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  1. Xannytoes

    Oh wondrous. More damage to repair to his precious ship. They'd only just managed to stop one maddened crew member from drawing on the walls. Now they had a door to fix? A great start to their mission.

    "Clean up crew, go deal with Throda's mess," Jayce sent the message over the intercom, hoping they'd understand what he actually meant. As much as he liked the dwarf, he had an addiction to hitting. Arguably his most useful and most annoying trait.

    "So, we're raiding a Shards emplacement? It looks like quite the beast. What are the rules? Capture, or destroy?"

    The young Demi God was broken out of his mood by his nephew. He gazed briefly at his white haired ally. One of the last of his family, save for his father and some other Demi God. It was good to have someone trustworthy at his side for the coming battle.

    "We're going in there with the intention of capturing Sky Tower," Jayce replied, "however, failing that, destroying the weapon will net us the same result. We just need our airships to rendezvous with us. Just do whatever you deem necessary to gain us a much needed victory."
    Post by: Xannytoes, Dec 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xannytoes
    "Chief Gunner, we've sighted a target below. Looks like some scavenger. Permission to fire?"

    "Permission granted."



    Jayce Reaver had his fingers on his trusty 9mm.

    "You two quit staring at the wasteland and keep your eyes open for the Shards of Hope."

    "But sir, we've spotted something d-"

    "I don't care if you've spotted some rat running across the wasteland. Keep your weapons trained on the tower!"

    The two glanced at one another, and reluctantly allowed the scavenger to continue living. Meanwhile, Jayce was being subjected to a truly inspiring speech by Theodosia.

    "Any hope of success will be fleeting..."

    "Thank you Theodosia, I think we get it," Jayce waved his hand, as two new arrivals showed up on scene, "Throda, Kalak, nice to see you both. I presume the loud banging noise we heard was your fault?"
    Post by: Xannytoes, Dec 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xannytoes

    Today, the world ended.

    What was it that had brought Xanatos Reaver and his band of loyal warriors to the summit of this hill? Had it truly been a conflict between two former friends? A little disagreement? Had that truly pushed two warriors, once renowned and revered in Arkan, to a war which had torn the lands asunder? It seemed so long ago that human and Demi God had traversed the barrier between worlds, with the intent of bringing down a madman. A madman who he just so happened to be related to.

    Xanatos thought back to the other times. He was already walking on the nostalgic road, and he had no intention of turning back now. Not that he could if he wanted to. His thoughts drifted to battles and meals shared together. Words of friendship and of encouragement whispered at dark hours. Memories he now had to banish forever.

    He had been hesitant. Too hesitant in prior encounters. And yet, so had his foe. Xanatos and Aidan had crossed sword dozens of times since the first, and no matter who would prove to be the victor that very day, neither would deliver the final stroke. Today, that would have to change. The one who would leave this field alive would be the one who could do the impossible.


    Xanatos turned. Jayce was approaching him, striding across the ground with hands in his pockets. His 9mm hung loosely at his side, and his gaze was directed to the army assembling below them. Aidan’s forces would attack within mere minutes.

    “What do you need, Jayce?” Xanatos asked, noting the divisions of infantry below. What was Aidan planning?

    “I am most pleased to report,” Jayce began with a grimace on his face, “that our forces have fully assembled. The full might of the Order of the Hammer stands behind you, ready to crush the Sarn insurgency once and for all.”

    “Something troubles me,” Xanatos continued as if his son hadn’t spoken, “Aidan’s no fool, yet it seems as if he’ll charge straight up the hill to meet us. He’d be cut down before his blades could scratch one man.”

    “He has a plan father; you understand that better than anyone. I’ve clashed with him only once before, yet he proved to me the kind of low cunning and intelligence these humans’ posses.”

    Ah, that was the reminder he needed. The last push Xanatos needed to crush Aidan’s skull underneath his hammer. He’d near-enough lost his heir to that traitor. The very lineage of the Demi Gods were threatened, and if Xanatos didn’t put an end to Sarn’s armies on this day, all would be lost.

    “That he does Jayce,” Xanatos nodded, “but by the time the dawn rises, Sarn will be crushed and Aidan will forever be remembered as an example of what happens when you dare to oppose the Demi Gods of old.”

    He sensed that Jayce had departed to see to his own troops, leaving Xanatos to stare upon the virgin field one final time, soon to be sewed with entrails and limbs.

    He couldn’t lie. The thought of this climatic battle excited him more than it should have.

