to the constant ramming. "Are you ready for this Andrinor?"Hirac asked. "Ready as ever,"Andrinor answered, his guns aimed at the door, "just don't die Hirac, cos I will be the one to kill you." "Yeah whatever,"Hirac said. BOOM Everyones attention turned towards the door as it gave way, and finally collapsed. And the battle that would later be known as the Battle of the Devils began. At first, the marines that were weak in comparison to the Devil Fruit users went down in big numbers, but for every marine that died, 5 more took his place, soon the marines were pouring in through the hole that was once a door,and everyone was forced to retreat to the upper levels. Slowly, but surely, they were pushed higher and higher until they were outside, on top of the lighthouse. The view there would have been beautiful if not for the current situation. The sky was rust red, and yellow on the horizon, the sun sank into the sea, as if all the pirates hope sank with it. Things were starting to look grim, they had barred the door with everything they could, but this would only buy them a little time. The crew stood together, silently awaiting the last skirmish in the Battle of The Devils. "Looks like all hope is lost,"Gerrard said calmly, sitting down on the ledge. BOOM, the door started to give in. "But I'm not going down without a fight!"Jit and Date said in unison. BOOM, it gave in some more "I never said I wouldn't."said Gerrard with a smirk. BOOM, the door collapsed, and the entire crew were ready to die fighting...... But that never happened. "HIRAC!GERONIMO!" Hirac turned around after hearing this, looking down at the water, and yes..what he saw....was their ship.....their pirate ship, and on it stood two of their nakama who did not take part in the Battle of The Devils...Dimetrix and Kangen. The marines rushed out onto the roof, but too late as the crew bagan to run and jump off the building. Three steps left to the edge.... **Cue One Piece opening theme "Kokoro No Chizu"** Two steps left.... One step..... And they jumped. Into the adventure of their lives... ONE PIECE:A PIRATES LIFE "What took you guys so long?"Hirac smirked "What?I'm Dimetrix Bladeheart!You didn't expect me NOT to make a dramatic entrance did you?"Dimetrix laughed,"Okay then, where to captain?" Hirac smirked, "Into the world of Pirates!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waddaya think?A grand entrance worthy of One Piece no?Haha.Oh right, and Kangen is on the ship cos she was supposed to,because it was written in my previous post, and because it wouldn't make sense if Dimetrix sailed the ship all by himself. Oh, and one more thing, I wanna draw the whole crew, so I'll let you guys vote. Do you want each character to be drawn individually, or to have the whole crew in one picture, One Piece style? Of course, a group drawing would take much less time than individual drawings, but its your choice. And please note that these drawings may or may not happen depending on whether I get a scanner soon or not.
Perfect World by Simple Plan
Lessee here....This aint really a good pick for a fight cos Cloud is superhuman...he slashes too fast in comparison to Auron. But then again....Auron is unsent...they both may be enigmatic, but Auron has a more badassed attitude than Cloud, who doesn't seem to have an attitude, so I like Auron better. And Auron has the ability to create a whirlwind, so he's superhuman too 0.o... ... But Cloud wins, cos he's more superhuman,and cos I judge this on not who I like, but who I think will win a fair fight.
Hmm....sounds really good for you to have listened to a 34 minute song that many times. I guess I should go check it out.
