"Jit's been captured, and theres a pirate ship on our heels."Dimetrix announced, cracking his knuckles. "Heres the plan, I'll hold off that pirate ship, you guys hurry and go save Jit."Dimetrix said, walking into the cabin of the ship. He soon emerged with his blue broadsword Raikoryu on his back and his twin kodachis at his waists. "But can you do it all on your own?"Hirac asked, concerned. "Lessee...I sense that there are two devil fruit users on that ship, though their energy levels are not that high."Dimetrix said,"I can take them." "Are you sure?"Kangen asked,"Don't go getting yourself killed before we even reach the Grand Line!" Dimetrix stepped onto the edge of the ship, and glanced back at the crew. "I'm the ex-vassal of a general, you think these punks can take me down?"Dimetrix smirked, then vanished and appeared on the enemy ship in a split second. Dimetrix looked around at the pirates faces, all in awe of how he suddenly appeared there.In the midst of this crowd of pirates were two pirates with exceptional devil energy. "Okay guys, medium,or well done?"Dimetrix taunted, his fists glowing with pure white energy,this time, he was up against more powerful enemies, so the intensity of the energy was much stronger, enough to make the ordinary pirates face difficulty to breathe. Secretly, Dimetrix was hoping that these two pirates would force him to use his broadsword, though he figured there was no way they would be powerful enough to force him to use even one side of his twin kodachis. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DA,You dont really have to know about FFXII cos its like this Pirates Life RP, it makes use of OCs(Original Characters)and has little to do with the FFXII story. Whether or not the rp will coincide with the FFXII story in the future is yet to be confirmed.Oh,and you really should check out FFXII, it really pwns.Seriously, not your average RPG.
Why do you guys hate Jesse Mccartney?
Well, I'd prefer not...unless it was really good music....but KH is definitely better as a game...or an Anime would definitely be good!
"Yes, people are coming in!"Dimetrix and Hikki celebrated by downing a couple od drinks in a gulp.Dimetrix walked over to Anniexo and Axel with a couple of drinks in his hands. "Hey guys, glad ya came. It was starting to feel like a ghost town."Dimetrix greeted them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys. PLEASE come and join my new RP the Clan Wars in Ivalice. Its based on Clans in FF XII and is based loosely on FF Tactics. PLEEASE come and join. Thanks.Link is in my siggy.
But Twilightsown...we're ALREADY at the port.....on land....well...nvm... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Waddaya wanna do now?"Kangen adked Dimetrix, they had just eaten at a restaurant and were now pretty full. "I dunno..."Dimetrix said, they both walked down a busy street,"So, where are you from Kangen?"trying to begin a conversation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEAAAASE Join My RP. The Clan Wars in Ivalice. Its based on Clans in FF XII and loosely based on FF Tactics. Link in my siggy. Comon guys, join >.<
Dimetrix looked as his bed and was particularly pleased with it. He had gotten a big four poster bed, and an end table to go with it. "Now....its time to make this bed.....La Dimetrix."he said, taking a bunch of posters from his luggage. He stuck the posters on the wall, they were posters off his favorite singers and bands, like Green Day, Simple Plan,Good Charlotte,Angels and Airwaves,Hamasaki Ayumi,Hikaru Utada,Misato Aki and even LA'rc~en~Ciel. "Perfect..."Dimetrix said, admiring his own personal space.He plopped himself on the soft bed after putting his personal belongings on his end table, like his laptop and Ipod. "Well, guess I should go see who I can help out."Dimetrix thought aloud, getting off his bed and walking out the door. Stepping out, he bumped into Tifa, knocking the bothe of them down. "Oops, sorry, my bad."Dimetrix said, getting up and then pulling Tifa to her feet,"You okay there?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everybody, please join my new rp Clan Wars in Ivalice. PLEEEASE. Thanks a lot.The link is in my siggy.
Dimetrix hit Jit's hands to stop him from shaking Kangen. "Jit, stop this, this is pointless....you are not getting the money, so bugger off.This isn't good for the crew ya know, its gonna make it hard for us to cooperate."Dimetrix said with a serious look, "you bother Kangen, or any other members of the crew,and I assure you,nobodies gonna watch your back in battle..."Dimetrix gestured Kangen to follow him into town, leaving Jit behind,his feet rooted to the ground after being scolded. Dimetrix stopped and looked back at Jit,"and if Kangen were afraid of going to jail for making you blind,she wouldn't be a pirate would she?"Dimetrix chuckled, turning back to walk to town, Kangen following behind,"And she'd probably make you deaf before she'd make you blind" Dimetrix and Kangen walked through the market,browsing through the street vendors. "Trix..."Kangen said. "Yeah?" "Thanks for defending me just now." "It was nothing,"Dimetrix smiled,"what're friends for?"after saying this, Dimetrix's expression suddenly changed to a sad one,"yeah....I speak a lot about friends....but I don't have any..." "Huh?" "Well, all my friends are dead really,thats the downside for being a vassal,and then betraying the marines..."Dimetrix forced a smile,"I say I trust my friends and all, but I don't really have any,ironic eh?" The two were now atop a hill, overlooking the port.Dimetrix leaned aginst the railings,looking up at the sky. "Well, don't I count as a friend?"Kangen smiled. "Huh?"Dimetrix looked at her, then smiled,"I guess you're right...."Dimetrix's expression softened,"wanna go get something to eat?My treat." "Sure..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everybody. Will somebody please join my rp Clan Wars in Ivalice?PLEEEEASE.Thanks, the link is in my sig,its pretty obvious.