    Aidan Samarost dismounted his horse and walked up the small hill that overlooked his army. In the distance beyond, he could see the army of Xanatos Reaver and his Order of the Hammer arrayed upon the tallest hill in the region. They positioned themselves well. He couldn’t advance any further into their territory without fighting this army. Any movement around it would be doomed to fail. So they had to take this fight, despite the inferior positioning. He had to hand it to his old friend, he put him in a bad spot. Aidan was not worried however. Sarn’s soldiers were the best and Alpha Company’s flanking manoeuvre should hit around midway through the battle, meaning that they’d neatly be able to crush their force between hammer and anvil. The irony of that was not lost on him. Alpha looked down at his force and smiled. They stood there, rapt in their attention.

    “This men, is the deciding battle! Here and now, Xanatos has faced us with all of his forces upon that hill thinking it shall be his saviour, but he is wrong! For we are sons of Sarn! Steel are our bodies! Fire is our blood! We shall end this war here! We shall plant the bloodied flag of Sarn at the crest of that hill and watch the Demi-Gods’ reign burn! For honour, for our right to survive and for those who have died-“

    Aidan’s mind went back to the times before. For just a second, before the closing lines of the speech, his face became wistful as he remembered when things were different. When he and Xan fought side by side to save the world. Those were the best of times. He almost regretted what had happened, asked himself if there truly was no other way, but stopped. He remembered how this war started. Once Xan refused his offering of peace, there was no going back. There was no room for regret now.

    His eyes narrowed. Alpha reached for his sword, Hope, and drew it, raising it high into the air. He channelled energy into it, the blade setting alight.

    “- Let the bloodstained sun of victory shine!” The surge of pride he felt as his army echoed those final words overrode any regret. Today, there would be justice. Today he would claim the revenge he had long been waiting for. He quenched Hope’s fire then sheathed it and stepped down. Sherridan was waiting for him.

    “Sentinel sent word. Alpha Company is en route. My Rangers are assisting the archers and crossbowmen with their ranges. Our volleys will drive them down the hill.” Sherridan reported.

    “Just as planned. I knew I could count on you and your men, old friend.” Aidan said. “And the new firearm corps?”

    “Planted within the ranks of standard infantry, just as directed. Weapons will be used once then discarded in favour of melee combat with the rest of the men. Weapons will be collected after the battle.” Sherridan answered.

    “It’s a shame we couldn’t figure out how Vasily’s people got those things to reload so fast in time. No matter. What we have now will suffice. Actually, what’s the ratio?”

    “Two standard infantry to one shock troop.” Aidan stopped and put his hand on Sherridan’s shoulder.

    “Truly, I cannot thank you enough. I couldn’t have done this without you, or Sentinel.” Aidan spoke.

    “Nor the others Aidan.” He reminded. Alpha nodded.

    “Of course.” He released his grasp on the Ranger’s shoulder and looked out at the battlefield. “This will be a bloody day. I have high hopes though. If we win- No. When we win here today, everything that has happened will be vindicated. Finally, she can rest in peace.”

    “Aye.” Sherridan agreed. They stood there for a while, watching and waiting for the armies of Sarn to finish their preparations. Just as they did, the Order of the Hammer began to mobilise and prepare their weapons. The first testing shots arced over the distance and fell short of their lines. Aidan beckoned for his horse and mounted up quickly.

    “Let us begin.” He said grimly, drawing Hope once more. Sherridan watched him ride for the front lines, as he always did. Once Alpha was there, the Ranger joined his men. There was a shout and they began to return fire with deadly aim, the estimations of the Rangers proving on target and effective.

    The final battle had begun.



    150 years later...

    "Sir, we're coming up on Sky Tower. Ten minutes to arriving at the drop zone."

    "Very good Captain, please leave me to my meditations."


    The silver and blue clad soldier fled the room, and Jayce redirected his attention back through the window. The
    Valiant's glass windows granted a truly spectacular view of true Arkan. A desecrate wasteland. Trees torn from their roots. Lakes of bones. If the windows could be opened, he was certain ash and blood will fill his senses.

    "If only you could see it now dad," Jayce whispered under his breath, "you'd be so proud of those humans you love."

    War had not been kind to the realm. Ever since that fateful day a hundred and fifty years ago, where Xanatos Reaver had struck down Aidan Samarost and shattered the blade Hope with a great swing of his hammer, one might have expected things to come to a swift and brutal end. Instead, it only inspired others and rallied hundreds more to their cause.

    The Shards of Hope they'd dubbed themselves... a fitting name. A movement against the Demi Gods themselves. Aidan hadn't truly died, instead living on in the hearts of those who served him. The Order of the Hammer, still licking their wounds after the last battle, hadn't been prepared. They lost one battle. Then two. Then the defeats began outweighing the victories. Where there had been two-dozen Demi Gods serving the realm, there was now no more than six still walking among the living.