Okay everybody, I need you all to get your characters to stay at the lighthouse,don't leave, and get cornered by too many marines or somethin, but don't do it all in one post! I've got the idea for another perfect One Piece scene XD Whatever you do, you gotta trust Dimetrix! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dimetrix finally found Torus, he was sitting on a crate in front of a moderately sized ship. "Are you Old Torus?"Dimetrix asked. "Yes, and what do you want?" "The ship, I'm interested in buying it."Dimetrix stated his request. "Ok, 5,000,00 Belli."Torus stated his price. "For this?....Is it seaworthy?"Dimetrix asked, knocking the ship with his hand. It was sturdy...though it looked a bit beat up. "Yes it is, I'm giving you a fair price here, all you need to do is fix up a few leaks and its as good as new."Torus answered. "4,000,00 Belli."Dimetrix asked the price to be lowered. "No, I can't do that."Torus rejected this request. "I'll give you this medicine, it heals anything, and make it 3,000,00."Dimetrix tossed a pouch to Torus, who caught it in his hands. "But...how'd..."Torus stuttered. "Its okay old man, go do what you have to do." and he tossed him a sack, this one containing the money. Torus looked as if he was about to cry, but he decided against it, leaving the title deed for the ship on the crate, he quickly rushed off into the market. "What....just hapened?"Kangen asked. "Its easy, he was selling his ship, even though it was still very seaworthy, and he looks fit enough to sail it, he has a prescription sticking out of his pocket, and you could see the desperate look on his face when I said medicine."Dimetrix answered to Kangen who was in awe. "You're good..."Kangen answered. "Glad you acknowledge that, now lets get onto the ship, we gotta go pick Hirac and the others up before they do any more damage."Dimetrix said, and he climbed onto the ship, followed by Kangen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh right, and "Because I believe in my friends...and my partners..." "You really are an idiot." Haha, the perfect One Piece scene XD
Yes Fullmetal Alchemist rocks! Top Quality Manga, Top Quality anime, kudos to Hiromu Arakawa!
Dimetrix and Kangen fought the marines with ease, they were great. After 15 minutes of kicking butt, Dimetrix reunited with Kangen and ordered her,"Kangen, make the biggest soundwave you can, and we'll use the chance to escape!" "Okay!"Kangen said, blowing a high pitched note on her flute, deafening the marines. Dimetrix was unaffected, because he used a barrier on himself. "Okay Kangen, don't puke."Dimetrix said as he grabbed her hand. "What?"She yelled., but was too late as Dimetrix used his energy to increase his speed by 30 times. Within 5 seconds, they were at the 16th jetty. Kangen was dizzy and threatened to collapse as Dimetrix went on to look for Old Torus.
Sorry, guys, I would have posted yesterday, but something went wrong with my connection...I think it has something to do with my Service Provider...=.= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dimetrix went into a battle stance to fight the squad of marines piling up in front of the door."Seishou sentou!"Dimetrix appeared in front of the enemies in an instant, his hand shined with pure white energy as he blasted them through the side of the wall. "Sorry bout the wall!"Dimetrix yelled as he jumped outside, "but its better to take this outside!" Outside, Dimetrix was surrounded by many Marines, all wielding swords. "Woah, what happened to guns?"he asked. "WE ARE THE ELITE SWORD DIVISION!NOW DRAW YOUR WEAPON AND FIGHT!" "Heh....foolish marine....I only draw my weapon to those who I cannot kill with my fists."Dimetrix smirked. "IGNORANT FOOL! ATTACK!"and the entire squad of marines charged at Dimetrix. With amazing speed, Dimetrix blocked two swords that were being swung at him with his bare hands, then he proceeded to do a backwards somersault and land, punching his fist into the ground and yelling "Seishou Jishin!"as a shockwave erupted from there and blew all the marines away. But the number of marines were great, they kept coming for Dimetrix, he was probably their main priority because he was an ex vassal and betrayed the marines. "Heh, I could take you all on at the same time, cakewalk!"Dimetrix taunted, "But i don't have to." Suddenly, Kangen appeared behind Dimetrix just in time to blow the marines behind him away with a blast from her flute. "Because I got backup..."Dimetrix finished. "How could you be so sure I'd come back for you?"Kangen asked Dimetrix. "Because...I trust my friends, and my partners..."Dimetrix answered. "Heh...I guess you really ARE an idiot."Kangen said. "WHAT?!Hey....Grr...fine..."Dimetrix turned to face his enemies, while Kangen faced hers. "Baka"Kangen laughed. "Hehe...Ready Steady Go!"Dimetrix ignored her insult, and they both rushed into the heat of battle.
Hehe, I can't wait to watch it too XD I've read both books, and can't wait for the third book to be released.t The Trailer was awesome, but I saw one thing that didn't follow the book. Saphira is supposed to breath fire when she swoops down to save Eragon from Durza, and not when their fighting outside Farthen Dur. Oh and I'm kinda disapointed with the way Arya looks...I kinda imagined her different...=.=, i also imagined Durza different...i imagined him more....Sephiroth like...