After reading the note about the task, Dimetrix went around the house looking for the locked doors. "Hmm...there are a few..."Dimetrix wondered, walking. He suddenly stopped when he saw something...something that g;inted on the floor.He picked it up.It was a keychain in the shape of a star. It had a face on it and seemed to be made out of shells....Thalassa shells to be exact. " first I gotta find out who this belongs least I found which door I'm lookin fir."he thought,and then walked away.
Yea, someone else should join, don't tell me you don't like FFXII???Anyway, If there aren't any more applicants soon, I guess we have to start the rp ourselves.
Dimetrix walked towards the edge of the enemy ship, and saw his opponent fighting with Hirac.Veins in Dimerix' forehead pulsed as he angrily clenched his left fist.In this burst of rage, he picked up the body of the opponent he easily defeated merely minutes ago, and flung him at the Bone Devil Fruit User. Too busy fighting with Hirac, he was unable to dodge his comrade who was flying towards him. He was hit, and fell a distance away. Seconds later, Dimetrix was standing in front of him, an annoyed look on his face. "You stubborn little *******....which part of you two versus me don't you understand?You see, all because you left your comrade all alone, he's near dead....but that isn't the matter....interrupting a battle, and not accepting a duel just to go off and fight with someone one of the greatest dishonors to a warrior....stand up now....cos after I'm through with won't be standing anytime soon." Hirac never saw Dimetrix get this pissed off before, and he watched as Dimetrix did another thing in front of Hirac for the first time...He reached for his broadsword,Raikoryu. Raikoryu in hand, Dimetrix went into a battle stance...and the energy that erupted from him was so immense that everybody within a 5 kilometre radius was choked and unable to move. Hirac used much of his strength on Static Rai, blocking the energy burst, though he was left weak. Kangen, fact everybody couldn't move and found it difficult to breathe.Rocks floated up and dematerialized and clouds parted. "Okay, let me tell you about me.....I can beat you really really suck....I need my broadsword to beat really suck...I need one kodachi to beat really suck...and I'm pissed off...I need Two Kodachis to beat you..."Dimetrix smirked and brushed his fringe up,"You really suck...and you have a deathwish....but don't get me wrong...I'm using my broadsword just cos I'm pissed...I could beat you silly with one hand...." Not wanting to waste more time, Dimetrix raised Raikoryu, then slammed it on the ground,"Dimension Blade...."There was a great white light, and everyone was blinded. When Hirac opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that the shckwave had tore across the entire island, leaving a path of burnt dirt in its wake....but that wasn't all...the shockwave had parted the sea, letting the water collapse and fill the empty space seconds later. Dimetrix put Raikoryu back on his back, and walked back to Hirac.Everything seemed to return to normal after the broadsword was sealed. "Heh...I let him off the hook."He muttered as he past by Hirac. Hirac turned back to see that Necros and his comrade were gone...proabably fled,though Hirac couldn't imagine how they could have possibly escaped that. "Whaddaya waiting for Hirac?We gotta go save Jit..."Dimetrix forced a grin,though Hirac saw in his eyes a hint of sadness...his eyes seemed more dull than its usual clear blue. As Dimetrix sped towards where Jit was, Hirac could've sworn he heard Dimetrix say these words... If only I was this strong back then
HAHAHAHAHA! Usopp's Soce King song LOL. DA is not drunk! If he is, I guess I'm drunk too! On the Island of Snipers, I was born 100 Shots, 100 Hits Lu lu la la lu~ On a mouse's eyeball LOCK ON On your heart LOCK ON! The man who came from the Island of Snipers Lu lu, lu lu la la You better run away Sniper sniper sniper... SNIIIPERRRRR KIIIINGUUUUUUUU~! __________________
Mine has to be 1)Final Form (Kicks butt man,nothing can stand up to it) 2)Valor Form(Oh yeah, speed determines all) 3)Wisdom Form(Magica Esoterica) 4)Master Form(Aerial dodge.....g-o-o-d.......) 5)Anti Form(Pretty cool, but wastes my drive cause I don't turn into what I originally intended to turn into) 6)Gay Form(S-I-C-K)
"Whats the matter?"Dimetrix asked anime,"feeling left out or somethin?....Just blend in girl, here, you can let loose your wild side, and nobody will think its weird."he smiled,"Don't close yourself off...not that I have a say in it though, its your choice."Dimetrix walked to the karaoke ,machine, it sounded like they were having a great time.