    Something had to change. The Shards couldn't be allowed to challenge the authority of the Demi Gods any longer. The upcoming battle was about to change that.

    Pushing a button on his chair, a red light blinked, informing him his voice was about to be transmitted across the vessel.

    "Attention, soldiers of the Order of the Hammer, this is Commander Reaver speaking."

    "In a few minutes, we shall be arriving at the landing site. Our mission today is to assault the stronghold Sky Tower, currently under control of the Shards of Hope. This particular location is home to a state of the art weapon: an anti-air cannon. This weapon has already been used against several of our airships, destroying much needed supplies and killing dozens of our troops."

    "This ends today. The Valiant will land a league or so away from Sky Tower. Our ground forces will launch an assault on the structure and engage the enemy troops. Meanwhile, I shall lead a specialist team inside the tower. We'll take control of the weapon and kill or capture any of the people inside."

    "All specialist forces, meet me on the bridge."
    Thread by: Xannytoes, Dec 30, 2015, 381 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xannytoes
    Accepted :)

    Also accepted. The roleplay will begin shortly.[DOUBLEPOST=1451502731][/DOUBLEPOST]

    The roleplay has begun! A quick explanation of our current situation:

    Order of the Hammer:

    The Order of the Hammer is about to launch an attack on Sky Tower, currently under the control of the Shards of Hope. Jayce Reaver is leading the assault, using The Valiant, the flagship of the Order's fleet. As Sky Tower is equipped with a powerful anti-air gun, the airship will be landing a league or so away from the tower. A force of infantry will attack the tower directly, whilst a team of specialists sneaks inside to subdue the defenders and seize control of the fortress.

    The Order of the Hammer will win the battle if they take control of the anti-air weapon at the top of the tower.

    The Shards of Hope:

    The Shards have been instructed to defend the tower at all costs. If they manage to fight off the Order's attack, they'll be able to stop their foes from receiving any additional aerial reinforcements. At their disposal is the very best troops the Shards have to offer. How they defend the structure is up to them, but their only goal is to protect the anti-air weapon.

    The Shards of Hope will win the battle if they force the Order to retreat.

    Unaligned characters:

    Go nuts! Show up at the battle site or stay at home and drink tea. Your call.
    Post by: Xannytoes, Dec 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xannytoes
    Accepted :)
    Post by: Xannytoes, Dec 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xannytoes
    Accepted :)
    Post by: Xannytoes, Dec 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xannytoes
    Accepted. Welcome aboard!

    Ransak (HAH) is accepted, providing those artefacts have cool downs. Timothy is accepted.

    "Can be seen as a liar or dishonest" isn't really a weakness, considering it'll be up to players to decide what opinions they have of you. Replace that with something else and accepted.


    Both characters accepted.

    Both accepted.

    Your characters are very similar to my own and Al's. Furthermore, Shadow Travel is too overpowered an ability, and both characters need more weaknesses before I can accept them.

    The role-play will start very soon :)
    Post by: Xannytoes, Dec 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xannytoes

    Forum Wars – Civil War

    It all started when two friends turned enemies. The consequences of that decision have resulted in centuries of violence and bloodshed unlike anything the realm has ever seen.

    -An excerpt from “The Endless War”

    Prelude to war:

    It began in a time long-since forgotten, when Xanatos Reaver was given the impossible decision of choosing between humans and Demi Gods, on a day where the world looked set to come to an end. One race had to die, so that the other could live…

    And so it was with a heavy heart that Xanatos scarified his own race and condemned himself to exile, shame and grief destroying him body and soul. It would not be for countless years later when Xanatos would make some sort of return, in response to a threat posed by his brother, Nighthawk.

    Over the decades, the duo did battle across the lands, unable to end the other’s life. Even when Xanatos called upon what few allies of his remained, he could do little more than hinder Nighthawk’s plans…

    And so, a new course of action was needed.

    Rumours and whispers reached Xanatos’ ears of staunch warriors, powerful magicians and even stranger beings. The kind Xanatos would need if he was to take the fight to Nighthawk, who was already setting events in motion to end the world.

    After observing their skills first hand as they dealt with a demon invasion, Xanatos recruited them into his cause. Soldiers, swordsmen and even mechanical constructs fought alongside him, unaware that they were initially no more than pawns. But Xanatos soon remembered what it was like to have friends, allies and those you trusted, and he started to see them as more than a means to the end.