My God......this is just so sick and wrong....o.0
Everything that they're gonna add in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.....-.-
Yes, this is a role play based on Clans in Ivalice. This is in the Final Fantasy XII Ivalice and not the Final Fantasy Tactics Ivalice, though it is based loosely on Final Fantasy Tactics. So heres the deal, I am Dimetrix Bladeheart, and I have founded a new clan, The Black Corsairs.YOU the player, are welcome to join my ranks to create the greatest clan ever.However, you may also wish to create your own clan to rival mine.(But no creating new clans until later in the role play, maybe when my clan gets above fifteen people).For now, a clan can have a maximum of 25 people, though this limit may increase as we proceed through the role play. As a clan, you we take up jobs posted by people in need of help vanquishing monsters that can be found on the notice board in the Clan Hall, or any taverns, inns, and the like.Marks can be taken by people as a team, or you can go solo if you like. A single mark can only have 3 Clan members on it at a time.After you find a mark you are interested in, take the post off the board, and go see the poster so that they know that you are on the job, sealing the contract. If you do not see the poster, and go off killing the mark, you will not receive your bounty. There is a special Clan store that sells you exclusive stuf depending on your Clan Rank. Each clan member starts off with Moppet as your Clan Rank, and you will be promoted in rank the more jobs you complete successfully. Now for races, as many know, Ivalice is famous for its abundance in races of all sorts. Please state what race you want to be when you submit your application.There are humans, Viera(the people with bunny ears),Bangaa(lizard people),and moogles(who doesnt know what a moogle is?0.o) There are many classes of jobs, so I will let you choose a job, then I will either approve or disapprove.You can choose any job, just as long as its not too exaggerated. And then there is the clan wars.Clan wars is basically a war between clans, if the clan challenges another clan to a battle officially, there will be no bloodshed, but if the clans clash outside of a stadium, outside of the view of referees or judges, its a free for all battle for survival. Clans duke it out for supremacy and territory, and fierce battles happen all the time. The territory of the Black Corsairs is in Rabanastre.(In this RP, Montblanc's clan does not exist, as you will not meet many of the characters, maybe a cameo now and then if I see fit.Whether or not this role play will coincide with the events in Final Fantasy XII will be decided after the role play has started.) Now here is my profile, take it as an example to what you must submit to join. Name: Dimetrix Bladeheart Age:19 Race:Human Job:Hybrid(There can only be 3 hybrids in a guild, so its first come first serve.Whether or not this limit will be increased, I am not sure.) Weapons(These weapons can be custom):Katana, Twin Kodachi,Gun,Bow and arrows.(Note:Only wo weapons may be brought at a time, switch weapons at the Clan Hall) Magicks:Fira,Thundara,Blizzara,Watera,Cura,Fira,Protera,Aerora,Hastera(Members whose jobs are not as magicians are not allowed to have magick that exceeds the -ra stage, also known as the second level magic stage.) Appearance:Brownish Blonde hair,Spiky hair, Black sleeveless zip up with jeans, Three earrings on left ear, Clear Blue Eyes,wears gloves. Reason for joining Guild:To be the strongest, to make the strongest clan, to meet new companions. RP starts when there are 6 members in the Black Corsairs. Clan guild has the following facilities: Battle Arena Rooms(Each member gets his or her own room) Clan store Lobby Lounge(The Notice Board is here) Training Room I await applications with excitement, join the Black Corsairs, make it the best clan ever! Clan: Black Corsairs -Dimetrix (Rank:Founder) -Suru (Rank:Moppet) -Hikari (Rank:Moppet) -Krusha (Rank:Moppet) - -
I'm a Gemini, my animal is Monkey, but I don't know my element. BDAY:12 June 1992
"Hmph, finally someone comes in..."Dimetrix said, his spirits lifting slightly,"But foods and drinks from outside aren't allowed in here, sorry.Tell ya what, we'll give you one shot, special price, how bout it?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lol,hmm....feel the Night Breeze?How bout, theres only one place in KH-Vids.net to hang with everyone else and meet other members, KHVNC!
Swiftly, Dimetrix got the furniture he liked, and brought them all up to the room. His luggage was already in the room. "Good, saves me some time..."Dimetrix thought. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION:Everybody, maybe you all forgot, but the boys share a room, and the girls share a room!There is no room for each person. Its kinda like a boys dorm and girls dorm, I know, I've asked Hikki_Kairi.
Thanks a LOT for the sig guys!^_^ I really love it... I REALLY REALLY LOVE IT!
Axel all the way!XD Demyx is second, Roxas third, Larxene fourth and Marluxia fifth.Hehe.
"Don't push yourself Kangen, thats my point, if you can't take it anymore, tell me."Dimetrix patted her on the shoulder, smiling warmly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yea...it is.....what made you stay up so long?0.o
Yay for Bleach! Yay For FMA!XDXDXDXDXDXDXD Although I AM disappointed that One Piece isnt winning.....One Piece's anime isnt all that great, but the manga is THE best manga to date. No question, no doubt.
"Maybe we should advertise the place, ya know?Drinking with you guys is fun and all, but sometimes, you need the ambience, you need the crowd of people to have that...Night Club "Feel Good"Feeling...you get my drift?"Dimetrix said, looking out the window.
"Yes...you say this...and yet you're stil falling asleep standing, what you say contradicts with what you do."Dimetrix said, "anyway, don't push yourself, noones gonna try to kill you while I'm around....Now back to the matter at hand." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.o I see....
"Hey Hikki! Can't wait for this place to fill up, wanna meet people"Dimetrix smiled, starting the conversation.