"Woah, woah man.Wait up."Dimetrix said, appearing in between Hirac and the pirate with a bone lance,"You two,me, got it?"And he placed a palm on the pirates chest, and a burst of energy blasted him all the way back to his ship, making land into and blow up his cabin. "Sorry bout that Hirac, I was careless in letting him run."Dimetrix apologized, vanishing to return to the enemy ship.
"Thats it guys! Dance! Forget everything and just dance!"Dimetrix laughed.
"Waddaya you guys doin?"Dimetrix said, coming over, "come on, the night is young! Dance to the beat!"Dimetrix pulled everyone onto the dance floor,"Heres Tamaki Nami again!"Dimetrix switched the song to Realize by Tamaki Nami, then proceeded to dance on the dance floor. THats right...dont get freaked....Dimetrix is dancing like thatXD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- btw, you wanna go hear Reason, and see how Tamaki Nami dances, go here! Tamaki Nami-Reason MV
But somehow, Yuffie seems really powerful, notice how she can vanish into smoke?But most importantly, it actually takes a long time to beat her. Her hp takes a long time to fall to 0 for some reason.
If you were given the choice to choose either Yuffie,Cloud,Leon,Cid or Aerith to be part of your party throughout the entire KH 2, who would you choose?I'd choose Yuffie. Diehard fanatic.
"Don't get too cocky Kangen!"Dimetrix shouted, smiling, then, he turned his attention back to his two enemies. "Come on, I don't got all day ya know."Dimetrix taunted yet again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If these two aren't RPing anytime soon, either I'm gonna take over for them, or I'm gonna have to taunt them till the end of time...=.=
Dimetrix walked onto the Dance Floor too, he was gonna party till dawn. "Okay Axel, Reason, Tamaki Nami!" Dimetrix struck a cool pose as the music started, and danced to the beat as if he were trained for this song.
Dimetrix sat on top of the cabin of the enemy ship, admiring his work. All the pirates lay defeated, only the two Devil Fruit users stood in front of him. "Now that we've got the extras out of the way, time to deal with the small fry."Dimetrix taunted, jumping to his feet. He punched and kicked the air a few times as a display of skill, and went into his usual battle stance. "I want you both to attack at the same time. It saves me a lot of time, and gives you a slightly better chance,"Dimetrix said, the energy in his arms and legs intensifying in power and brightness," time."
Happy Birthday KH-Vids! Time passes so quickly...*sigh*..anyway, cheers to KH-Vids,love everybody!
"Hehe, glad ya like it, theres more where that came from."Dimetrix pointed at the bar.
"Heh, heres a shot, my treat."Dimetrix handed him a small glass of Martini.
Cool. My fanfiction account is The Light Within The Darkness.Make sure to read my profileXD its a real cool one. Oh, but be warned before you read some of my fanfics, cos I like to use OCs a lot....but my OCs aren't your average OCs,cos ppl like them more than your average OCs.My OCs are speshal.X3 And I write a lot of Yuras....lots of Yuffie fics XD And one Devil May Cry fic XD. Oh, and which of your fics you want me to read?
Fanfics are good. I love writings them. Especially that you get to have pairings to your preference **cough**Yura**cough**But alas, I post my fanfics on,and not here. maybe one day I'll post mine here, but only when I revamp my fanfic, but oh the laziness...=.=
"Yes!Its finally starting to fill up" Dimetrix walked up and hi-fived Twi,"sup man?Great to see ya here."