    Battling Nighthawk’s forces, they soon found the base of his operations. Storming the facility, the heroes confronted Nighthawk on the roof of the building. Although they managed to wound him, the traitorous Demi God was able to trap Xanatos and his companions in a world known only as Subspace…

    There, they found the true heart of Nighthawk’s operations. Protected by an immense fortress, an army of soldiers and beings too foul to describe, it was no better than a suicide mission. And yet, despite the odds, despite the dangers, they defeated all that stood before them and confronted and defeated Nighthawk in his throne room.

    Though not without tremendous sacrifice.

    The base was sent to its demise, and the group successfully managed to escape and return home. But just when Xanatos thought their journey was at an end, there was still one more battle to fight…

    Alpha. Aidan Samarost. Once Xanatos’ closest friend. But as they stood upon their world once more, Aidan proclaimed Xanatos had done nothing but brought terror to their world. He blamed the Demi Gods for the plights humanity now faced, and denounced Xanatos as a coward and a liar. The two did battle, though their fight was interrupted and Aidan managed to escape…

    It was here the war began. As for when it shall end, no one yet knows.


    Welcome to Forum Wars II! Voted Punchwood’s (May it rest in peace) craziest roleplay back in 2012, this text-based game is chocked full of action, drama, romance and predictable plot twists! But whilst that forum may be dead, Forum Wars is still around to play.

    Our last adventure pitted us against Nighthawk, brother to everyone’s favourite Demi God. And whilst I did make an attempt at a ‘redux’ to restart the series anew, it didn’t feel right to me. As Al215 put it best, the old story is finished. The characters from Forum Wars have told their story, and now it’s time to move on and look to the future.

    So I hereby present the sequel/remake/Fantastic 4 of Forum Wars. You have the right to party.


    1. No overpowered characters. Each and every character must have some form of weakness.

    2. No power-gaming. Essentially, this is landing automatic hits or having the ability to dodge everything thrown at you. Although Forum Wars is home to some of the greatest warriors ever, they still get their butts kicked on a daily basis. Remember, losing is fun ;)

    3. No metagaming. This is knowing something you have no way of knowing, like one player whispering a secret to another with no one else around.

    4. No controlling other characters without the permission of their respective players. Don’t add yourself to the backstories of other players without their permission either.

    5. No drastically changing the scenario. An example of this would be summoning giant demons to destroy the planet or making a cup of coffee. We’re a tea only roleplay.

    6. There are no really limits to the characters you can make, however:

    a. Please try to make them original and not steal everything from a show or other series.

    b. If creating a Demi God character, they must be a descendant of either Xanatos or Nighthawk.

    c. Demi Gods are restricted to The Order of Hammer only. Even if they don’t always agree with what goes on, they cannot, under any circumstances, abandon their faction. Demi Gods stick together.

    d. You do not have to be a Demi God to join The Order of Hammer. In fact, I would prefer it if there aren’t too many Demi Gods.

    7. Please respect the roleplay owner (myself) and the roleplayer modifiers, and any changes we ask you to make.

    8. You may make a maximum of two characters.

    a. I may also allow players to occasionally make an evil character.

    9. Have fun!


    The Forum Wars storyline works something like this:

    Beginning ---> Insert random stuff here ---> Final battle

    We have the beginning and we know where the story will end. However, it’s up to you guys to get us there. Every player helps influence the plot with their own decisions. Which bad guys do you go after? Who do you save from the jaws of death? Do you wear red or purple? All are important questions which could result in a happy ending, or a bad one.

    Know only this: each and every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You might believe to have done a good deed, only for it to come back and bite you in the rear end later. It’s like Telltale Games, except our choices matter.


    Cuz who doesn’t love a good backstory?

    Whilst the plot will mainly be explained throughout the roleplay, I will be giving you a bit of background here.

    Around one hundred and fifty years after the Nighthawk incident and the duel between the Demi God Xanatos Reaver and Aidan Samarost, the world has changed. Aidan has died and Xanatos has disappeared but their legacies survive. The Shards of Hope, supporters of Aidan Samarost, have followed in his footsteps and declared war on the Demi Gods. Meanwhile the surviving Demi Gods have rallied and fight alongside humans to protect their species. This bitter war has raged on for many years and for the moment, shows no signs of stopping.

    Up until this point, the war had been incredibly balanced, with both sides winning and losing their fair share of battles. However, with the continual loss of Demi Gods and the flock of support to the Shards of Hope, Jaden Samarost and his forces look set to deliver a finishing blow to the Order of the Hammer…

    Of course, all that may change with a new threat lurking on the horizon.


    There are two major factions vying for power here. The Order of the Hammer and The Shards of Hope.

    Order of the Hammer:

    Led by what few Demi Gods remain, the Order of the Hammer is dedicated to the worship of these beings. Those who join the Order must swear to uphold justice and truth above all else, and to help maintain the power of the Demi Gods within the realm.

    The Order of the Hammer is currently led by Jayce, son of Xanatos. Although skilled for his age, he’s still considered immature by many and must find a way to prove himself if he’s to earn the respect that his father once commanded. If the Order of the Hammer truly is to survive what is to come, then its warriors must find a way to gather their forces and to shatter the Shards once and for all.

    Those who join the Order of the Hammer will have the chance to fight alongside the Demi Gods. Despite these powerful allies, their numbers have dwindled in comparison to The Shards of Hope.

    The Shards of Hope:

    The Shards of Hope are the increasingly popular opposition group to the Order of the Hammer. Denying the sanctity of the Demi Gods, they aim to tear down their legacy and destroy them for the sins they have committed. According to the book written by their unintentional founder Aidan Samarost, the Demi Gods once upon a time attempted to wipe out all of humanity, but were destroyed by a civil war. They wish to stop these divine beings from attempting the same again.

    They are led by the current Inheritor (Commander's Title) Jaden Samarost, the latest in the line of Aidan's descendants. He is considered one of the worthiest successors, upholding much of the same values as Aidan and being a more capable tactician and strategist, if a weaker fighter. Commanding the respect of The Shards of Hope, Jaden has the momentum behind him to see the war to its finish.

    Those who fight alongside The Shards of Hope will fight for the future of humanity and their right to survive, and for the lives that have been lost. The Shards are growing numerous and with their popularity increasing with their every success, victory seems to be drawing ever closer.

    Character creation:

    As I’ve said before, the sky is really the limit. Come up with whatever crazy, imaginative persona you can. Fantasy and sci-fi are both allowed! All we ask is that you keep your dudes reasonably powered. There will be plenty of time to learn new abilities throughout the story. Give them the chance to become battle-hardened.

    The Application:

    Faction (Order of The Hammer, The Shards of Hope or neither):
    Abilities (passive and active):

    My application:

    Name: Jayce Reaver​

    Title: None, though his friends affectionately call him Kiddo.

    Faction: The Order of Hammer, Leader

    Age: Difficult to say. Jayce has the appearance of a 19 to 20 year-old, although he is older. It’s worth noting that he ages at a faster rate than his father.

    Gender: Male.

    Description: Jayce stands at a moderate 5’8, and possesses a much thinner build than his father. His hair is stained shadowy and his eyes flash gold. Like this.

    Personality: Like his father, Jayce has a great deal of trouble managing his emotions. This has only worsened due to his upbringing. Although in calm situations he has no trouble keeping his head, the effects of a prolonged battle have known to have serious effects on Jayce.

    Weapons: Jayce carries a scythe. Forged from Skymetal and Mindsteel, it is both light and possesses several enchantments to dish out damage. He’s also in possession of a 9mm handgun inherited from his father, which has been enchanted to fire magical bullets. Both weapons can cause a fair amount of damage on their own, but can easily be enhanced by some of Jayce’s magical abilities.

    Armour: Jayce isn’t one for wearing heavy armour, as it hinders his speed. He instead wears a long black coat with a few simple enchantments to resist damage. Cliché? Sure. But awesome all the same.



    · Level 5 Immortality – This grants Jayce limited powers of regeneration. Scratches and bruises heal in a few minutes and broken bones in a week or two. This also extends to lost limbs, which can regenerate within a month or so. Much slower in combat.

    · Soul Perception –Jayce can vaguely sense nearby targets, allowing him to anticipate their moves and location. He also has a somewhat limited understanding of his target’s power. At any moment in time, Jayce can activate the power to focus on a single target, giving him a much more accurate look at their strength.

    · Demi God – Jayce is naturally stronger, faster and more intelligent than most humans. He’s also incredibly resistant to toxins and poisons.

    · Ancient Seals – Not so much as an aid, rather a hindrance. Jayce’s true powers have been sealed by Xanatos for unknown reason, making him only slightly more powerful than humans. In certain situations, Jayce can release these seals to grant him additional powers. In total, there are seven seals.


    · Demi God Technique – Lightning Splitter – An ability inherited from his father, Jayce can summon a burst of lightning, capable of badly injuring foes.

    · Demi God Technique – Reaper – Jayce’s scythe is infused with magic, extending the length of the blade and charging it to deal additional damage. Can be used for several swings before disappearing.

    · Demi God Technique – Scatter Shot – Jayce fires his 9mm with incredible speed and precision, covering a wide arc with magical bullets.

    · Demi God Technique – Many-faced Illusions – Based on powers inherited from his mother, Jayce has the ability to create up to two identical clones. The ability starts by generating a cloud of smoke, which soon dissipates to reveal Jayce and the two clones. In its weakest form, these clones are nothing more than illusions. However, should Jayce decide to spend more energy, the clones are able to physically interact with the world and even use Jayce’s abilities. Despite this, they can only take one hit before being destroyed.

    · Demi God Technique – Arm Shield – A fairly simple spell of Jayce’s design, which allows him to summon a barrier wielded over his arm. The shield can take a few hits before breaking. Once the shield is broken, there is a cooldown before it can be used again.

    · Demi God Technique – Soul Blast – Final Strike - Drawing energy from the ancient gods themselves, Jayce can fire off an incredibly destructive energy beam to cause serious harm to his enemies. One use per battle.

    Strengths: Jayce was trained in Demi God Taijutsu by Xanatos, who was a master of the art. Although he’s yet to reach his father’s level, Jayce is still a formidable hand-to-hand opponent. Furthermore, he possesses speed and agility far beyond that of even the fastest human.

    Weaknesses: Although Jayce is a Demi God, he doesn’t come close to rivalling the strength his father possessed. He’s not nearly as durable, and relies heavily on his speed to help him avoid getting hit. Furthermore, Jayce also suffers from the same problem as his father: a lack of control over his emotions. Finally, Jayce’s true powers have been sealed, preventing him from using the full array of abilities and skills granted to Demi Gods.

    History: Like his father, Jayce tends to keep his history in the dark. What is known that he is the son of Xanatos and Sport Reaver. From a young age, Xanatos began training Jayce to prepare him for his role as the protector of the world. However, the arrival of The Endless War forced Jayce to mature quickly. From the young age of 12, he was sent on many missions to hasten the destruction of The Shards of Hope. More than once, he was placed into grave danger and suffered many a serious injury because of it.

    Then, at the age of 15, Jayce was left alone as Xanatos left the world to deal with a ‘much greater evil’. This placed Jayce at the head of the Order of Hammer. Despite his best efforts to lead the organization, their numbers have only dwindled, whilst those of The Shards of Hope have soared.

    Other: Over the course of the story, Jayce will release the seals placed upon him by his father, allowing him to access new abilities. This will only happen when other characters have gained additional powers and strengths. Jayce cannot learn new abilities on his own. Eventually, he will take his place as Xanatos’ heir and become a full Demi God.

    Current situation in the roleplay:

    Battle for Sky Tower:

    Sky Tower is considered to be of prime, strategic importance. This citadel houses powerful defences, capable of destroying most aircraft. It borders on the Northern Shores of Arkan, controlling the flow of air forces attempting to enter the realm. For the past few weeks, the Shards of Hope have prevented several squadrons of airships from reaching the Order of the Hammer.

    Jayce Reaver hopes to bring in reinforcements to his cause by taking control of Sky Tower and allowing several airships to reach his position. As of this moment, the young Demi God prepares to leave his forces against the tower, planning to sneak a team inside whilst the two armies do battle outside.

    Should Jayce succeed, he can remove the pressure currently placed on his armies and win some much needed support for the Order. Failure however will only bring him ever closer to defeat…

    For the moment, the battle swings heavily in the Order's favour. Jayce's team has successfully breached the tower and are ready to confront Carissa Samarost, the one leading the occupants at Sky Tower. Will the Order succeed? Or will they fall after coming so far?​
    Thread by: Xannytoes, Dec 21, 2015, 36 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Xannytoes
    Can I have both?
    Post by: Xannytoes, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Xannytoes
    Levi, just in time for Child's Play!
    Post by: Xannytoes, Nov 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xannytoes
    "Perving on girls after you get to know them is hardly any better then not knowing them prior, especially if you are invading their rooms."

    Levi was about to reiterate the point that he'd been mislead and wasn't attempting to perv on the women, yet Mikasa continued her tirade. Honestly, what had he done to deserve this? Thomas had deliberately come in here to look at naked girls, yet Levi was getting all the crap.

    "Your snarky comment is not appreciated by me, Mr. Reaver. I hope you understand that, Mr. Reaver, I will not tolerate that kind of arrogance in my Guild, much less my dorm room."

    Her words. Her stare. That god-awful stare. What was with this woman? Before he could argue his case, Mikasa decided to punish him. Not the good kind of punishment either. No, she decided to give him a wonderful knee to the stomach. Levi collapsed to the floor, clutching his aching body with his good arm.

    "I believe the best discipline is pain. Please do not heal him Silvia. What he needs is to be trained like a dog, not a man. It's not worth it to drain yourself. Now both of you - Get out."

    You *****. Levi felt for the hilt of his sword, and for a brief moment, considered drawing it and slicing Mikasa. A few cuts would certainly discipline her. But for all his anger, all his rage at the situation, he didn't see many benefits. Even if he landed a hit, there was no way he could beat her. Even if he was at 100%. Mikasa and Dale. He'd make them both suffer.

    He stood up and after giving the Attack on Titan ripoff the death stare, Levi limped out the room and slammed the door behind him.
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xannytoes
    "Mother of all things unholy, I'm going to murder that Gaius fellow."

    After learning that this wasn't the male side of the dormitories, Levi had ALMOST escaped the wrath of the females by slipping away. Keyword here is almost. He was promptly grabbed by Mikasa and oh boy, was he glad he was wearing a mask. His eyes couldn't help but dart back and forth. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing if he died here.

    "What in the absolute **** do you think you're doing? Tick tock tick tock boys. Every time you hesitate to answer, you're one step closer to hanging from the rafters, by your ankles."

    Damn. Death by rafter didn't sound all that pleasant. Even if he did have a nice view. Time to pull out Plan B.

    "Please Miss Mikasa, I didn't mean any harm!" Levi begged, "That moron with the red-hair, the guy who won the fight, told me that the boys dorms were here. I swear, I'm not the kind of person who pervs on girls. I'd much rather get to know them better before that."
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 29, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Xannytoes
    Profile Post

    Levi Reaver wuz here.

    Levi Reaver wuz here.
    Profile Post by Xannytoes for sportfreak22, Oct 29, 2014
  14. Xannytoes

    Levi smiled as Johanna walked away. Perhaps his time in the guild wouldn't be so bad. Aside from Jealous Dale and betting away a fifth of his money, the place was quite welcoming. He finished his meal and his drink, before departing the table and looking around at his fellow guild members. Sooner or later, he'd be forced to ally himself with them, be it as companions fighting on jobs or just to make friends.

    Passing by the guy with red hair, the lucky sod who'd won the watch, he overhead something about the location of the dorms. I should probably get myself a good bunk before anyone else. He upped his pace, fleeing the hall and making his way down the hall. He briefly considered turning right and visiting Johanna, but the red-haired bloke had mentioned something about a cranky S-Rank. Was it that Mikasa chick? She hadn't exactly welcomed him with open arms and a smile.

    Turning left, Levi opened the third door and...

    Oh crap.
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Xannytoes
    Levi would have been content to leave it at that. Heck, the look alone on Dale's face counted as a victory for him. But Johanna went and made things golden. Summoning some sort of strange plant, Levi watched as Johanna used it to give Dale a proper good lamping. He struggled to hold back a burst of laughter, resorting to hiding it by coughing.

    "I'm so sorry. Dale has a bit of a temper. I promise you it won't happen again, Levi."

    "I wouldn't worry too much," Levi laughed, gently grabbing her hand and lifting it off his cast, "I might not look it, but I can handle guys like him."
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Xannytoes
    Levi had made plenty of mistakes in his life. There was that one time he'd threatened a drunk swordsman, not realizing he was the leader of a Warrior Gang. Then there was that one incident where he'd accidentally broken into a prison. Come to think of it, his hastiness seemed to get him in a lot of trouble. This situation was no different.

    "Icemake Blades."

    Well crap. He hadn't expected the guy to challenge him to a battle. This certainly complicated matters. Gingerly, Levi rose from his seat. As Dale began berating him with his own speech, the masked man fingered his blade. He was tempted to cut him down mid-speech, but that probably wouldn't make him many friends.

    "Now, back down Levi. I'll give you this one chance. Say no, and I show you the power of an experienced wizard first hand! You choose to back down, we can sit down and settle this like gentlemen. A fight won't serve you here newcomer"

    "It won't do for someone like you to go besmirching my good name," Levi grinned, "Though I can't say someone who threatens an injured man for a simple jibe has much of a decent reputation himself. Tell me, do you often assault the newest members to your guild?"

    This is a dangerous game I'm playing, but with any luck the others will side with me. I doubt many people here will agree with Dale's violent attitude.

    "I don't give a damn how powerful you are Hawthorn, but I'm smart enough to know not to pick a fight in my current state. However, I'm not about to let you get away with this Scot-free, so here's what I propose. A month from now, when I'm healed and have a few jobs under my belt, we settle this. A duel on fair ground. Unless you think the only way you can beat me is when I'm at a severe disadvantage."
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Xannytoes
    As he waited patiently for Johanna's response, he jumped a little at the newcomer to the conversation. Some guy with brown hair, bluish eyes. He was wearing a dark coat with a fluffy hood, thought the item that caught Levi's attention was his necklace. What was that symbol? A wolf? Nothing he'd ever seen before.

    "And why the mask?"

    Nosy git, aren't you? He was the first person to remark on the mask, which was somewhat surprising. Most people who hid their face had something to hide. And whilst he certainly wasn't going to be elected 'Saint of the Year', not was he the type to brag about his history, Levi was hardly some lowlife criminal who concealed his identity and picked up chicks at the local guild. Okay, maybe that last bit was a bit of a lie.

    "Probably the same reason you wear that necklace," Levi replied, "Tell me Mr Curiosity, have you ever passed someone in town or on the road, forgetting their face as quickly as you saw it?"

    Levi paused, munching from whatever was on his plate. He wasn't paying too much attention to his food.

    "Now, have you even seen someone who caught your eye and implanted themselves in your mind? Maybe some rich tart spewing a load of bull outside the pub, clad in the fur or every animal on the planet. Maybe some poor sod down on his luck, missing an arm and half his face. Or maybe just some random person who happened to look interesting."

    "I've fought plenty of people in my time. Sometimes a drunk who would have forgotten me by morning. Or maybe a warrior with a feud to settle. I don't expect them to remember my face. But one thing you can be certain of is that they'll never forget the mask. They might be curious to discover the man behind it, but more often than not, they learn to fear it. They might not be afraid of a guy with a broken arm, but I've seen grown men run in terror from my mask. They don't have a clue who's wearing it, what they're capable of, what they've done and what they will do."

    "I'm sure you'll quickly experience it first hand."
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Xannytoes
    Johanna had turned a deep shade of ruby. Excellent. He still had charm. Not many people to practice with on the road. Ah well, at least he wasn't rusty. Looks like jobs and money aren't the only things worth my attention around here.

    "How about I spare you some jewels so you can go buy yourself some better flirting skills? Or better yet, just stop trying altogether."

    Levi was liking the red-haired girl less and less. Just because he'd taken some of her food and flirted with a few people. Honestly. He opened his mouth to deliver a cruel insult, but decided against it. Didn't want to give Johanna the wrong impression. He went to take a sip of his drink...

    "If you don't mind my asking, what brought you here to the Guild, Levi?"

    ...and nearly choked. He broke into a coughing fit, spluttering and wheezing behind his mask. And it was going so well. He couldn't tell her about his past, and wasn't about to for that matter. He thumped himself on the back, refusing to meet Johanna's gaze for a few seconds. He didn't want to lie to her, but what could he say? He couldn't go back there. Couldn't go back.

    "I came here to earn a bit of extra cash and train my skills," Levi replied, "As you can see, my last battle didn't end so well."

    He shifted his broken arm slightly, shuddering at the pain.

    "Oh, and I guess I wanted to meet a beautiful girl too."
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Xannytoes
    Such passion. Such pride. Obviously this was someone who cared about her home and the people within. Good looking and sweet as a cookie to boot. I think we'll get along just fine. He would have continued daydreaming, were it not for a loud crash coming from the battlers. Levi turned just in time to watch that Gaius bloke eliminate Veilen with a nasty Quick Blitz.

    "Well, there goes my money," Levi sighed, watching as his brief spot of gambling blew up in his face. He poured himself another glass, attempting to drown his sorrows with H20, when he realized Johanna was talking to him.

    "Sorry, it's rude of me to talk so much when I don't even know your name. If I may ask, what is your name kind sir?"

    "Don't know if I can be called kind," the masked man laughed a little, "I'm Levi. Levi Reaver and Mr Reaver if you're feeling cheeky. You seem pretty passionate about your guild here, so why don't you tell me what a pretty girl like you does around these parts?"
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xannytoes
    [Placeholder is still here]

    With Hasu's arrival, Levi was about to up his charm and begin to flirt properly, when he was distracted by the arrival of a dazzling girl, who took it upon herself to refill his glass. Now that's what he called excellent service. Back at the old fortress, they'd had nothing but water and no one to pour it.

    Ah, the fortress. Kalendor. A memory he soon wouldn't be ridding himself of.

    "Don't think about it," he muttered to himself, drowning the thoughts with a gulp from his glass. He directed his visual attention to the battle, noting that only three combatants remained. Including the guy he'd bet on. Excellent. Maybe he'd make some money after all.

    "So, Johanna was it?" Levi asked, downing the rest of his drink, "What's the guild like? I've heard a few rumors but I'd like a personal opinion."
    Post by: Xannytoes, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home